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A member registered Jul 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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The visuals are so well done I am honestly surprised. If the game had improved movement and engaging audio I could probably play this for hours. Unfortunately best score I could get was  only 154..

I absolutely love the cute visuals and the funny sfx. The more I play the game, the more surprised i become how doing some things just work out! The visuals could adopt a better color palette though but Good job overall!

The art looks beautiful and I love the abilities you gain. I do think the tentacle and eye attacks feel a bit clunky as you can't predict where they will land. Nice game overall though!

Yeah i feel like i got too focused on other aspects and sorta neglected the balance.. but thank you! 

Thank you!

Hey thanks! I do have some ideas for extra levels but don't know when exactly that would happen. 

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah that's a known bug and I plan on fixing it after the jam. 

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Hey thanks! Another trackpad hero is here, amazing! 

About the art, it's sort of a different interpretation of Kuukiyomi which is also the main inspiration for this game. If you haven't played that one, you should! 

Love the art style and the music choice! Very cute!

Ok I got a little too invested into stage 1! Especially since I was playing on a trackpad. I don't have enough time to play the game for hours but  I can definitely see the appeal. I do think the visuals could improve a bit but that can definitely be worked on. Good Job!

The chosen one is here! XD
I honestly wouldn't want to play with a trackpad but I am impressed you could!

Thanks for playing!

Loved the art and the concept. Though it was a bit confusing at first, I did end up finishing it. I like the idea overall, though it could've benefitted from checkpoints, or maybe even just being able to restart by pressing the spacebar. Having to reach over to my mouse every time just for that got a bit frustrating. Also it is basically possible to just run to the light shells, then to the exit and ignore the other mobs as they won't be able to hit you at all. If that was intentional then I commend you because I had a lot of fun doing that XD. Overall an enjoyable experience. Would love to see more levels!

Loved this! This humor is exactly what I look for in games. That moment when the music instantly stops the moment you first win is really funny. Even the font for the text is perfectly childish. I also love how fitting this game is to the theme of the jam. No abstract concepts or anything, just doing the complete opposite to what you do in tic tac toe. Also surprisingly difficult at first.
Overall a great game!

Great game which makes you think more than you expect to! I love the idea of the player growing larger making it harder to enter areas as you collect more binary numbers. The only complain other than the ones already mentioned would be that I think the jump is a little too basic and could be improved for better game feel. Would love to see more levels!

Thanks! Yeah It's a compatibility issue.. Might feel bad but can't do anything about it XD

Thanks! Its honestly more of a compatibility issue than anything else..

Thanks! I did have some ideas for more levels but due to the lack of appropriate tools (drawing tablet) work was very slow..

Thanks a lot!

I think it ran at the right speed for me. At least if I compare to the video you shared, and yes, just died at the end of stage 2, not 1.

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I really enjoyed this literal interpretation of role reversal!

The role switching mechanic was really fun to play with along with swapping places with the other. I also felt that the challenge was just appropriate enough to make me want to finish it. I also love the artwork of the stellas.

I almost beat the game but got too distracted right at the end and ended up failing. Just to let you know, there was a bug on my PC were the "A" key wasn't working for the red Stella but the arrow keys worked well enough so I played with them instead. There are also some visibility issues with the stellas in shadows.

Great game overall!

Ok this is definitely the best game idea I have seen in this jam until now. The sheer amount of possibilities with just keys on your keyboard being physics boxes is insane. Almost reminds me of Q remastered. This isn't fitting the theme of the jam really well but I don't think it matter when the outcome is this wonderful. Also, the keyboard puns are great.
I know it isn't much noticeable but the amount of polish you have added in 48 hours is nothing to laugh at. With a few more levels added, it might as well be a demo for the final game.
Great job and I would love to see this made into a complete game I can purchase!

The Idea of you finding your game dev in a maze as a binary code is really unique. However, I did notice a few areas that could benefit from further refinement. I believe with some adjustments, it has the potential to be even more enjoyable. Keep up the great work!

Absolutely amazing! 

Your ability to come up with such intricate levels with increasingly complex solutions, all that in 48hrs is insane. I also love the music choice, art and the hilariously fun dialogue. I love the hilarious take on the demon king - hero dynamic where the hero is possessed and has to insult civilians. It fits well with the theme while turning a well known trope on its head.

The idea of linking the movement of both of them is comical and works really well as a mechanic when paired with a teleport mechanic. I also love how the teleport isn't just a "get out of jail " mechanic and is actually required in a decent amount of levels to either reach the end or just not die when guiding the hero.

If I had to complain about anything, I would say that the dash mechanic isn't as well implemented and I couldn't see the point of it being there even after trying to. Also the resolution button doesn't work as intended on browsers (but I'm sure you know that).

I can truly see this easily becoming a full game with just a little polish.

Thank you :))

Thank you! 

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Thank you! I couldn't make a lot of art quickly because I didn't have my drawing tablet and had to work using a mouse.. but those sound like some fun ideas! I did think of exam as a prospective level but the idea of an oral sounds hilarious. Might include it if I develop this further. 

Hey thanks for the kind word and feedback! 

I honestly did think about making it a button hold instead of click originally but this weird thought of "Maybe the game will be too easy then" sorta fogged my judgement which in retrospect shouldn't have mattered at all. 

Yeah I think that might work well.  Thanks! I myself was also thinking of some osu-like popups for a change of pace if more levels are to be added.

I think the idea of leaving clues instead of finding them is an excellent idea! Truthfully though, I do feel that your implementation of said idea leaves a lot to be desired. Completing the game is as easy as roaming around the room and finding the exit. There's nothing that stops you, and even the guards aren't fast enough to catch up to you which sorta makes the theme feel entirely pointless. Hope I don't come off as too harsh. Nice try though!

Fun game and a nice twist on the fishing genre! I really enjoyed the comfy vibe of it with the chill music. I do think that a little visual indication of buttons being hovered on, and the direction you would be bringing the fish to would just be a cherry on top to make it feel better.
All in all a Great game though!

Thank you for the feedback! I did feel it felt a little repetitive but couldn't come up with ideas. Do let me know if you can think of some.

Hey, thanks for the feedback! i indeed just didn't have a lot of time to plan out properly how players would perceive and interact with objects. It ended up being hard to figure out what to do. 

It's actually really easy, you just have to right click (fast time) on the clock a few times and the progress bar advances quickly. 

Nice game. I like the strategy element involved in building your teams to get the most out of the dice rolls while also preventing your enemy from getting too strong. Although I do think the game relies on output randomness a little too much.. or maybe I just am not good at team building..

I love auto battlers and I also love this game. Although I expected the gameplay to be annoying because of the massive reliance on output randomness, I extremely engaged in thinking of strategies to make my minions better. I do wish the camera transition between battle and dice rolling could be a bit faster but great game otherwise!

Thank you for the detailed feedback! I did have an upgrade system for the character planned which involved using the dice and the ability to buy hearts from the shop but couldn't manage my time well enough to add those in T-T

This is definitely the best game ive played in the jam. The rules in each map seem so simple yet are hard to master, and the controls are extremely well done. i died so many times but the games is just too addictive to give up! The art is very polished and the idle animation with the angry cursor is absolutely adorable. The music and sound effects are also just perfect.  

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Thank you for the extremely kind words and the critique! I will also take into consideration the timer mechanic!

great concept idea and fun game!

really fun game with a great music! it was really fun trying to make the turns at the right time! I would like the option of one coherent world instead of levels a bit better maybe but i can see how that can quickly go out of scope for the 48hrs.