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Great job on your first submission! I liked the dancing flowers. As others have said, I think having a slider for audio volume would be great. I also found a bug where if you quit, it won't let you press play to start again. Maybe also having a better indication of the watering hitbox would help for first-time playing! Well done :) 

Really interesting game! I think either I'm just bad, or the game might be a bit difficult. I liked the visuals and the lighting! I thought the music was nice, but I didn't think the frog sounds really matched the other vibes of the game as well. Nice submission, and good luck for future ones!

I really enjoyed this one! I could sense some superhot inspiration and thought it was executed really nicely. A hard mode could be fun, where you blow up if you are too close to an exploding bomb or you hit a wall too quickly. Originally, I also thought your number of shots was limited, so that could be fun, too! It's a really cool submission - well done.

Thank you very much! Yes, we did all the art ourselves, so we appreciate the kind words!

Thank you! I really enjoyed your game!

Thank you! What in particular did you find confusing about the mechanics? Was it an overload of information / text?

Thank you for this! It was our first time trying to make a soundtrack for a game! I really enjoyed playing around with the samples, but I would have loved to spend more time on the music.

I'd love to see this! Unfortunately the link didn't work, could you try again?

Ah thank you! It's amazing what you can do with a scary looming deadline

Thanks for the detailed feedback! Adding some mechanical changes to the seasons was something we wanted to do, but struggled with the time. We originally were going to have a risk of rain inspired boss fight at the end of the 4 seasons to allow the player to choose to end the game, but again time crunch prohibited this. Coop play would be really fun! I sort of didn't know how that would work with a game jam submission, but maybe in future will explore this more.

Yeah this was a very silly oversight bug from the panic of having to submit early. This was my first time making a sidescroller, so I appreciate the feedback on the scroll wheel and the camera, I will definitely add this after the deadline!

Thanks for the feedback! The main idea was to want the player to become stronger, but that makes the enemies stronger too. Sadly, I didn't really have time to code any good enemy AI, though.

Thanks for your feedback! I agree the tutorial is a bit overwhelming, and struggled with balancing nice UI with time remaining. I appreciate the sentiment thank you!

Thank you for the feedback! I think balancing enemy AI was something I struggled with, and having a camera that just about saw the enemies helped a bit with that, but will try and improve on it for an update!

Thanks very much for your feedback!

Thanks for your feedback! I think we will try and make the onboarding experience more obvious for the players :)

I think ice is definitely the most OP spell to upgrade! Fire is a risky bet because the fire wizards become so strong. Thanks for the feedback :)

Thanks for the feedback! Originally we were going to have a boss level as a way of finishing the game, similar to Risk of Rain, but we struggled with putting everything together on time

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback :). On reflection, it's hard to balance the incentive for players to upgrade their spells against the incentive for enemies to also be upgraded. Maybe having random upgrades every couple of levels would help with that.

Thanks for your feedback! Originally the wind spell was going to be a blocking / enemy repositioning spell but time crunch stopped that possibility hahah - will try to clarify things in the description!

Thanks for the feedback! Definitely struggled with creating a nice slim UI for the game, which would help with simplifying the mechanics for sure.

Fun little game! I think having some upgrades for the laser would be fun, and I think there is a bug with the laser bouncing through the wall above and right of the player? 

I like how busy the game gets and how simple each round is. The mechanics would be more straightforward to use if the jump was actually W and the tongue was activated with the spacebar.

Cute little game! I wish there was a way to fight the fire rather than just watching it happen but I love the concept

Really nice! Loved the music and the visuals, just a shame that I suck at the game. Maybe one day sleepy Tony will get his coffee.