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A member registered Mar 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow, thank you for these compliments and feedback! Strange that it was laggy, I wonder what may have caused this? I am looking to further develop this, quite possibly as a premium game. So happy you enjoyed it, thanks!

Oh that is so great to hear, cheers! Game feel is so important to me, glad you liked it! Thanks!

You're absolutely right about the enemies, they need fixing. I'm excited that you see potential in it and I really want to take this furtjer. This feedback helps a lot, thank you!

So happy to hear that you liked the different concepts put together. I treated this as a test of bringing these ideas together and I'm very pleased with the results since people seem to get what I'm going for. The enemies aggressiveness is a problem and definitely needs tweaking and balancing. Thank you so much for the feedback, I'm looking forward to improving upon the whole design/game!

Awesome, great to hear! Thanks!

Agreed, I haven't really balanced anything so different stats definitely need different curves in terms of stepping up improvements. Thank you for this feedback and the kind words!

Thanks, the art was pretty rushed so that is a nice compliment! Happy to hear that you enjoyed the game and thank you for the feedback!

Thank you! It is so fun creating pixel art but can be very time consuming.

Haha, I can imagine, didn't think of that

Simple yet effective design, I like it! Also very nice feedback/juice! Good work and enjoyable game!

Certainly a challenge and I like the pixel aesthetic! Good job!

Great game, enjoyed it a lot and it is similar to my own submission but a different take which is really interesting to see! Nice work!

One of the main goals was to make the herding fun so I am very glad you liked it and thank you for this feedback!

Wow, that is superb to hear, thank you so much!

Is that a CGP Grey reference? Love it! Thank you for that, it really makes me want to keep developing this!

Thank you for that compliment! That was a reaction I was hoping for with this mechanic, thank you for that!

Thank you, that really motivates me to develop it further! And I very much agree with your feedback. In fact, me and a friend were commenting that the enemies were to aggressive. I toned it down some at that point but then had other things that I needed to implement so I never got to balance it even further. I really do appreciate the feedback though, it will make the game better.

Thank you, makes me happy to hear! Yup, there are a lot of things that need tweaking/fixing and you are right on the money with the fire rate. Sincerely appreciate the feedback.

Haha, yes, that is something that happens when they break apart. I wanted to implement a "behaviour" for this scenario since I knew it would occur for a lot of players but I simply wasn't able to squeeze it in. Very happy to hear that you enjoyed the overall concept!

Yes, I felt the same way but didn't have time to adjust it. But it is good to get these things confirmed from others so I thank you for the feedback, it really helps! Also, very happy to hear that you liked it overall! Cheers!

Yeah the onboarding isn't great but I am pleased to hear that you stuck with it and had fun. Thank you so much!

This is very cool, hexagons sure are useful. For feedback I think it would be nice to see a quicker way to shift between the different hex types. Also, some kind of optional "paint" tool or feature so that the mouse button can be held instead of clicking each individual tile. Overall I really like the concept of it and I think you are headed in a good direction game design wise. Keep it up!

It is awesome that you put something together and chose to submit it, well done! Like you said, this is a learning opportunity. And as others have commented, you definitely deserve points for style!

Hey very nice concept! It really reminds me of my submission for obvious reasons. Great work!

This mechanic becomes very interesting thanks to the way you choose to utilize it. It really seems to have potential, very well done!

I completely agree, the fov/viewport size/camera needs adjustments. Glad you enjoyed it though, thanks!

This makes me want to take this concept further, thank you!

Excellent, I really wanted the herding to be a fun mechanic. Glad you liked it, thank you!

That is great to hear! Gameplay feel is very important to me and with limited time it is always such a challenge. A fun one but a challenge still.

Thank you very much! I really want to develop this further.

This really fits the theme nicely and I really like the concept as a whole. The user experience needs further work, especially getting a better overview of the cards. But with further development I could see this becoming a very good game, good job!

Love it! A simple yet engaging design. It reminds me of my own submission, for obvious reasons, but this is of course its own thing. Nice work!

I adore the minimalist design of this, very well done!

Really like the concept and it is very relaxing to play. Well done!

The atmosphere is haunting and I mean that in a good way. It makes you want to further explore the world. Well done!

Very creative use of the theme and tricky puzzles. This is great!

Wow, love this concept and the character! This could really produce some interesting puzzles.

So simple, so fun! This could get even more cozy with more polish, very good job!

Very nice, relaxed and soothing. I dig it, well done!

Such polish, really elevating the concept! Well done!