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george and the goat

A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Cool, thanks... If I'll do it - depending on time constraints anyway - like you said I'll have it off by default and have an option in a menu to enable it.

Hi all,

first of all - this is not trying to be cheeky and getting around the restrictions - I just want to know what is possible.

In the FAQ it is said that:

Can I use screen effects like CRT or scanlines that may exceed the actual 64x64 limit? YES! But, make sure it's optional and that the game itself is 64x64 before effects.

Now, I am planning on making a game in unity, but I was thinking whether it would be allowed to have the game running on a virtual monitor in a scene in a kids room or something - all pretty much static and definitely not part of the game.

If this is allowed, and with the above question about CRT / scanlines being outside, lets say there is a sceenflash, could that illuminate the whole scene and not just the 64x64?


34k score... really fun and a few times close to being killed... lasers and stuff didn't really kill you just pushed you back, right? Love the visuals ... polish it a bit and release it as a mobile game?

Haha, I'd never have thought about using game of life to actually destroy stuff... and it is pretty difficult to properly think about the patterns beforehand. Nice idea!

Sweet puzzle and the beat kept me pushing .... even sometimes in the literal sense ;-)

Cool, I like the idea (as we had a similar one ;-) ) and the style and sound! Nice job... 

Very outstanding visual style and good fitting music, shame you ran out of time!

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yeah, the 48 hour deadline hit us there, right before we wanted to implement a chasing mechanic ;-) we are doing a polished vision that reflects the initial vision more over the next 2 weeks ...

The movement mostly... could have been though since I played it in 4k fullscreen and in general it didn't seem that smooth

Awesome! Just take some more time and develop it into a full on game!

Well, was at least partly what we intended ;-)

Cool! Although to be fair did quite a bit of trial&error at the end ;-)

Neat! Quite fun few minutes... 

Looks nice, but has problems in the browser sometimes (when not in fullscreen) since the up and down keys move the page...... otherwise, pretty neat!

I loved the look and everything, but in level 3 flying fox, when you fall down and need to time it perfectly.... that is just too hard... I tried about 20 times and didn't manage and gave up...

They are fun, but playing it on keyboard and switching quickly from enter to the arrow keys did make it quite a bit more difficult

Creepy experience, but I find it a tad too difficult... especially when you can't see because you are behind a shack...

Liked the game, and feels like something that could be developed into a full game... (however the theme "out of control" doesn't reaaaally fit as you are still in contol, just indirect)

Got 44, those beasts that come in like a rocket f_____ me over 3 times ;-)

Wow, very good... one of the best games I tried so far, love the optics, the puzzles, the sushi ;-)

Enjoyed the puzzles and the easy going music, but I am not sure how the 'out of control' theme really fit the game...still, not bad

Sweet intro! Reminds me of a fun android game I played a while ago... well done!

Hehe, always rushing when the controls are not switched yet ;-)

(1 edit)

Fun idea, but ... tooooooo little control? Might have been the idea, but frustrating if you can't make a jump because the RNG just doesn't give you what you need

Puzzles were really good! With some polish this can easily be released as a small filler game!

Awesome music and graphics! Enjoyed it quite a lot!

A lot of the game takes part in your head ;-)

A good little game, the spikes could be made more noticable though... overall fun...

Cool idea forcing you to think ahead, branching a few possibilities in your head... I like it!

Cool game, getting a lot of good memories from Lemmings in a way! Love how polished it is!

Baba is you vibes... had a few very cool a-ha moments...

So cool! Concept is awesome for a puzzler! You should really release it somewhere as a proper game!

Art is sweet and fitting music... get's very hectic and out of control and a bit janky control wise. Also my nightmare taking care of that many crying kids...

Interesting idea, however I feel that a quick warning before the change is in order (just a few milliseconds either a sound cue or a slight flash or background color change). This way it gets quickly to frustrating as the player doesn't have a chance to "get it right"....

Awesome game, visuals really nice! Btw, chrome blocks the download as suspicous....

Nice Art... got a score of 181, and it got stuck after day 4 at the "next day" even though I saw in the background that the selection was changed to a new mode... still interesting concept!

Cool idea, needs a few more levels but I like the concept and visual feeling!