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Fanciful Crow

A member registered Aug 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Here is my game Rate Breaking by Fiery Griffin for Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2 -

To be honest I started without thinking of angry birds, when i realized It was too late for me lol. But it saved me trying to make a tutorial stage.

Your game is amazing. At wave 8, things were getting hectic.

Here is my game. Just a few more ratings. Rate Breaking by Fiery Griffin for Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2 -

Those are some bible accurate angels. Nice game.

Thanks for the feedback. I wanted to add music there but i was running out of time.

(1 edit)

I did everything and I gave up lol. Nice game and thanks for the solution. Also cops for that?! 

The movements were a bit slow and the were some clipping issues. Overall i do think it was a good game. Nice job.

The sound effects for the humans was hilarious. Maybe add levels. I think the game was really nice.

Almost there for me Rate Breaking by Fiery Griffin for Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2 -

Such a simple game, yet so hard. You really did an amazing job

I'm so disoriented lol. Nice game.

Dang. I related to the intro a bit too well lol. I really enjoyed the game a lot. I realized that if you find that sweet spot in the middle you are basically untouchable. Though seriously, you can expand on the game later. it was really good.

I was thinking that my score was high, then i saw number 1 on the leaderboard and realized I'm just trash. Nice game i really enjoyed it.

The looming threat of falling into the void. I really enjoyed the game. Nice job.

This was quite calming. Nice work.

Here is mine Rate Breaking by Fiery Griffin for Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2 - Just a few more to go

This was pretty good. Though there is no sound or music and your money depletes too fast. Overall I enjoyed it. Nice job.

Really nice concept. Though there are issues like performance and the controls, it's a pretty good game. Well done.

All I know is suffering. Seriously though your game is really good. Well done.

Dang.. You really went all out with 'chaotic'.

I like how things escalate so badly lol. Nice game.

(1 edit)

When I first started the round, I almost had a heart attack because of the change in music lol. The game was pretty good. Well done

Nice game. I managed to get 153.

This was really fun and simple. Nice game.

The game was really fun.

I think my main issue was controlling the cart. Otherwise this was a pretty good game and  I like the concept.

This game was really addicting.

The game is really nice. A few additions to the gameplay, for example, different weapons or enemies  would be great. Overall a pretty good game. Nice work.

I really enjoyed the game. Nice work you guys

What were you thinking when you came up with this lol? Its so random and well done. Nice game.

This game was really fun. Starting quite calm and doing resource gathering. Then things get really chaotic really quickly lol. I enjoyed it so much.

I really like how both movement and shooting require ammo. Nice game.

For a first game you did exceedingly well. Nice job.

Hello there. Here is my game. Rate Breaking by Fiery Griffin for Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2 -

Lol that was fun. I go full circle when trying to just turn. And the AI cars, they just don't care about you lol. Seriously though the AI for the cars seem very well done.  I really enjoyed it.

I like the game idea a lot. My problem is just some balancing issues like the bullets are too few to deal with the wave of enemies. Overall was a really nice game.

This is a nice concept. though a 2P mode on the same keyboard seems a bit too stressful.

I really enjoyed the game a lot. The visuals are really nice and the gameplay. Just a few additions like making sound effects for the objects and asking to restart once the time is up. Nice work