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I played using this Tabletop Simulator mod (but the forest tile bag isn't randomized so I just repeatedly got the same tile until it ran out and moved onto the next one. This if fixable inside the game, by bring them all out and fliping them over and randomly putting them back in, since the bag is last in first out ). As for the game I liked it cute co-op game though getting all dead ends at the start then all monster squares made it quite tricky :) 

Completely valid :) I just picked colours randomly which admittedly leads to it looking quite bad.

I spent much of it updating the map to be pixel perfect, but in the end I died of hunger without commiting my map so I played again updated the map again by walking around but ensured I got back sleep and left extra items for the next player. I like the concept alot and I could see myself binging this just by myself to explore the world, though you'd need to have some way to instance the game I suppose.

Though fighting zombies is hard with knifes in previous versions I tried I never really managed to do it without dieing and there are a lot of zombies in areas lol

Loved the colours and design, though I have to admit it took me running around exiting the game reading the comments to realize there were guns, so maybe something to find them :) Then when I went back in the particle effects on the shot gun caused my computer to seize up and I had to force restart it :D

Yeah only had myself so I just controlled one of them, I agree the arrows need stems or something to make it clearer which you were supposed to push. However I think this would be quite a good party game. Especially with a controller which naturally has the four buttons you'd need.

Got it working with a PS4 controller (replacing A with X), I liked it though if I got the right guy on the left it got weird since the controlls were inverted bit. I was going along along pretty easy with kiting until the final boss lol. Nicely done!

Enjoyed playing through, very fun theme :) I would say I was very confused at the start so maybe a bit more instructions but I did figure it out and complete it, though I had to pause for a bit since it seemed to make me a bit motion sick.

Interesting, though I wasn't able to make it up the stairs on level 6 which I think would have helped having the big prisoner to beat up the guards cause I got overwelmed by to many any other route I took. I liked the noise rings on the group to showcase your stealth, though when you had 6 people that was a lot of footstep noises :)

I loved the concept of moving the window around, though I often found windows wanted to snap it to the top, and also the words would be out of frame and I would miss some of the text. But was really cool game.

I liked the sounds, but difficulty could definitely be ramped up as you go, a single upgraded tower was sufficient as long as you healed it. I also noticed that upgrading didn't seem to decrease my cash which probably made me get the upgrades quicker then I should have :)

Fun little story, Got 89% morale in the end and launched so mission accomplished :) 

I thought it was really cute story, though I was confused at the beginning clicking around at the whole screen so maybe something to really get you to know what to click. :)

I sadly was unable to get this to play, lots of things to click on, and running payload.exe like Citizen of Melee suggests doesn't seem to work for me.

I think it could be fun though only played it one day. Though having played cookie clicker and such games, I suggest petting/playing with your cat as a way to gain funds :) maybe upgrading your cat toy to get more money faster.

I liked it, seemed very much like the flash games of yore I always played :) I would have liked a score based mechanic, where you got points for right items and negative points for wrong items and a minimum score to pass the level. That way you could have instant loss levels but also allow some fast pace retries.

Also I found it very funny to drive around backwards because the head was the thing used to pick up items :)