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A member registered Sep 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Liked how all the levels kinda followed the non-stop pattern, and as you complete them first time, you allready know where you can use new abilities to lower the time completion, well done!
P.S.: Also double jump felt a bit weird since it was working only half of the time, maybe ground check wasn't as long as player collision (wild guess) .-.

I just really appreciate the auto-attack while holding LMB!

Some polish would be really nice, but I think with more expirience in the future you'll get it all done without any problems ^-^

It takes time time to get used to inputs (Got a bit tired pressing Cntrl) but feels good to complete levels, great realization overall and thanks for those little mushrooms on levels!

Yep, movement can feel a bit junky, but that's for difficulty purpose only, sorry if this was frustrating you, hope you still have a bit of fun! .-.

Yea, character stops moving on the edges, so the game can be a bit more challenging and rewarding at the end, without it the game would be just 1-time run. Sry if this was uncomfortable moments, because it can be frustrating sometimes... ._.

It is fun little game! Loved small motivational bubbles ^-^

Dash is a bit junky for sure, liked everything anyway!
Only my problem is that I don't really good with jumping on "W", and fell a lot cause of it :D

Animations is nice and fluid! Only problem (maybe just for me) that bullets don't go through powerups, but nice realization overall 

Probably more, cause I usually take small breaks, but in terms of work i believe it's close to truth (Jam's make me actually WORK) :p

I believe I spent more time figuring out what I should be doing now - to actually be on time (since thinking and making marks in document/task list doesn't really count as work)...

I liked the pogo move, thought about it a lot myself. 2nd level is a bit confusing, and 3rd one have some strange camera placements, so i got lost a bit on it.
Great art and realization!

I really liked that you can heal after defeating any enemy, that's making game so much less frustrating. Fog of war and field of view is really good, liked it a lot. Maybe a lil bug where player can move faster if you try to fly diagonally (holding 2 buttons at the same time), but maybe it's just my game feel changed when I holded 2 buttons :D
Great expirience overall, liked white ShootingEnemy ship

Yeeep, it's kind of the setting, where people's blood equal to some jam. Sooo protagonist hitting himself to pray for this god. And yep, you've completed the game! c:

Thank you so much!

Managed to finish it by pressing E everywhere suspicious :D
Well done, I liked shooting gray Patricks

The game is very addictive from the first minutes if you give it a chance.
5 red cards of 13 power on wave 10 killed my strategy during the first playthrough :')
The game is still very good!

Glad you had some fun! I wanted to add a little tension, thanks to this battery, but I also wanted to add something to reward the player for completing the game, maybe I really went too far with the battery consumption and should have made it last longer...

Thank you! Idea with blood is actually great, too. Wonder, why i haven't even thinked about it, because idea of some slimey-drops  was in my head for a while...

That's great how you used all mutators. Couldn't finish it, though, but it definitely have some unique experience, well done!

G'day, yep, now I understand that I have to make some more effort towards feeling of actually doing something with instruments, not only sounds and lights...
So at first you have to use saw to remove the "tubes", by clicking on orange lights, as I allready said, the only indication that you are doing something is sound, which once completed - changes level a little.
Thanks for the comment!

Everything is great, a slight increase in difficulty as times goes on and everything will be even more interesting!

Quite don't get how to use portals and got caught off guard by camera bug, or something which made my character sprite go invisible, great art tho! Some bug fixes and camera improvements and might be a neat game

Really cool concept!

Got stuck on level 2, because couldn't pass through barrier and Street light, tried to make police copter to destroy it but no sucsess.. liked the idea and realization, would love to see some changes in movement speed at least, tho, compare to other "citizens", our robot is like snail. Good thing with inventory, but why don't just add 10 seconds on clock pickup, since we can use them immediately and don't waste inventory space for them.
Realized that we had jump on 2nd attempt, cause i somehow missed it at 1st, still can't jump over the barrier :p
Great game overall!

It is really hard to beat, spend a lot of time at 1st level and "Funnel".
Really good game, but kinda frustrating at some levels, was thinking of skipping them because got angry after 10+ attempts. Skill issue I guess, but still you basically can do zero mistakes, so, kinda true life expirience!
Well done! ^-^

It really costly for sure, my pc was barely surviving this shotgunners shootout, in the boss room I barely had 15 fps, and I realized that this is a boss room only in 2nd attempt.
Some UI and difference in boss model from the goons could be great, and really should do something with performance, maybe add streaming volumes or get enemies shoot at player only if they see him.
Not bad for sure, but many have to be updated to be good. Well done!

Is he handsome in a good way, or a bad way..? I still don't know, but it's fine, i guess...
Making camera go underground was pretty funny ngl, still liked the levels, well done!

Great game, but maybe ability to hold and shoot would be nice, my finger is sore after trying to survive my 3rd attempt :D

This button just want's to be pushed...
Great reflex test here, but not without random, got caught off guard by spawning in the corner and being blocked by ~12 magnets :D

A bit too short but still interesting. The magnet feels a little uncomfortable because it doesn’t always work on all objects, and it often turns out that you push objects that you didn’t want to push at all.
Maybe a text tutorial/control input would be nice as well. Good prototype!

Levels are really nice, but sometimes you might fell into the pit, and sometimes you can just float on top of it, so it gets tricky on the part with four metall walls and door on the pit.
Could be great if light's go off / something else after we get into the room once. 

It's really slow for a puzzle, but great mechanic tho, 100% more than one way to improve this game and make it even better.
Black screen feels like out of place, since we can just spam "R" and see the level, making us look at a slightly darker place would give the same effect as goind full in dark mode - in this case.

This was great 3 minutes, liked the unpredictable theme change after timer goes 0

I liked it, you need time to get used to controls and then you get it, game ends.
Really well done levels!

This gem won't go up anyway.
Very fun game for sure!

Yep, game is not working in browser, try to disable "Compression format" in build settings.

Well done! Having a record makes you want to break it if you fail the first time, and kinda have a feel of arcade game because of this :)

I apologize for any inconvenience caused, I hope you still got positive emotions from our game! ;)