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A member registered Feb 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Cool that you liked the graphics and good to know that the weight and value difference give the game some strategy as intended.

Thank you for this good feedback and for playing.

Glad you liked it :-)

Good to hear that you liked the Art and the Concept. The Player animation probably looks so good because it took me like half a day to do it right. The rest of the sprites didn't take me nearly as much time, but I am happy with how it turned out.

I definitely plan to do more with it because I think there is a lot of potential.

And thank you for your feedback and for playing my Game.

I wanted to add Sound effects and more animations, but I ran out of time, but I think that you're right about the threatening level. Might be something I'm going to do after the Jam.

But thank you for your feedback regardless, and playing my Game.

The Object getting bigger was not intended to happen, it should get smaller, but apparently you weren't even the only to encounter this bug. But good to hear that you enjoyed it, otherwise.

It was really fun to play this Game and I liked the simple Art. I just wish there could have been more variety in enemies or something, but overall well done.

The Art of this Game is beautiful, and the Music does a good job at sounding good and conveying the right atmosphere.

I like the idea of the combat, but about the third fight with 3 big bugs seemed impossible to beat.

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This Game was really fun to Play, and it has so much content, which is pretty impressive considering the Time Limit.

The Loading Time at the Start was pretty long and at the End it was quite Laggy but Overall fantastic job!

The Game never really explains to the player how the carrying mechanic works, but thank you for your kind words

Thanky you

Yeah, there was more planned for this game, but this was what I ended up with, Glad you stilled liked it.

Thank you for playing

The Ghost definitely could use some rework if I would continue the development, and there really isn't a Storm, it's more like a warning and if you don't listen to the warning you just die.

But that's pretty much i, I originally wanted this Game to have some more interesting features, but there was not enough time to add them.

And I should have playtested more.

But thank you for playing my game regardless, and I appreciate your feedback. With all your critiques, that's really useful to know.

I liked the simple but good pixel art, and the game has quite a big variety of buildings.

Thank you for playing and your feedback. On The Start Menu there is a “Help” Button and when you click on it, it shows you the controls, but in hindsight I should have named it “controls”.

I really like the Graphics. Using a Solar Storm was also a good use of the Theme and quite creative. It was also awesome to have Zero Gravity and quite fun and challenging to move around.

It's also really impressive that this was all done in a Week!

This Game is fun to play and easy to understand. The Sound effects also give great feedback and are nicely done. But it was really easy to go out of bounds accidentally and not dying because of it.

But overall, nicely done

Good to know that the different weights and values work as intended. Thank you for playing and your feedback.

Thank you for your good and detailed feedback. 

I know that the Ghosts are in need of a few improvements, but your ideas are good.

But I definitely want to do more with the game after the Jam.

Thinks I would like to add, would be:

  • Multiplayer
  • More variety in Enemies (including Designs and behavior)
  • Better and more Visuals
  • Sound effects
  • And procedural generated maps to keep it interesting
  • More Layers to the Map like a cellar or a roof

I don't fully know how realistic this is, but it can't hurt to try

Thank you for playing my game and giving me feedback on it. I had much more in Mind, like a local multiplayer or weapons for the Player, but the time was too short for me, to add all of these ideas into the game in time. However, I might do that later if it seems worth it.

This was awesome to play, the Visuals are amazing, and the Music is also excellent. I also liked that the enemies are vibing to the Music, especially the Skeletons. I just wished there could be more variety in upgrades, enemies, or even other Weapons to keep it more interesting. 

But overall, good job

It was fun interviewing the employees and checking the clocked in times against the schedule and putting it all together, and there was a good amount of different employees to keep it interesting. The Intro felt a little long tho, with no way to skip or to fast-forward.

The way you control the Storm was like something I have never seen before, and the Idea that you play as the Storm is awesome! The Controls are difficult to understand, and it took me some time to get it, but when I did, it was really fun and challenging.

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Theres nothing you can do with the Money, it`s more like a Highscore. The Portal sucks the objects in and is supposed to make them smaller, but getting bigger is not supposed to happen. Seems to be a Bug.

Thank you for playing regardless and also for your valuable feedback

The Game has a very chill vibe, and the audio and Visuals are very good and support that. I also liked how the Sea changes with the Music when the Storm approaches. The Boat also felt good to steer.

Thank you for your feedback. The music was just thrown together in like 10 minutes, 2 hours before the deadline

Thank you for playing the Game. The mobile controls weren't difficult to implement, so I thought why not.

The Time Limit definitely is not one of the Strengths of the Game, which makes something like an Endless Mode worth implementing in the next Version of the Game. And thank you for the recommendation, it sounds awesome

Thank you for your feedback, I also noticed it too after playing it after the jam was over, so changing the spawn rate seems like a good idea

Thanks for playing and good to hear that the phone support is working

I'm really glad to hear you like it this much. I might even add an Infinite Mode to it, or just balance the Time Limit after the Jam is over.

I really liked the art style of the Game and the Atmosphere it has. Putting the evidence together and solving a case was really fun and satisfying. The controls could use some work, but are ok as they are. Overall, the Game was really fun to play and had a surprising amount of content. 


Thank you for your kind words and for playing the Game

The Time limit is intentional, but definitely needs some balancing or reworking. An Infinite Mode as much suggested might had been something worth implementing. Thank you for playing and for the feedback.

I liked the “Health Scale”, it is a fun implementation of the theme and the story seems interesting, I just wish there would have been some sort of introduction to it in the game like a cutscene or something. But overall it's fun and quite challenging.

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Glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for your feedback. The Platform support was very Easy thanks to the Engine I used.

Thank you all for Playing and Rating my Game.

If you're interested I uploaded an Updated version of the Game as an Executable but the Original will still be playable through the Browser.

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The Puzzles are fun, I enjoyed it.

Glad you liked it

The Puzzles are very interesting, the mechanic is very Creative and the music creates a nice atmosphere but it would be nice to tell the Player on how to switch between Characters