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A member registered Mar 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey, If you were still looking for a teammate I shot you a friend request!

*friend requested you not dm'd whoops

Thanks man I shot you a dm on disc!

I really liked this game!  Creative idea and loved the enemy sprites.  Did you by chance code this in Unity I had a question on how you coded one aspect

haha sorry for the late response but thank you!

Ayeee lucky me I'm using the exact same engine and version as you :D.  Thanks a lot man!!!

Hey, I really loved this game!  One question, would you happen to know of a tutorial link on how to create that lighting affect where the player can only see in a small radius around them?  I was planning on making that happen for another game jam I'm in but I can't seem to find any info on how to perform the task.  Thanks!

I gave another shot at this game and found it much easier to find new things and enjoy the features!  I have updated my ratings. 

Really cool game I love the art!  I think theres limited gameplay to be had but in that time it's an interesting concept and fun game!

Happy to hear :D !

I'm glad you enjoyed the game!  Good tips to take into account if I make another platformer in the future i'll make sure to aim for a more realistic jump.  Thank you for playing!

Hey, I really like your art!  Pixel art is a lot harder than it looks and im learning that first hand haha.  Fishing games aren't what I usually play but I liked the calm setting and background art.

Cool game!  I think if the camera was adjusted to be positioned a little higher up it could improve the game as sometimes I would be blocking some obstacle and I would only realize it moments before I crashed.  I like the creativity!

limited gameplay but a lot of fun to be had in that time!

Cool (pun intended) game! I like the concept and the theme was definitely there.  Some of the jumps seemed downright impossible such as when the spikes were right on the left side of the block, but other then that good game. 

Cool concept!  I think the theme could have had more of a presence in the game but still a good job. 

wow wow wow this art is so good!  Im amazed at all the small detail you were able to put into this game such as the moving water and the animations the player makes!  The 7 minute timer may be a bittt too much time to give but other than that its hard to find any faults.  Well done!!

I had a lot of fun designing that level! Yep that was an issue I tried minimizing by having empty objects that would kill the player for a majority of walls but I wasn't able to do that for all of them.  Hopefully that didn't ruin the experience too much.  Thanks for your kind words!

Thank you for such a kind comment, it meants a lot :D!  Hopefully in my next games I can hone in on the art aspect haha

Wow!  I really love the background art and all of the art in general, huge props.  This game was super fun and encapsulated the theme well.  

The art was so cute on this game!  The dog was also a good addition haha.  I think a "how to play" section would greatly improve your game as I had quite the hard time understanding the basics but incredible game!

Those are really good ideas!  I'm pretty new to coding so it may be difficult to implement but I can try my best to make at least one of those a reality.  Thanks for the advice!

Hey, I'm glad you enjoyed! I am not quite following with the suggestion, do you mean a move that dashes the player forward or shields itself in a certain radius, or another weapon like a shotgun?  If so then those sound like really good ideas that I could try to implement, Thanks!

Thanks for the really detailed comment and Im glad you enjoyed :D haha I did that same thing of going straight down when playing I probably could've hindered that by making the map bigger but oh well.  Thank you for playing and amazing job on your game as well. 

fun gameplay especially in the tight window of time.  I liked your use of the limitation as well!

Amazing concept to flip the usual tower defense game on its head and it was fun creating different combinations of armies trying to win

The graphics are amazing!  It was a bit hard to know when you could attack the witch but incredible game in 3 days

The graphics were really cool!  Its clear you put a lot of detail into this game looking at small features and it helps to create a fun experience 

A wildly different game then I thought I would be seeing here, but in the best way possible! Super creative game with nice visuals

I liked the art style of your game and the creativity!

Props for making a co-op game in the span of 3 days, and I like that you have three different classes for more variety.

I really liked the art style of this game!  It caught me off guard with how hard it was going to be haha

Thank you!  I will also be adding the phrase "Delicious humor" to my regular vocabulary.  I probably should have made the game a little easier for circumstances like that, my bad.  Glad you enjoyed it.