That was 2 mins well spent. This is a great short simple game. Simple clicking and great music. A very chill game and art was cute.
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Very good game. Did you design this mechanic and game play cause i feel it was truly unique. It was kind of hard to see the dots on the white side at first though but overall amazing experience!
Aide from the game just letting you know, Its kinda trippy that you rated my game first, I didn't rate yours yet, but then 2 hours later we both rated another game within 10 seconds of each other. So I'm like wait.. that's the guy who rated me... I know this is weird for me to even mention. I just thought it was odd, maybe the universe was telling me I should rate you back. XD
First visual novel I played before and honestly it was really interesting. I was surprised I enjoyed it this much. The story was engaging. I never played a visual novel before so maybe I'm a bit bias cause this was new to me but I was really impressed. The art was definitely my favorite part. Such cool drawings. :P Great work.
Wow amazing game! I loved the health animations where you lose a heart each time you get hit. Also death animations were great too! Music was good and game play was fantastic. The transformations were a nice touch! As well as having abilities for each one! Great work and definitely deserved 5 stars!!!!
Why does Jeremy not look back when using a forklift? Also why does he keep trying to fall? And why do I get "fired" cause Jeremy keeps doing the wrong thing over and over? Oh well I guess its my job lol. I love these kind of games where you just sit down and click and the cinematics were cool too. Pretty good job I'd say.
Also I have to mentioned the two times I laughed in this game. First time Jeremy "adventuring down" the hole and second time was when you mentioned "I didn't have enough time to finish settings sorry" XD I was wondering where the quit game menu button was but realized I had to manually close to program. Lol Great game still. :>
Let me know what you think of Don't Touch The Exhibits!
Thank you. :)
You took the theme to the extreme. Walk around and find out I have to dodge death balls from the sky, lava floor and laser beams shooting down on me, 5 stars for enjoyment, theme and gameplay lol. It was great. I kept dying at the lava floor and I thought your jump animations were cool :P
Thanks for making such a simple and fun game to play.
I found this game quite interesting and never played as a mouse before. I think the instructions being displayed at the start lasts for like 1 second which is too fast for me to read it lol. I had fun being chased by a cat, took me 3 deaths to realize I wake him up by hitting his ball toys. Good game, scary cat, not enough cheese. :c
This looks like a really complex game to make. I'm really impressed! I liked how you put me in a building where I can see the AI cars in action above the streets and building. This game is a bit confusing though tbh but I think I managed out ok.
It was hilarious when I had to walk to my AI car and fill it's gas. I was thinking "What kind of AI car is this?" XD
Good work!
I’ll be checking my game’s review page and rating everyone’s game if they check out the one I worked on with my team.
It’s called Don't Touch The Exhibits. Your goal is to grab and shoot animals back into their portals to complete each level—but be careful! If you throw one into the wrong portal, it’ll turn into a monster! Press Tab to see which animal you should be throwing into the portal at any given time.
Anyway, check out the game here! I’ll make sure to get back to everyone who leaves a comment or review on the game page—I promise. :)