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A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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thanks for checking out my game!! :D

not sure if im allowed post links like this but here's a mega link to the zip i just redownloaded of the jam build. Thank you for the interest in playing my game ^^


oh no D:

I just redownloaded to see if it was borked for some reason but it worked for me. dunno what that's about, sorry!

Fantastic! I can tell Rain World inspired you and you have great taste. The atmosphere is top notch and the visual style is excellent. The use of stark shadows and ambiguous terrain contrast, while frustrating at times, is a really quick and effective way to get me thinking about every step and approaching this world with a sense of caution, fear and fascination. The little popping plants on level three, my fave. It did seem like on level 3 i got three or so consecutive rests where the only thing around was food behind blue card doors and nary a card in sight.

I ended up finding TWO guns and an axe and a grenade on floor 2 after getting booted from 4 and 3, and on my run through three i fell and died with both guns ;_______;

Feels like a full game even though I don't think I reached the end. Might try again later tonight. Good job!

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no don't apologize, thank you! That's really heartening to hear.

In order to suit the theme most, I leaned more into aberration crafting as the core point, when really the potion crafting is the foundation, and something you need to get decent at to keep the economics rolling to eventually have the resources you need for aberrations. In a future version there may be more reward or narrative focus on keeping your shop running at the same time, but the narrative stuff that is in the game only took shape on the last day really!

And also, those additional plot beats definitely would involve Zombie Ricardo, so take heart in that haha.

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oh yeah that feature is a must-know for 2d games in unreal. i didnt realize it existed until i watched cobra code's fantastic tutorials on the subject.

And yeah, I actually downloaded a plugin to add niagara particle support to widget BPs, but i didn't have time to learn or implement them unfortunately.

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Also it's not intended to be confusing when things explode--it happens when too much energy is produced (more than 3 in a slot or more than 7 in the center) but with how elements react when you use multiple reagents in the same reaction it can be a bit hard to tell what the end result will be. I had intended to convey that better with vfx particles representing the energy moving from place to place in the circle, but I ran out of time!

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Thank you for playing my game and for the thoughtful feedback!

I think you raise a really good point! And I think respecting the player's need to actually "waste" ingredients in figuring stuff out by being more generous about it is a simple change that would have big positive effects!  (Edit: I've just implemented single items in the shop with quantity between 1 and 3 for a small bump in price in the dev build and I think it does in fact make a world of difference, so thank you again!)

Unfortunately I only had a playable build on the second to last day and had no time to get any playtesting feedback. I'd like to prioritize that in future jams but I'm still glad I actually managed to finish one :D :D :D

Anyway, if you liked the game, I will likely update a post-jam version with some bugfixes, more polish, and certain balance changes like this! Stay tuned :3

the song is a frikkin BOP

Cute game :3 A bit difficult to execute a long term breeding plan with intentionality, but i like the creative use of hex color codes to make it appreciable at a glance instead of needing to constantly check a list of stats and tags.

Also I have a feeling this was partly inspired by a certain defunct flash game, and i wanna say i see n appreciate u ;3

cool game! I like the jetpack platforming. Might be even neater if it were a little less floaty or with a little more air control. I also dig some of the visuals/post processing room and the night vision activation was a nice touch, reminded me of Metroid Prime.

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You're spot on about that, lol. For better and worse I like it and it's been my primary engine since I started learning it a few years ago. I plan to make different kinds of games in it. I've steered clear of Unity for Reasons but I may still learn Godot at some point, or make 2D games of this scope in Game Maker instead which I have experience in as well. Notably, this project was also a prototype for a mechanic I plan to add to another game as well, that I'm making in Unreal, which is why I didn't use GM for the jam ^//^;;

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Thank you for the feedback!

I will definitely admit this game is a bit arcane! Part of that is intentional, but the other part is lack of playtesting. I'll endeavor to make it more understandable in the future, as well as polish up things including the sprites. But I'm glad you like them anyway :3

Unfortunately the scaling thing was something I realized once I actually built the game and surprisingly it's NOT a simple fix for unreal engine games.  I found posts on the epic forums complaining about this from 8 years ago! In a post jam version i aim to fix it but I think I will have to resize all the elements in every widget to do so <_<

And ur right, a dialogue speed slider would be clutch. I should have thought of that--it would have been a quick fix!

really like this! The atmosphere is great and the writing ain't shabby either. An interesting direction! :D

ended up wandering around alone in the dark after my companions died RIP

Thank you! <3
I really enjoyed working on the map art and transclownfish's character designs are so delightful.

dragging the mouse to queue moves for the squids should be better explained, but this is a really neat way to handle the "reverse pac man" idea! I like that you don't just play as one of the squids in real time but tactically maneuver all of them. Fun art style.

Woo! Proud of all of us <3 <3

I'm the environmental/Title screen artist! Find me on Cohost!

This is FANTASTIC! Unique premise, great art even if they're just sketches atm. 

You perfectly capture the "free use slut" fantasy in a setting I've not seen done in a game yet.

Love the interactions and the multi- micro-managing of clothes/texting/fucking.

If you ever want additional help with writing, I'd happily volunteer. This genre of sluttiness is my JAM!!

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This is a great take and I can see why it's hot. To offer another perspective, I love the new character design for Candace because it's the opposite/complement to what's described here.

That Candace seems like a perfect businesswoman that happens to be a slut and is adept at ignoring the lewd.

But the current Candace is like the perfect slut who has found a way to hack in it corporate life. I love the vibe of her trying to keep composure and generally not being good at it. Her productivity problems might annoy people but no one can really be mad at their employer-provided cumdump for long. (see: the "mistakes in your report" dialogue)

The feeling of sluttiness endearing you to a community or allowing them to gloss over flaws/mistakes is a powerful fantasy this game captures perfectly.