Liked the nod to limbo, love that game. Was a little salty since I assumed spacebar would be the jump button but nbd once I got over it. Nice Entry!
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I thought that the way you taught the player the controls was a nice touch. Lots of games (including my own) just throw text at you, but designing the levels in a way that forces mechanics to be used is nice. I thought that splitting and rejoining the slimes was nicely used in the puzzles. The games pace could be quickened up a bit imo but really its not a problem
I am big a fan of the music, appreciated how you implemented the piano for those floaters (don't know what you call them). Also maybe it's just me, but I got lost at one point and ended up off in a dead end. So might need work on how you direct the player in some places (I found my way eventually though so nbd). Atmospheric experience!
The mages especially like to go on suicide missions, I gave them a wider detection radius as an enemy and didn't bother to change it when they convert. Something to look into tweaking. Also thinking of what to do to promote sticking to one level. Probably randomly generating a key / enemy drop / some puzzles (I don't like the idea of forcing the player to execute everyone on the floor so much). BUT before any of that, the combat would need to be polished. I actually had a skeleton npc prefab finished, but didn't add him because he kinda broke the game. So your thought process makes sense. Thanks for the feedback, I'll make sure to check out your game as well!
Thanks for playing and glad you liked the game! I've heard that same thing before, and I agree that looking into adding more objectives or content for a floor would be a good thing to look into. Always appreciate constructive feedback! Just out of curiosity, mind telling me how far you were able to get just running for the stairs without fighting? Haven't tried doing that myself