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A member registered Jun 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very cool! Inspires me to do something with memory and sound. Fun, visuals and audio on point, theme nailed. What else are we here for. Well done!

Fun little game. I was reminded of Doodle Jump. Slime - yeah!

Infini jump was what I needed! This game is great. Music, sounds and art are next level. 100 points for nailing the theme go to Gryffindor! Well done!

This piece of art was nice! Humor was appreciated. Well done!

This is a good start. Maybe controls could work a bit better. I was often stuck at the edge of a mushroom. Music is nice, maybe some sound effects can complement very well. Can see this being build further to a nice game. Good job! :-)

Very cool! Maybe add some kind of puzzle to it. Now the right order of notes was just given but maybe this could be something to figure out and be rewarded for. Well done! :-)

I need more reward for being the sun :D. Maybe add a counter, or animation or any kind of purpose. I like the idea though. Visuals are also nice, especially the water. Well done!

Fun game and nice idea for the theme. After winning I was stuck in win screen and could not reset the game to replay. Well done!

Visuals clean, theme incorporated, audio great not too much. I liked how checkpoints were right where they were needed. I only needed double jump mechanic once if I am not mistaken. Maybe this could be more often for even more variety but this is minor. Candidate for this week's 1st place :-)

Very polished visuals. Music was also great, maybe add some more sound effects. You can build on this and develop a bit more gameplay options maybe advance to next stage, platforming, different enemies etc. Good job! :-)

I like the game idea. The collision box of hand and stoats was a bit big so you collect them without visually really touching them. Also maybe add a counter for already collected stoats so you can compare to your highscore while replaying. Replay value will be increased this way. Sound effects feel quite rewarding and music getting faster is awesome haha :D.

Visuals are awesome - that shader is nice! The gameplay was a bit boring after some time, maybe mix things up with different enemies, projectiles etc. When I won I accidentally clicked the text away because I thought a new enemy was approaching. Therefore could not read the text in time. Maybe insert a reset button in win screen ;-). Small minus for missing sound effects and music. Well done!

Great fit for the theme! I did not get used to the controls so fast. Best soundtrack so far :-). Well done!

Highscore 13! Funny idea. Maybe inlcude a counter of how many volleys you have. Good job! :-)

Kept me playing for some minutes which is a good sign! Very polished game that fits the theme perfectly. There can not be enough golf games :D. The only thing to change for me would be to have a less shaky camera which was a bit too much for my taste and more level :P. Good job!

Awesome visuals, sounds and music on point :-). For me it would be better if the game started a bit easier and then gets harder with time. I was a bit frustrated after dropping the ball so often at first (played on desktop). Overall good job! :-)

Funny idea! I like how the background changes with descending sun. A bit of audio effects or music would be great and maybe adding some more levels / terrains to land on. Good job! Please consider rating my submission :-)

The weasel looks great :D! It feels like you have to take some hits when two trash come right next to each other. Maybe add left and right movement to prevent that which would also make for a bit more freedom and therefore variety and fun. The calm sounds were great. Good job! Consider rating my submission :-)

Haha I was hoping for a smile at the rocket level :D 

The walk of shape is great haha...

... and intended. lol

Thanks for playing! :-)


Thank you for your feedback! :-)

Nice idea, thanks! :-)

Thanks for playing :-)

Very nice switch between flying the spaceship and then harvesting on planets. Even there similar but different ideas with mining diamonds, fish, ... This could be a very nice way to have a minigame collection on different planets. I was a bit confused as to what is fuel and points or money first. Maybe you can add a label to the numbers. Also it was not obvious to me where to bring my harvested items and how to use the money gained. Look and feel was great! Good job! Please consider rating my submission, too! :-)

(1 edit)

I really like the asthetics of this a lot. Good gamplay feeling and simplicity as well. Length perfect for a minigame and the theme was incorporated in an interesting way! I have to check out Pocket Platformeer myself some time. I missed a fullscreen mode (or I have not seen it) and some music and sound effects would be great! Good job! Please consider rating my submission, too! :-)

I liked how polished this looks! Gameplay is a bit basic though, maybe there could be some interesting twist matching the theme like first shoot some photons to light the obstacles and the shoot projectiles to destroy them? Could there be more interesting / rewarding things instead of collecting money? Fun idea though! Please consider rating my submission, too! :-)

This was shining! I like when someone is taking the theme serious and you did a good job on that! Puzzles are great. Maybe you could make the step counter a bit more flashing or position it better because I only understood late that this was the reason for reset and was wondering if there is some kind of bug. Good work! Please consider rating my submission, too! :-)

I think this is a nice start for a good game. Its simplicity is great. No unnecessary rules, complex controls etc. Unfortunately, this is also the problem of this game since it is so simple that is a bit boring too fast. Maybe you could add some interesting varieties like items that make you invincible or make the panda smaller / bigger. Color scheme is consistent and nice. Good job! Please consider rating my submission, too! :-)

Ok thanks :)

Nice start for a promising platformer. As it was really easy and only about collecting some coins which has been done a million times in other games, it got boring quite fast. Nevertheless, you can build on this and maybe apply some interesting theme in another jam. Good job! I would appreciate a rating on my submission :-)

I was not able to get the controls working. The grappling hook was attached to the rock but jumping / winging upwards was not working or too hard for me. I ended up falling into lava all the time :-(. The controls explanation was hidden behind the rock which did not help in understanding the controls. Maybe include an easy tutorial? The game looks quite polished though which is great. I would appreciate a rating on my submission and some feedback! :-)

Fun little game. The theme was established in an interesting way. I would like it even better if you coud maybe see each path for some seconds and then have to memorize it. As it is right now it is trial and error only which is a bit annoying after the first two stars. There is less skill and more luck involved. The idea is nice though. Maybe add some levels. Nice music. Good job! You may consider rating my submission :-)

Since it is not finished the game is lacking a goal to achive or some kind of win condition. That would add meaning and fun. The art style and animations, game play mechanics are a good start though! You should keep working on it and maybe submit to another jam when polished. You may consider rating my game and give some feedback, too! :-)

This was fun! You should make a full game out of the idea. Especially being a character inside the minesweeper map was great. Maybe add some (limited) projectiles to shoot at squares for trigerring not only shooting markers. Good job! Please consider rating my submission :-)

This was fun! Maybe you can add other type of mice, maybe rats with different eating / moving speed or some with ability to swim others not? Some puzzles could be nice too e.g. mice need to stand on buttons to unlock doors to more cheese but have to eat cheese to gain weight first. Add more levels! Please consider rating my submission :-)

Good job! The theme was used very well! For me it was a bit too much reading to do for learning too much abilities. Maybe less is more here. Also checkpoints would be great so that you do not restart from beginning. Otherwise fun game! You may want to consider rating my submission :-)

You are welcome! Please consider rating my submission :-)

You are welcome! Please consider rating my submission :-)

Theme was used very well, great idea! I only understood that I have to survive until the kraken appears when I read it in the game over screen. Before I did not know what the goal was. Maybe make it very clear what the goal is and give rewards on the way.  The kraken healthbar was right next to mine in same color. That was confusing.  Fullscreen in chrome was broken. I also wanted to get back to grandma in the end since it was so important in the intro! :D Good job!

Had to smile when playing! :-) The simplicity and innovation is great. Maybe even include more keys not only arrows or other do / do not puzzles to have more variety, different timer durations etc. in order to add more fun and replay value. Some neat animations or visual rewards for correct answers would be great too. Good job!