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A member registered Aug 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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One more thing I was just thinking about: I haven't worked with AI stuff much in unity, but if it's possible, it may be a good idea to varry the NPC's speeds / pathing very slightly for each npc so that they spread out and form more of a group rather than staying in one blob.

A really fun game!
I wish the tree hitbox / player hitbox was a little more visualizable, it's very tricky to jump onto the trees
Also, there's a bad bug where sometime when I spawn in, I fall right through the floor. You may want to change the collision type of the various rigidbodies to continuous.

(1 edit)

This was a really fun game that kept me playing for a long time! I wish there was some sort of other island or something beyond the big bosses, but other than that this is a really fun game, I love the progression and it's really satisfying.
One thing is that I wish I could make text go faster, I can read it pretty fast, but I still want to know what it says.
I like the music, it fits the vibe of the game!
One last thing: you might want to change the various rigidbodies' collision type to continuous. It will make the player not jitter when it's colliding with a wall. If you haven't already, you should probably also put your movement code in the FixedUpdate() function instead of Update(), it might also fix some of these problems.

Really fun and surprisingly tricky!

Rated! Here's my game:

I've rated your game! Here's mine:

This was a really cool game!
I loved the art, music, and gameplay, and they all fit together really well
I just wish that the inventory stayed open consistently.



A fun game, it's cool to have games where you control 2 players, but a big bug is that when one character dies, the other one is in space, so you can't go on.

Rated - Wow, this was a really well made game!

A really difficult but fun game! I loved to atmosphere, and the gameplay was tricky but satisfying. I loved the music and the art all really came together.


A fun game that's a bit tricky! I like the graphics & music, the graphics give the game a lighter atmosphere, but then the music helps it return to the fact that you're trying to kill monsters and steal humans' souls.


A fun and interesting game... It's what it says on the page, snake in 3d... not much more to say about it...

Rated - Nice game! It really fits the theme!

Wow! This is a really cool game! I like the art and the music, everything fits together. This game really fits the theme! The only things I would say are that the screen could be a tad bit less curved, it would just make it a little bit easier to see where things are, and also it would be nice to have some kind of moving background because otherwise, there isn't any indication that you are moving or how fast you're moving when you're in the middle of the screen.

Overall, this was a really fun game that fit the theme perfectly!


A fun, short game. I liked the music, and the graphics were nice. Gameplay was fun, but there were a few problems. The first is that because of how the cars are controlled, you have to do a lot of tapping left and right. The problem is that because the camera follows the player's rotation, this can get nauseating. The other problem I have is with the enemy AI. It seems like they can go through the obstacles faster than I could, even though they had the lighter car.

Overall, though, this is a fun, short game!

Wow, this game was really good! I really liked the art, it was really well done, and the audio and sound effects were good too. The idea of taming animals to get their abilities is a good idea, I just wish you had gone a little farther with the level, maybe adding more sections that require trickier solutions. Overall, the game is very polished and a fun, quick play!

I rated it, this was a really well made game!

A very cool game, but there are some problems. I love the audio and the art, but the gameplay feels slow. It seems like the cat doesn't move fast enough to be able to supply just 2 cats with coffee, let alone 3. It's also way too easy to get onto the conveyor belt, which pushes you off the map, softlocking you.

I need some good games to play & rate (preferably WebGL, but I'll rate anything!) 

I will give any feedback I have

If you have time, it would be nice if you could rate my game too:

(1 edit)

This is a really cool game! The gameplay is really creative and the graphics are really well done. Everything fits together nicely. The only other feedback I have is that the camera sometimes doesn't sync up with the fish's movements, which makes the fish look jittery, which can kind of hurt your eyes if you stare at it for too long, and that it would be nice if the background moved with the fish, as it would make the movement feel more responsive.

Thanks! It is intended that the clones will continue to go on their path even if you die, If that's what you mean. I will keep in mind having less floaty controls, and I didn't have enough time to add music or sound effects, as I have no experience with that and so it might have taken me a lot longer than it would seem.

hmmm... I've  never built for mac, so I didn't know if it would work, sorry

Thanks! I will think about that next time.