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A member registered Dec 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Go Dot!!!

Really cool game, a little hard and i love it, music not bad, but visual style needed improvements, but game really good

waa, this is literally geometry dash, music not bad but monotonous, I completed it and died just 155 times, not really bad


Yee, glad you like this game :3

Waai, so thanks, i tried my best :3

Waa, I never have this problem, maybe because I use FireFox, but worry not, you can still download game, and I check game also in chrome, thanks for comment

click click click... stop talking to button..... click click

(1 edit)

Broooo, this game soo cozy and hard in the same time(I played this game cuz i have "XAMPP"), art and animations really not bad, they're a SUPER cozy

And ye seems like youdon't switch one button:

pleeease if u still can change button state, DOO THAAAT, game really cool

btw would cool if you could to change speed of game

Ye, I found it out when tried to rush them

this is just simple game, and I have no pretension or something to game, but, your game page, is something, write dark color on dark color, yee sound like good idea, and game mmmmm not really bad

this game take a lot time for understand how to play in it, I never play strategies before, and can't say good this, or bad, but this has been a little funny, specially when I realize I can go to enemy's base, not really bad

omg, dude, this is so.. sad.. I hope he's someday play your game

simple flapy bird, but when you press button, you need replace current value gravity, not multiply or something

if (button.press) {
  velocity.y = flap_strength;

game really cool, but why player doesn't attract to grid(I mean when he's move automatically) this make game really difficult, except this movement, game - not really bad

if schizophrenia were a game, it would look something like this. not really bad, but in browser sometimes can lagging


oh, don't worry, I did not want to offend you, everyone makes mistakes.

i can't recommend specific tutorials, but can some YouTube channels which helped me



Okay... game not really bad, but I decided look at your code.... and now I need the services of a psychologist, 'cause your code is.... sorry about that, but it's worse thing what I'm seen ever,seriously, I thought: "hey, I can rewrite this", but i can't, this game needs to be written from scratch. 

I really hope you can do it, u can watch some tutorials or something like that, and make it... better than now, luck u

Yeeeee, it's reference to Hollow Knight, Thanks! :3

Oki, wait for full version of game)

Waaa, Thank You! :3

Waaa, so glad you like it(I'm really happy), and what about capturing mouse - i trying do that, but it's has been so.. odd, I had to add option to switch between this two "mouse states", and Thank you for your feedback soo much :3

Yep, design character it's literally reference to Hollow Kinight, glad for you said this

Yep 3D a little bit more difficult than 2D, but i have some experience before

And thanks for feedback, if i will be further develop this game, I close this right side near "planet" 

And thanks for post, luck you too :3

This is wonderful game, visual style is so pretty cool, and music really good, of cource here a few levels, but that's okay... and about cookies.. it's reference to DeadP?

oki, this is not so bad, but u can use "one way collision" for platforms, and they will not push you out of map(if you below a platform), or add reset button, or reset level if player came out of map, and game sooo slooooow, this game need MORE dynamics, concept not really bad, and I believe - you can do it better

you know, I have a flashbacks of flash games in 2016-2017 years when i played in this game, and it's... really good, i love it so much <3


Waaa music in this game soooo classy, I've always loved 8-bit music, it's awesome, and good visual style, i really love it, but this game have a one big problem... it have not enough levels, i want more levels

This is very good, but i have a feeling what this game can be more dynamic, if append dash / alternative attack / possibility shoot in any direction(or at least 4 direction) - if you will be further develop this game, i believe that's how it will be, luck you :3

sorry, but i can't walkthrough this game, 'cause my window resolution mush lower than expected by game / please in next time set stretch mode to 2D(in godot 3) or Canvas_Item(in godot 4), it's literally 1 click to fix it

path to this property: display/window/stretch/mode

Waa, thanks)) and yep, to had to inform players about double jump, sorry what I didn't, and yes, i should make jump on space(idk why i didn't make it), thank for post <3

Waaa thanks so much, yes think i had to inform about double jump(sorry about that), and I was worryed about what I make game soo easy, thank for playing :3

Lua Jam community · Created a new topic How about Liko-12

Liko-12 it'a also have lua as programming language, BUT can't export game(

Sooo, it's so.. odd, why apple robbed the bank? he want good life? I wanna prequel to this game, Visual - not bad, and sometimes can be funny(I about cars, them literally flattened)

Music really good btw)))

Yes I can launch your game (I get 196 score), game not bad, how for game which has been wrote on pygame, it's cool

Thanks ^_^

