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Golden Circle

A member registered Sep 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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I've fallen in love with the aesthetic and gamefeel for the shoot of this game!!

It is such a pity that it can not be finished, I tried to open the second chest and for some reason I couldn't interact with it :(((((( I really wanted to finish it. 

Really nice feeling all the involved regarding the shooting: the animations, and the reacion for the ragdoll, really good design for the enemy aswell, really scary.

I would like to give it another go if the bugs are fixed and the game is finishable.

I've fallen in love with the aesthetic and gamefeel for the shoot of this game!!

It is such a pity that it can not be finished, I tried to open the second chest and for some reason I couldn't interact with it :(((((( I really wanted to finish it. 

Really nice feeling all the involved regarding the shooting: the animations, and the reacion for the ragdoll, really good design for the enemy aswell, really scary.

I would like to give it another go if the bugs are fixed and the game is finishable.

(2 edits)

I found the concept for the game really beautiful, it got me jumpscared a couple of times and the character designs are pretty awesome.

In terms of gameplay it is pretty simple but effective, I found it a little bit unfair sometimes because of how close the character were positioned but nothing too frustrating, just had to do it in two attempts, the characters looked like silhouettes of models posing as intense anime wallpapers, but nothing experience bereaking.

Overall is a good and recommendable game from this jam, awesome work!

(2 edits)

I had played it for 10 minutes, roaming directionless in a infinite cave with nothing to do except for greeting the company of my new faithful wall/roof crawling pet.

Good aesthetic though.

(1 edit)

One of the best games for the Jam so far, good graphic style, nice story  and easey to get gameplay.

The only thing grinding my gears is that in the final plot twist I was not able to do it myself but taken the control away and becoming a mere spectator of the final act when all the game was about making micro decisions, but besides of that I would recommend it, super good story so far.

(5 edits)

Okay, so the general experience has been good, I have to admit that I had a natural jumpscare when opening a door and not expecting an enemy and I think for the duration time of the Jam it is quite a big map.

As a suggestion I would remove the possiblity to follow the train tracks in the final bit before the escape since I started following them only to realize that I was walking through the first railtrack and then I had to backtrack all my way back to the beggining and then exit. 

It would be awesome to have a way to kill the clown since there are times that he follows you and you cannot dodge him which is kind of frustrating.

Regarding the story, I don't get it since it is a game about scaping a place that you enter voluntarily, and then I think I glimpsed something about a romance in the notes but I'm not sure about anything at all.

In conclusion I enjoyed the experience, it is one of the best games any of our 14 members from the team has played and I would recommend people to play this game.

(1 edit)

The objective was not clear from the beginning so it was more of a "I'm going to do what I can and see how it goes" than having a clear objective in mind and going for it. I think it's not a wise decision to put the mechanic of throwing the torch so the skull it doesn't follow you in a missable note since the first one was about the lore and I just skipped it.
On the other hand I liked the design of the skull voxel and the detail of the hand not going through the wall.

(1 edit)

I'll leave the trailer and link, thanks!


Me and a colleague tried the game for several minutes, both didn't know what to do all the time, my colleague was terribly lost, we had to look up for the comments to have a hint on what to do and then even we couldn't advance. Then I played it myself discoverint that the left and right click buttons are being used for different actions on each obect but at least in the web version for the game I couldn't send more than one data to the server.

I would have liked to finish the game or at least know how it continues but I found it impossible and really frustrating, apart from this it has an outstanding aesthetic and a really good sound design!

Thank you, we really appreaciate your help and nice words, we really enjoyed the experience playing your game aswell!

(1 edit)

Hello everyone,

As recommended by the user @Umarth, we have decided to put a post in this wonderful community forum in the hope of increasing the rate of ratings as some comments agree that it should have more ratings as it has been a little hidden among all the games.

Obviously we can exchange rates, if you rate and comment on our game we will be happy to do it for yours as well.

We present you here the trailer of the game that we have developed exclusively for this Jam, in Golden Circle we are a team of 14 people, we started to make the pre-production two weeks in advance and we started to develop the day of the Jam in the first second.

Here it is the submission link: https://itch.io/jam/scream-jam-2023/rate/2320216

We hope you like the experience (and please make it past the first room).

