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A jam submission

The Rat WizardView game page

Submitted by gameyboi — 8 hours, 46 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 37 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used

Game Description
In The Rat Wizard, you are a cunning rat wizard navigating the treacherous world of unintended consequences. As a master of elemental magic, you must battle fierce cats and formidable elemental spirits across the ever-changing seasons.

How does your game tie into the theme?
Collect coins from defeated enemies to upgrade your abilities and become a more formidable wizard. But beware—the power you gain also empowers your enemies, making each upgrade a double-edged sword


Discord Username(s)
@speakyboi @chairmanbuu

Participation Level (GWJ Only)
One now!

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Fun lil' game with a very nice feel to it! The art is wonderful. Did you do it yourself?

Great work!


Thank you very much! Yes, we did all the art ourselves, so we appreciate the kind words!


Cool art! Big fan of the faster cast speed upgrade.

Good job!


Thank you! I really enjoyed your game!


Confusing mechanics, but very nice game! The art is also very good.


Thank you! What in particular did you find confusing about the mechanics? Was it an overload of information / text?


Really fun!, i noticed you used garageband for your music, its a simple , but effective way to make music(little tip, try out all the beats you have, and pick your favourite, sometimes the 8 bit one diesnt really fit the game.


Thank you for this! It was our first time trying to make a soundtrack for a game! I really enjoyed playing around with the samples, but I would have loved to spend more time on the music.

Submitted (1 edit)

Is this how you are supposed to play the game?file:///C:/Users/jelle/Videos/Captures/The%20Rat%20Wizard%20by%20gameyboi%20-%20Google%20Chrome%202024-07-23%2010-08-13.mp4


I'd love to see this! Unfortunately the link didn't work, could you try again?


Very nice! It is impressive how much content there is for the time constraint as I am comparing this to a similar style of game I made over 2 months! Keep it up :)


Ah thank you! It's amazing what you can do with a scary looming deadline


I think the base of your Game is strong.
I like the tight controls and most of the magic effects. 
Also the jump upgrade mechanic is cool.
The sound effects are good too.

Cool that you included the "seasons" in the level but i think they don`t really have a big affect on the gameplay?

In the end i build a maschinegun fireball wizard, but than the enemys are not clever enough or powerfull enough.

But i think it could be a good game in the future. I would love if you would zoom a little bit more in, so that the gameplay is more screenfilling. and add a few different enemys. And maybe a few bosses?

Maybe it would be really cool if you could play it couch coop with a friend? or versus?

So good job! Well done!


Thanks for the detailed feedback! Adding some mechanical changes to the seasons was something we wanted to do, but struggled with the time. We originally were going to have a risk of rain inspired boss fight at the end of the 4 seasons to allow the player to choose to end the game, but again time crunch prohibited this. Coop play would be really fun! I sort of didn't know how that would work with a game jam submission, but maybe in future will explore this more.


The SFX settings reset themselves when leaving the options. The camera is behind the player, not in front of the player, even though it's a sidescroller with fast movement. But I like that you have 4 different spells to choose from, but please make that selectable with the scroll wheel!


Yeah this was a very silly oversight bug from the panic of having to submit early. This was my first time making a sidescroller, so I appreciate the feedback on the scroll wheel and the camera, I will definitely add this after the deadline!


Pretty fun game, but I found out that maxing only one wand is too overpowered, and there's no real challenge with the enemies. 


Thanks for the feedback! The main idea was to want the player to become stronger, but that makes the enemies stronger too. Sadly, I didn't really have time to code any good enemy AI, though.


Nice game, but I feel like the tutorial throws way too much info at you and that can be overwhelming. It would be better if the elements were unlocked gradually ( maybe after reaching a certain amount of points).  Otherwise solid concept and I wish you good luck with future games!


Thanks for your feedback! I agree the tutorial is a bit overwhelming, and struggled with balancing nice UI with time remaining. I appreciate the sentiment thank you!


Fun little game with lots of upgrades! Not sure how to read the enemy's physical attacks which felt really hard to avoid! I also wish the camera would snap more tightly to the player as I just kept getting killed by an enemy offscreen! Would love to see an updated version of it!


Thank you for the feedback! I think balancing enemy AI was something I struggled with, and having a camera that just about saw the enemies helped a bit with that, but will try and improve on it for an update!


This was pretty fun! Pretty solid mechanics, good idea for the theme, a little repetitive. Nice job!


Thanks very much for your feedback!


The game was quite fun, I got a score of 90! It fits the theme well too. I might recommend making it more obvious that the enemies get stronger when you do.


Thanks for your feedback! I think we will try and make the onboarding experience more obvious for the players :)


I didn't realize upgrading myself upgraded enemies, so I thought I was an absolute ice god until about 25 levels in and I got one tapped lol

Super fun jam game - with some balance and polish, along with incentive to choose different spells, I think this would be a great game!


I think ice is definitely the most OP spell to upgrade! Fire is a risky bet because the fire wizards become so strong. Thanks for the feedback :)


Nice game! It was quite scary seeing enemies machine gunning fireballs at me. It does get repetitive but still a good game!


Thanks for the feedback! Originally we were going to have a boss level as a way of finishing the game, similar to Risk of Rain, but we struggled with putting everything together on time


Fun game! Enemies don't seem to scale much, got to lvl 13 and seemed about the same every level. I enjoy that you can keep adding multiple jumps so you effectively fly.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback :). On reflection, it's hard to balance the incentive for players to upgrade their spells against the incentive for enemies to also be upgraded. Maybe having random upgrades every couple of levels would help with that.


Fun game! I would clarify that upgrading yourself also upgrades the enemies(I didn't realize that until I got one shot and read the description) and make the wind spell more visible since it was hard to see. Other than that it was very fun!


Thanks for your feedback! Originally the wind spell was going to be a blocking / enemy repositioning spell but time crunch stopped that possibility hahah - will try to clarify things in the description!


Great concept! With some polish I think this could be pretty fun. I had a hard time understanding when I got hit, so some feedback on that  would be nice. I also ignored the upgrade options since spamming fireball seemed like a solid strat (and I didn't want to read all the upgrade text lol). Maybe simplifying the UI or upgrades somehow would be good?


Thanks for the feedback! Definitely struggled with creating a nice slim UI for the game, which would help with simplifying the mechanics for sure.