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Felipe Viana

A member registered Feb 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Café! Tem como acertar as bebidas? Tentei algumas vezes mas sempre dá errado kkk

Thank you for the kind words. I really wanted to finish the game but it was my first game in Unity and I was a bit sick. We’ll finish development during this month.

Well executed idea! I can see the potential of the game. It would be very nice if it had a stats page at the end to show how well I did.

Great polish for a jam game this is really amazing!

Very fun, couldn’t stop playing. Need to try again later the level with many muskets.

Is the game bugged? I couldn’t do anything

What do I have to do in this game?

Very fun and interesting! I thought I had no way out but I’m glad i reached the end.

Thanks for the comment!

Very nice to read your story about getting back into game development and even including your family in the process, one year ago i was doing the same thing, entering Löve jam 2020 and learning the framework during the jam, while my girlfriend was making the art for the game.

The game has some bugs but the restart button helped me to avoid getting stuck outside the level. The last level is very hard and it’s quite frustrating when you reach the row full of enemies but can’t shoot anymore. I still managed to get to the end and felt good beating the game.

It wasn’t clear for me if i lose life over time and if the eyes popping on the screen are just visuals or not.

Other than that i feel like the game has potential and it just needs more dev time for bugfixing and polishing.

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Got to 146 points! It needs more polishing to make the instructions clearer and better feedback on what’s happening but it feels good for the time you spent on making it, i can definitely see it becoming a nice game with more dev time.

PS: Did you also create all the art during the jam? It’s pretty good.

Nice game, the limited controls make it feel like an old horror game.

cool idea!

Cool idea, i didn’t think about that possibility! Having only 1 fact per country makes it easier to have more countries and facts that are strongly related to its countries, i like it.

Initially i did want to have more countries available but it turned out that it was very time consuming to collect more facts. For my next games i want to try to make some randomly generated content instead.

That sounds like a nice idea for a game with all these different variables to account for, maybe you could try to make it in more time because 3h seems too little for such a project.

Well maybe it’s just because i was playing on trackpad then, i don’t know.

Not sure what’s the idea that you were going for but i got to deliver the package in a glitchy way hehe.

Nice idea for a little game.

Main issue i had is that the game screen didn’t fit my computer screen and the content was overflowing, i.e. in the main menu i couldn’t fully see the quit button and at the end i couldn’t see the results.

Main issue i had is that i couldn’t fully rotate the camera 360º, not sure if it’s done on purpose or not.

Very nice game!

The only thing i would change is the camera, i see 3 possibilities to try out:

  1. zoom out a bit always
  2. zoom out a bit when you stop for a second
  3. have some way to control the camera while stopped, like using WASD to look around.

Nice game, the visuals and sounds feel very trippy.

It was a bit hard to understand but after getting it it was fun to try to achieve the goals. I specially liked the explosion mechanic because it can be either good or bad for you.

It feels like 2d golf and i like it. I did want to deliver the packages though so i would like if i could try to reach in X amount of shoots or just try again to reach the same destination from the start.

Great game! At first the controls seem weird but after trying a little bit i was engaged and played to the end to see all the different package types.

At the end i got fired even though i delivered the nuclear package but i guess that’s only end possible hehe.

The custom mouse cursor was pretty hard to see, i wish it was bigger.

I really enjoyed the music and different sounds in the game like the dog barking.

At first i thought the game crashed when i hit a tree, then i noticed it was just the textbox for high score lol.

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The gameplay feels very nice, the controls are precise and i feel the mistakes are my fault only.

The restart works a little weird because i have a package being automatically delivered and the car starts on the side, i think it should start the same way as the beginning of the game.

The main thing i miss in this game is sounds.

PS: nice to see that you also used Löve2d to make your game.

The gameplay is nice and addicting. One thing i think needs improvement are the visuals, the game would greatly improve with a nice color palette.

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Thanks for the comment! I did plan the game but i guess there’s some things that are hard to predict and have to test in game to see how it works. Word wrap ended up in the list of things that i couldn’t do because time was up hehe.

(2 edits)

I think the game is too easy, but i understand that it should be really hard to find time to balance and test the game in 3h only.

Thanks for playing and for the comment! Yeah, i should have made a visual feedback as well, i’ve noticed it while play testing but had no time to add it. I didn’t think about a progressive difficulty but it sounds like a good idea indeed.

It’s nice that there’s a story for the game, even tough it’s simple it made me want to reach the end to see what would happen.

Nice game for only 2h! I didn’t really like the camera movement because it made it harder to follow the action but other than that the game works fine and it’s fun for what it is.


Thanks! I’m happy that you had fun :)

Thanks for the detailed comment!

(3 edits)

Too bad i’m alone, i’m sure it would be fun to play with a friend. I felt that hitting the shot was too easy, maybe it would nice to have a timer so you can’t just think slowly.

PS: Very nice that you made random terrain generation and terrain destruction as well, congrats!

Very nice game! You did a lot of levels and a win screen in only 3h. I have some small complaints but overall the experience is very good.

I think using the K button to restart was weird and i ended up restarting when i didn’t want to a couple times. Maybe using spacebar to stop the block and R to restart the level could be better.

The blocks falling with acceleration made it hard to control the timing to stop the block correctly.

I think the block count on the corner shouldn’t count the blocks that you didn’t stop.

Hey we did similar ideas for the jam :)

The jump physics felt weird i think there’s horizontal acceleration which makes it difficult to control, if you make the horizontal speed constant it should feel better to control.

i think sometimes the ball does not jump even when my paddle is below it :(

Yeah the scroll speed increases too slow over time. I didn’t have time to properly balance and i was afraid of making it too difficult.

Thanks for the feedback :)