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A member registered Mar 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! :D

Hey, thank you for playing! I found the music on a website online, and then used a tool called sfxr for the sound effects. It was a bit time consuming to stumble on some good ones, and I'm still not 100% satisfied with some.

Thank you for playing! That's a good point about the audio, will keep it in mind :)

Very nice work and incredibly polished. It was very satisfying to beat the last level!

Very nice, short and sweet! I really enjoyed the eating animations and how it is full after a while. Really intuitive as well! You could add a sound effect for jumping as well to make it more satisfying, and maybe make the camera a bit less janky. Otherwise great job!

Very nice and quite impressive for such a short timeframe! I got to wave 5 :D I agree with the movement indicator and ability to cancel a card that was mentioned in another comment. A few other suggestions:

  • Add a max health indicator, like 3/5 
  • Add a way to read the whole card. This is needed when some cards are first/last on your hand, and some of their text is cut off the screen.

Great game! Also thank you for the leaderboard idea using SilentWolf, that's very neat!

Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to play it twice! Yes the bug is known, I just added it to the page as well and will fix it after the jam ends :)

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you liked it :)

Hahah glad to hear! It's a simple RayCast2D, with a Line2D that changes its 2nd point to wherever the raycast is casting. I learned it on a YT video by GDQuest (Make a Laser Beam in Godot in 1 Minute). The video does much more, but the basic idea is there. Add some particles to the casting point and you're done!

Overall. I am a web developer though so the coding part comes easy to me

You made a whole Command & Conquer clone in a week and you think my lasers are impressive? :D Thank you so much for your kind words!

Hahah awesome, I glad you liked it! Thank you!

So sneaky! Great game, enjoyed it very much! You did a great job with hiding them!

Thank you! I hope it was enjoyable nonetheless :)

Thank you very much!

That was really enjoyable, with nice polish and great sound effects (placing tiles is very satisfying). Does jump height vary somehow? Because sometimes I could jump high and others not so much. Also it would be nice to see some levels where the tiles were juuuust enough. I thought all the levels were easy to clear with extra tiles left

The game has a very nice concept, and is not as hard as I thought it would be! (level 2 is the only tough one) The mechanics of not being able to jump were nicely compensated by speed, low gravity etc, well done!

Thank you! Yeah that's what I wanted to achieve, I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you for playing! From the little research I did, I believe everything is public domain, but in any case I mention them in the Credits. Yeah the block does have issues I can fix after the jam.

Nice puzzles, I got all of them, except for the moon  (I had to cheat from source code to finish). Definitely hard!

Haha yeah that's bugged if you pick up the square, and release the mouse on top of the piece, they kinda stick together. It will get fixed after the jam

Thank you! Yeah that is bugged because the piece should not be able to touch the scissors :)

Thank you! I appreciate it :)

Thank you so much!

Good luck!
Some notes to maybe help you

  • on the sky level, I could not descend safely because I could not see the platforms below
  • I did not know I could attack until the first boss

Great original idea, great execution! Well done!

Fantastic game, the graphics are amazing and the concept is so original! I feel like you can build on this, in any case well done!

You're welcome! I thought of pressing R but the word "reset" made me afraid I would lose my progress :)
Something as simple as a minimap or an arrow pointing towards the center would help! Minimap would also be helpful to locate the icons easier!

Very fun and enjoyable game! I wish there was a bigger goal since I got to 50 capacity and 400 oxygen easily but had nothing to use them for

Very nice and polished game! The platform doodle was OP :D

Very good and polished for such a short period of time! Well done!!

Good effort! Maybe there can be a different combination of colors you need to achieve at each level, with clues on what it is :)

Very beautiful game, although a bit hard to finish

Indeed, more ingredients would make it close to impossible. Maybe you can buy some powerups to make you run faster or carry more ingredients. That would allow you to make it even more difficult after that

Very fun game, loved the mechanics and the smooth music

Nice concept! It would be nice to have some kind of indicator to show if you are getting closer, otherwise it can get tedious to search the whole level by hand

Maybe because it seemed like nothing changed. My money stayed the same, the $1000 option didn't disable, and the cannon stayed the same

Good game :) Maybe make higher items give higher energy, I was able to beat it with a ton of solar panels. Also no endgame screen

Nice game! Gets a little repetitive after lvl 6