Thank you for playing both this game and my game for round 1!!!
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Amazing game, makes me jealous :D
Had a lot of fun and the style was really nice!
I did have a bug where, each time I game over'd, the background would be broken. The first time it was completely black on each level, the second time it had that stringy foreground color, but the background was still purple>
My cursor also disappeared on multiple occasions, mainly when choosing pills
I think the mechanic are quite interesting, but I didnt really feel the progression, I get a new monkey every so often but at the end of the day I'm just clicking the same bananas and waiting for the stock price to go up so I can sell, even though the numbers go up, my experience is the same.
Overall an interesting little game
This game drew me in and I played it for quite a bit, which for me is always a clear sign that the game is doing something right!
I thought it was super excited when I unlocked a new letter, but I was a bit bummed out that I could only equip it as a constant, I think it would have been a nice way to add some difficulty scaling to the game if that letter joined the other letters by coming in randomly. Maybe it would make the player stronger, but also the gameplay harder?
Either way, still really enjoyed this game!