So useful, more than half of these sounds are in active use in my own game! :)
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This game is huge. It took an extra minute to figure out the turn system and that I took some time to realize the equipment items function like skillbooks. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the mindspace to play a game this big, so this game felt like a slow burn I didn't have the patience for. I only went 25 minutes in which was shorter than I'd like but 5 stars seems fair with all things considered.
I come from a culture that doesn't necessarily value free will and instead the value of 'duty' tends to be more familiar with me. My intent was to portray what I think how the world would work if life was really about choices. So, I added choices in situations that don't make sense and part of my idea was to exaggerate the supposed impact of these choices. It's also why the gimmick was packaged in a glitchy aesthetic, because IMO it's ultimately not how the world works and it's what 'free will' sounds like to someone who sees that people's choices are ultimately limited by their material conditions, if that make sense.
I could be more focused with the theme but overall this was an in-the-moment shitpost I made since I didn't have the availability to make a sincere, full-effort entry like I did in past jams.
About me:
- 2023 Harold Jam : 1st place graphics, 2nd place story, 2nd place overall
- 2023 Hawktober: 1st place judge's choice, 1st place story, 1st place gameplay
- As an artist, I am great at on-map character sprite animations, but may be a little weak with full-screen illustrations
- Creatively, my strongest passions are in modern and scifi settings.
- I have numerous unreleased plugins at our disposal. We can use any of these plugins for whatever game we make, if any.
- Showcased in Harold and the Ice Queen:
- Platforming plugin that can be turned on and off during runtime
- Heavily modified version of Yanfly's CTB turn system in the style of Final Fantasy X, including turn order display
- Showcased in Ava's Spiritual Guidance
- A text messaging plugin with its own eventing system independent from RPGmaker's own system
- Showcased in Caveman 2044
- Masking-based lighting plugin
- Showcased in Harold and the Ice Queen:
Overall my talents are diverse. My preferred way of communication for game dev is on discord. My user is gensun.js but do let me know if you greatly prefer email or some other method!
I didn't understand the game. The game starts off with a vague allusion to a girl related to the protagonist and throws a lot of vague symbols at you. I notice the game is keeping an eye on whether I respond to in-game choices with love or hate and because of that, I didn't enjoy killing deer with that gun. I didn't understand what "phantasm", "evaporation" or "swagger" was and I understand how it was going to impact my playthrough if I lose "swagger". I found I got "cursed" which I didn't know what that meant until I noticed it's basically a poison status effect which I don't have any obvious curing items for. Sorry to say, I don't feel comfortable with this game
Hello, I managed to play your game all the way to the ending and was impressed by that choice of twist. I decided it was right for me to write a review. It's a little long, but I think the extensive feedback would be beneficial.
Let me know what you think. Best of luck.
This game feels incredibly ambitious. It dumps a lot of unfamiliar terms to me almost immediately and it feels these characters exist outside of this game and does not feel self-contained. Turns out clicking on your profile, it's exactly that. There also seems a lot of plugin incompatibilities that makes the UI difficult to navigate and I have to switch back and forth from keyboard and mouse controls to get the game behaving the way I want to.
About 80 minutes into the game I think I'm lost on how to proceed in the blue dungeon and am not sure if I missed a piece of dialogue that tells me where to go
This game isn't quite balanced. My first two battles in the ice prison were one-shots. As I went to the forest immediately, I came across an encounter with three frost imps who stunlocked me and wiped me out. about 20% of the encounters on that forest is reasonably beatable. Every enemy acts first and takes out up to 50% HP from one hit, which is far more health than what Solara can heal and she cannot respond to the amount of damage being dealt out. Escaping from 80% of the random encounters I meet isn't exactly my idea of fun
This is a good entry. The first section was a little slow due to your weak characters and encounter rate but it really picked up after finding the dungeon. The statue-pushing puzzle I think could be a potential problem area as it requires the player to have background knowledge of Christianity to know the answers to half the riddles