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A member registered May 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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10/10 best game, would rather play this than Minecraft!!

The blend of 2D and 3D assets looks great. I played on mobile and noticed that there is a slight delay when jumping, which is a bit annoying when you're tapping quickly. The sliding feels great, the slight speed boost makes it even better. The "Lucid Dream" mechanic was interesting, but it's not clear what you're supposed to do with it the first time. 

Very nice visuals and great music. Playing the right key felt a bit unresponsive and coming back from "dying" felt very disorienting. Otherwise, no complaints! I could totally imagine this in an arcade hall! 

The controls were a bit unpredictable and clunky. Sometimes the character got stuck on walls and platform (which seems to be a common Unity problem). The artstyle is cool and the levetation mechanic is interesting, even though it does not work perfectly. I really like the co-op aspect of it, but the "lantern" player should have more things to do in that case. The second player is very limited with their mechanic.

The game is very pretty, the textures on the 3d models look really good and fit right in with the 2d assets. This would have been so much fun to see a physical version of, especially if you could reach for the other players buttons and screw up their spells! 

The ingredients list is a good idea in theory, but makes the game more into a memorizing game. Maybe having less spells, or less things to mix with? But on the other hand when two players share one cabinet, it adds to the competition. So it's a difficult problem to solve.

Otherwise, really fun game! Worked well for me

I assume this is a game for the Arcade Course, I would really like to see how you planned the physical controls to be! I think it would really change the feeling of the gameplay alot. The game takes an interesting twist on combat games. The visuals were a bit jaring at times and the world tilting effect felt a bit nausiating when you play it on a computer. 

Graphics wise, it's looking pretty solid. The colorscheme and lighting goes well with eachother. I really like the player character, very different from the usual. I really like the "dollhouse" aesthetic. The game ended abruptly for me after some time, but I assume it was the ending since it pulled me back to the menu screen. The voiceacting is alright, it really makes you disslike the narrator and gives you a good idea of the world the character is living in. The soundeffects really need to be adjusted, they are way to loud. 

A fun game with a simple yet frustrating premise, in a good way! I didn't manage to beat the second level, but I thought the game was good anyways. The editor is wonderful and I love how things snap to eachother and how you can select multiple things. The artstyle fits the silly gameplay. Really good job on the game and the page (probably the best page I've seen this year!)

The door puzzles and the visuals are the strongest parts of this game. The models, textures and colors look nice together and the enviroment and colors fit perfectly together. I never reached the end of the game, because of confusion and frustration. Even with the signs on the walls, the level design felt confusing and I got lost a few times, and did not now where the end goal was.

I wish I could explain myself better, but the movement felt off. The movement was a bit too flowy and the camera was a bit too smooth.  "Mind controling" the enemies was cool, but I was always worried that I might get "killed" if the other enemy managed to reactivate the other before I reached them.

The visual style of the game is really neat and I expecially like the stylized furniture. The character is cute and I like the different expressions in the drawings for the dialogue. I did have problems with the camera, since I use two screens and the mouse cursor could move outside of the game. The puzzle was also unclear to me, I managed to solve it by random chance. The text was to fast for me to read. I'm a slow reader, but the player should be able to read at their own pace, and skip text if they want to. 

With 77 over par I finally managed to beat it! A really frustrating but fun game. Even though I wanted to throw my keyboard out I kept playing until I beat it. A pause menu with a restart button, and maybe a try limit would be good if a full game were to be released on mobile.

The car models, the characters and the colorscheme is great. The overall look of the level looks nice but playing it felt like a disoriented mess. Acceleration and steering felt out of control and sometimes I fell for forever without respawning. The music became a bit repetetive after a few minutes and the goal felt a bit unclear.

The mechanics of the puzzles were pretty straight forward but they  the were also tricky and felt rewarding. The drawings told a story I wish I knew more of, really good job. The last puzzle took a long time, but it felt like a "aha I got it! moment" when I beat it. It took me some time to realize that you can push and interact with all things that are more saturated/brighter than the background, maybe that could be more clear for the player? (I did not know you could push the mirror until I accidently pushed it).

Really have no complaints. Solid mechanics, fun game, and it even has an interesting story tied into it! Good job!

Even though I didn't finish this game once, it was really fun and felt hectic. A simple concept that makes for a fun, arcade game. The voice acting just added a little extra humour to it, love it!

I do wish the cart went a bit faster, to maybe make the gameplay even more chaotic. And maybe add fewer things on the shelves further apart. Since things were very close to eachother it's easy to just ignore your money limit and spam to grab everything in one lane.

If your shaking your mouse very fast towards a wall you can go out of bounds, Otherwise it has a really simple and nice artstyle. Sometimes it's difficult to differentiate the trash from the food. An intresting game with a good message!

A visually pleasing game with simple puzzles. The enviroment together with the music makes it feel very "at home" and I like the references to previous games at the university. I had some problems with opening the door, but it opened after a few clicks. Solving puzzles is nice, but the ending feels a bit underwhelming. 

The game looks really pretty and the shooting feels alright. The modells look good together with the textures and lighting. Some animations felt a bit strange. There was a problem in the menu where I couldn't navigate with my controller at all. Is there a goal to the game, or do you just run around in the different train carts?