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Ghost Cat Games

A member registered Jul 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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I didn't have time to make a tutorial or anything of that type, which definitely might have helped you out there! Did you kick over the soda cans directly in front of your spawn? If so and nothing happened, there was definitely a bug I didn't know about!

(also, as a secret piece of insider info, PgUp and PgDown will grow and shrink 'Zilla for free)

I've had previous jam submissions be almost completely unplayable due to serious lag. I still have a ways to go, but I'm getting better at optimizing my projects!

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I definitely encountered that bug as well but didn't have the time to fix it lol. Maybe after the voting period ends!

Ahaha, that's a hilarious screenshot! Glad you enjoyed the game!

I watched your video and it brings me such joy to see you had such a great time with my buggy little game. Thank you so much for playing and allowing me to see your reaction!

That's really odd! Did you download both of the files into the same location before unzipping the 001 file? Your unzipper should have been able to figure out that they were both part of the same file and reconstruct it from there.

Thanks! I accidentally jumpscared myself several times while making it (especially while working on the basement), so I'm glad other people found it delightfully spooky as well!

Fun game, and the music is a bop! Like someone else mentioned, I also collided with level geometry at one point and got softlocked, but the game plays really nice as a whole. I also really liked your idea that if you stop moving /slow down for long enough, you fall off the bike lol

Thanks so much for the in-depth review and generous rating! It was also great to see real video of what's been happening for some people with lower end systems. I don't feel like I'm constantly chucking high-intensity graphics or  update/tick calls at the computer hardware but clearly something has been going on that I haven't accounted for. I'll look deeper into stuff like adjusting LODs and implementing more aggressive culling for future projects (and the updated versions of this one).

Thanks! I definitely spent way too much time looking through music samples.

I'm adding to my list of life's greatest achievements the fact that I was able to solve room two. Granted, both rooms took a bit of brute-forcing once I had 90% of the info required, but still. Nice game overall, and some great puzzles (if a bit too esoteric).

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Thanks! I've had the germ of the idea for this game floating around in my head for a while now, and when I heard the jam theme, I immediately realized how a combination mechanic  would be a great fit.

Fun game! I am absolutely terrible at these kinds of games and even I had a good time. One thing I noticed was that at the end of each level, hitting R would still reset the level despite the text "press any key to advance" or something like that being onscreen. Still, great, mate. 8/8.

This was a fun one! Some of the best art I've seen so far, and the music was also terrific.

Thanks! If you liked it, come back in a few weeks when I've got more systems up and running as intended. :)

Could you tell me anything specific about your rig? It's happened a couple of times that the games I've made are very difficult to run for some people, but I haven't discovered a pattern yet to narrow down how to fix it.

The art for this game was great! It was a little difficult to tell how well I was doing as I was playing, though; it took me a while to figure out what I was doing. But the concept was hilarious!

This is a really creative idea! I'd love to see it fleshed out a bit more.

Clever puzzle game! If you plan to do more work on it, I suggest adding the option to use a different "use ability" button. The enter key is just kinda all the way across the keyboard by itself compared to all the other inputs. It really got me thinking!

Very funny. I can't say how the humor would land with others, but it was exactly my style.

This game easily had the best atmosphere out of all the games I've played! You could pretty easily expand this into a whole project.

Fun concept! It got a bit repetitive towards the end, and I swear that I "missed" some potions that I brewed correctly (but my memory is horrible so it could just be that I was misremembering symbols), but the villagers had charming dialogue and I had a good time.

Fun game! It was very chaotic, and I enjoyed every moment of it once I figured out how to start the game lol

Nice job! I was a little sad there were no fun explosion sound effects, but the background music was such a bop that it mostly made up for it.

Great work! This plays a lot like an actually published game I bought made by another indie developer, and the fact that you did it during a game jam is impressive! My biggest piece of feedback if you decide to continue development is that you should make the maps bigger. The characters are so fast that it feels like a shame to confine them to such a small space. Also, the items are not very balanced, but I wasn't expecting any different given the timeframe. Well done!

Nice game! I personally love local multiplayer games and this was a simple and fun concept. I personally would have liked to see a smaller board or a longer time to memorize at the beginning, but overall it was a fun idea executed well.

This game was adorable! The sounds were great and the artwork was even better. My only complaint was that it was a bit difficult to figure out the controls, but once I worked it out, I had a lot of fun.

Nice game! Very fun even if it did give me carpal tunnel with the repeated mouse clicking lol

This was fun! I liked the audio for the cowboy host and the retro graphics; it reminded me of a lot of flash games I used to play. Only suggestion I would have would be to make the game more difficult; the only level where I didn't absolutely destroy the required score was the last one because it was all but impossible to build combos there. Nicely done overall!

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I had to upload the game in essentially a pre-alpha state due to time constraints and a new puppy, but I hope y'all enjoy! I'll update it once the jam is over to really flesh it out.

That was indeed a game. I give it a rating out of ten.

Sweet game! Movement was just a little bit janky, especially with the jump arrows. The difficulty curve was little off, too, as some of the later levels I found much easier than some of the earlier ones. Overall, I really enjoyed this game! The art, mechanics, and music all contributed to a great experience.

I'm glad you enjoyed the bizarre movement! Fun story, the quick respawns are actually a bug that turned into a feature. The original plan was to have a longer ragdoll duration, but I enjoyed testing the game so much with the short timers that I forgot to lengthen them again. By the time I figured out they were still short, I realized the game played much better that way anyway.

As for the world, I honestly just used a map wholesale from the Unreal Marketplace. The goal was indeed to add more ways to interact with the world and places to visit, maybe modify the map a bit so it's not 100% a ripoff,  but I had to keep the scope small to start. So there's a whole town there, most of which is not used... yet.

Hilarious game with a unique concept! I see you saying in other comments that whatever number chase rolls has an effect on gameplay, and I could see the number of resources I was getting was changing, but I couldn't piece together how those two were related. If you iterate more on this game, adding a bit more in terms of helpful hints would really push it to the next level.

Color me impressed! This is a fun, nerdy idea that turned out to be a really good logic puzzle! It took me a bit to get started as the zoom was weird at first and I was missing half the play area; being unfamiliar with Desmos in particular, it took me way too long to resize it. Adding instructions like that to the game page might help other people get in and enjoy it like I did.

Really liked the visuals for this game. It was a little hard to tell what was going on and the browser version crashed on me about five minutes in, but with a little polish this could be a really fun strategy dice game!

Nice simple yet deep strategy game! My high score of 100 was reached simply by filling all the spaces in each row in  order, which is pretty sad when you realize that means my convoluted strategies were worse than leaving everything entirely up to chance lol.

Also, I love the character design and animations! So good!

Fantastic music and sound! The lack of health bars threw me a bit, but it was a fun game. I liked how each time I died, I grew (theoretically) stronger and was better prepared to fight the boss the next time.