The intention is not to be brutal but honest, the concept is good, the bad thing is the execution and the scope for the project.

In our game most people can't exit the first room because of the safe puzzle being too abstract, we are aware of that and we can iterate upon what we have done but only because the level design and game design was made with 2 weeks of anticipation to the start date of the jam and the scope was big and small enough to fit a 14 people team developing the project.

What I've learned in prior projects with smaller teams is to try to narrow down to the essential mechanics and to use the narration/story/lore as a context or glue to stick all the other things together but not the foundations of the game unless the game is a visual novel or a game extremely narrative-oriented. The project has to be adapted to what the team can do, not the other way around.

Okay, honest feedback here, our game obviously has it's own flaws but this was a very improvable experience.

I spent 20 minutes of my life finding boxes in giant empty spaces, no difficulty other than losing myself in the place due to a lack of landmarks, there was that map but it was really difficult to decipher, It felt very frustrating not finding the last item as it was the only one left to pick up. I decided to go out since there was nothing else to do and started roaming the exterior until I saw a janky figure coming my way, it was more silly than scary, the sound design was 2 -3 sounds looped so I will skip that.

In conclusion I think that the base approach of the game was very ambitious for the team to catch up, it gave a good "The cube" vibe tho.

Holy moly, I have no words to describe how good the level design and the sound design are for this game, amazing storytelling and very good transitions. The puzzles were easy to solve which is fine and the game didn't feel frustrating at all, the only downsize it's that the tension is lost when the enemy catches you the first time since there is only one animation and that vanishes all the build up. Anyways this game is awesome, super good atmosphere and level art, totally recommended!!

(2 edits)

Thank you for playing! We really appreciate your honesty and enthusiasm for the game.

Since we started the development as the Jam started we dind't had time to polish some major bugs... so we are preparing a mega update for when the Jams ends that will add a companion and fix many gameplay features and major crashes.

I hope that if you try the game again soon, you enjoy it even more.

The visuals were cool, it really tried to capture the PS1 feel. The narrative was good, but the scare was a bit lacking in my opinion. In the other hand a bit more speed would have been nice, I understand where the theme of the character moving slowly to generate tension comes from, but going up the stairs and coming back down several times because I wasn't sure what to do and looking at the horizon several times without anything happening and then going back down and back up again in the end I ended up going up crushing the spacebar and to go down I jumped directly over the edge of the stairs because it was exaggeratedly tedious.. And I think I did a skip because I looked at the ship for the second time on the ground and not on the top of the lighthouse, and the fuses breaked while I was watching them. Anyway, the small cutscenes and intro were cool to set the mood, and the sound design was good. Some atmospheric music would have been nice aswell! Good job!

Hi HeavensGates, thanks for playing, we are aware that there are parts where the game crashes. We have tried to patch it and are actively working on it but unfortunately we didn't make it in time to upload it within the Jam period.

(3 edits)

The visuals are amazing, the gamefeel of the weapon was very well achieved, with very good animations, the mechanics of the dead enemies that revive along with the sound and constant disorientation has generated a good effect of anguish and feel lost. I noticed that the sprint button was a little weird, sometimes it seemed to work and sometimes not, I found it a very short game but also very rewarding as it fulfills its narrative objective of being lost in a cave and escape, all with a neat presentation. The gameplay felt like a shooting  arena with all the enemies coming for you which is cool. The sound design is great, maybe a bit too loud sometimes. The music is amazing, tho! The visuals are amazing, but they got me a bit dizzy at the start.

Hey! I played for a while but in the second level the music stopped and the difficulty escalation was too abrupt as the enemies are not easy to get around, it was not clear to me what was the function of the green drones flying around. Also being that I died several times I would have really appreciated to have a button to skip the dialogues that I have already read. On the complete opposite spectrum I really liked the story that was being let out and would have liked to know how it continued.

This is the first time we heard about this issue, could you describe with more detail how the "panterly render" was?

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Hey, thank you for playing the game!!

Could you elaborate a little bit in what you find confusing?
Did the "How to play" button helped you to understand it better?

Btw we saw your game and looked worth playing so we added it to the list of games to play from this jam, so expect a comment from us soon!

Hey, thank you! ¿did you played the game?