Can you please add some screenshots of the game?
So recently I released version 0.1.2 which was a before-vacation update. Now that I'm on a 2-weeks vacation, I won't update the game like before, but that won't stop me from posting devlogs and so.
In this devlog I'm going to talk about the AI in the game and my plans for it.
The current AI system is just not that fun, and most of the times you end up just playing the first or the last AI levels. The in-between levels are neither hard for the player to spend time with, not that different from each other so the player could sense the feel of winning a stronger opponent.
So, with that said, In the near future I'm gonna remove this system of progressive AI levels with something simpler but more noticable to the player. I may design a 5-level AI that starts from the simplest and easiest of them all, focused on first time players and those who want to test things, up to the best and most complicated AI for those who want a true test of skills. This 5th level of AI will be something completely new compared to the other four, which will make the base of my AI design for not just this game, but also my future projects that would have an AI system somehow implemented in them.
That's the reason why I didn't implement a new AI level this patch and instead tried to start working on a new and more responsive AI system.
What's your opinion about the current AI system and also about my plans for the future?
Just released version 0.1.1 :)
TL;DR: I added 1 new flag color, 4 new units, 1 new harder AI difficulty and so many other additions/changes/fixes in this patch.
I hope I can release another patch in the next 2-3 days before I go to a 2-weeks vacation. I'm thinking of adding some new and interesting mechanics in the next patch, along with other changes like more content, fixes, etc. that normally come with all patches. The problem is that I want the game to remain relatively simple while adding some new mechanics to keep the balance between simplicity and complexity. Do you have any ideas?
Hopefully everything is going smoothly! And again, I'd love to hear your feedbacks about this game :)
And this is my new main menu!
have fun!
Today I'm starting writing this devlog to share with you what I'm doing with my newest project "Clash of Camps", a fast and simple, yet strategic 1v1 card game in which you have to play units on a 3x3 board in order to gain Power and win against you opponent. You can play against another player on the same device or an AI with 10 levels of progressive difficulty.
For now this game has 7 different camp flags each with their own ability, 35 different units and 10 AI intelligence levels. There are still lots to do and add to the game, but with your ideas and suggestions, I hope that game becomes something good!
Tomorrow I'm gonna release the next patch, which is version 0.1.1 and it has a lot of new content, new QoL features, polish, bug fixes and more. Feel free to check the game and give me your feedback please :)
I released my newest project named "Clash of Camps" yesterday (which is an Alpha version for now) and now I'm announcing here today. The game is a fast and simple, yet strategic game about playing Cards on a 3x3 board to gain Power and win against your opponent who can be another player on the same device or an AI with 10 levels of progressive difficulty.
Please leave me comments if you played the game. Your feedback is important to me because the game is under active development :)
The game is fun, simple yet deep, visually appealing and challenging. The only problem I had was the enemies. Most of the enemies were just simple attack/block enemies, with just numbers and slots going up. So the challenge was not how to deal with the enemy design, but with the numbers.
Another thing was the hand. You always had the same cards in your hand and that's while not bad, made the game easier and less strategic.
Overall the game was fun and nicely executed. Good job!
The game is fun, well executed, visually amazing and has high replayability. The only problem in my opinion is the balance issue, which is not that bad, because it's a single player game.
I've found this game while searching for ideas to make a special tic tac toe game! It seems I was late!
Well done!
The game is super fun and addicting! But the lack of goal makes the game a one-time play. Making it level-based and/or rogue-like may make it more interesting and more replayable.
Also the items' tooltips were clogged together and because you had so much space below the inventory, you could've made the text a little bigger with more spacing and color.
Overall the idea was good and the game was fun. :)
Nice game and fun, but it doesn't add anything to the "slot machine" game formula. My opinion is instead of adding more symbols, add other systems, like enemies, abilities, relics, cards, events, etc. the possibilities are just endless. This way you make your game unique and also more replayable. That's if you want to make it more complex or put more time/efforts into it.
Nice looking game (and page also) with good premise, but some of the game mechanics need some reconsideration imo. The contrast between real-time movement of the muncher and turn-based movement of other elements, the randomness of muncher movement's length, the narrow pathways with monsters that you can't evade sometimes, lack of explanation on some of the gameplay elements, etc. make the game frustrating.
I think "Redungeon", a game made by nitrome with the same concept is a great example on how to improve the game.
I'm so happy that you played and gave me this detailed and useful review :)
There are of course problems in this game, especially with not giving enough help/hint/information, but I tried my best to deliver the best experience.
I try harder in my next jams to make something better, more beautiful and with less problems!
Thank you very much :)
First of all thanks for playing the game :)
The game is a metroidvania so you have to go back in the previous rooms and do something with the pentagrams. I can't spoil anything here, but I wrote a devlog for this game and at the bottom of that devlog I wrote a complete walkthrough of how to 100% the game.
And my bad on not explaining things clearly in the game, because I wanted the players to find them for themselves.
It's a 3000 columns file!
But the first 2 lines are "loading default config file failed with error 7" and "im ready".
Then there are about 1500 lines of "USER ERROR: something..." And "at: somewhere...".
When I run at the console, the same .pck error shows up. I tried changing name of the files but nothing changed.