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A member registered Feb 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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I had a good deal of fun! Everything felt a little too zippy to have a lot of control over, but eventually I got lucky on a couple tries. For better or for worse, once you reach a critical mass on a screen, you just seem to be an unstoppable munching machine for the second half of the level 😅

As the other mentioned, there were definitely quite a few sections where I felt like I collided with practically nothing at all, so it was a little rough to navigate through. 

I liked the move speed and the bubble trail was a nice touch!

Cute little platformer! 

I felt like I got robbed quite a few times trying to jump off the end of platforms 😅 Perhaps a little coyote time would help alleviate some frustration for some of the jumps. 

The gun recoil was quite a pleasant surprise, felt quite well done, made you have to control your shots. 

Love the fish! They are all quite cute! 

Controls were fun! Wish I had more reason to use the right click, as I think the idea of being able to both "push" and "pull" the character is neat, but it seemed most intuitive to just move my mouse as needed and use only the left click. 

I liked the particles as well when you really got Jelly zoomin'!

Super unique control scheme, definitely fun to experiment with. I felt like I eventually got the hang of it, but then in moments of panic I would get caught in a death spiral of trying to get my mouse around one side to swipe the bubble one way, but accidentally catching it on the way over and sending it in the opposite direction 😅 But super fun to try to master. 

Music was very chill as well!

Thanks! We're definitely happy with how it turned out!

So happy to hear you had fun! 😄

Thank you!

Thank you so much! Glad you had a good time!

Cute flappy bird clone, nicely done!

Took some time to adjust to having a cooldown on being able to move up. 😅

Very neat art style! Nice work!

Very cute! Dug the tunes. 

Wish the move speed was just a tad faster, felt a little sluggish, especially getting back after being hit.

I think it was just accidentally hidden for a bit... 😬 

It should be available again now. Hope you have a chance to give it a go!

Oh no! I'm not sure what happened, I think the visibility accidentally got moved to restricted when some screenshots and such were added...

It should be accessible again now!

Thanks! I thought it was a good way to give some pressure and finality to it, glad that mechanic has been received well.

Ah, damn! So sorry about that. Somehow that button got positioned off the screen. So frustrating! 😞

Thanks for giving it a go! I really appreciate the mix of feedback.

Yes, damn that oversight... 😔 Sorry about that. 

Thanks for the kind words! 

Yeah, a bummer of a mistake 😔 Sorry about getting stuck there.

The difficulty could definitely use some tuning, to put it gently 😅 I always seem to give myself too many knobs and never get around to dialing them in in time.

Thanks so much for giving it a go! Yeah, I liked the idea of having to push your luck a little to amass more money before visiting a shop, glad it came across well! 

Yeah, unfortunately it seems the button to advance you past that page somehow got relocated off the screen :( Sorry about the trouble! 

Oh, fascinating! Yeah, I never noticed! 


Opera GX LVL4 (core: 96.0.4693.104)
Chromium version: 110.0.5481.192
System: Windows 10 64-bit

You're welcome! It was my pleasure 😄

Happy you were able to check it out! I always find it very rewarding and insightful to get to watch someone play through your game, so I wanted to give that back to others! 

Oh, interesting! There was supposed to be a second sprite following you? 😮

Thank you so much! I'm very happy you enjoyed it! I can safely say it was almost certainly too much work lol, but we got through it, albeit with some rough edges and unfinished ideas. 😅

Yeah, I wanted some reason for you to not just drop down the exact same units all run, so the elemental advantages felt like a good way to make you diversify your choices and effectively "triple" the amount of unit types in the game without a significant chunk of extra work. So glad that came through in the end! 

I totally agree! It's fun to have to make those value calls, even in a relatively peaceful puzzle game. 

My pleasure! I'm glad you were able to check it out! I definitely think I'm going to try to do it even more next Jam if I can. I know for me personally, the couple times I've gotten to see my game played has always been the highlight of the experience. Seeing someone play my game for the first time is not only super exciting on its own, but also incredibly insightful as to what may not be as obvious or as easy as you had felt it was 😅

I was wondering about that first level! Hahaha, I misunderstood the rules at first, and though I didn't have to fill over the lightbulb squares. 

I did! But for some reason it never clicked with me. I even tried it again during the Jam as it came to mind, but I couldn't get in to it. I think the people you have to save mid-combat mixed with the frantic combat was too stressful for me lol

Thanks for dropping by and pointing me toward your submission on stream the other day! Once you start getting the hang of the throwing the bomb and jumping in to it, it was super enjoyable! Made me wish there were more levels and fun terrain to tackle with my newfound skills! And the music was a bop!

Great work!

Awesome presentation on this! Everything is so gorgeous and feels so well oiled!

The puzzle itself was a fun little challenge, and I liked that you essentially had the option to go "hard mode" for yourself and do the full board!

If you fancy seeing a playthrough, I gave it a go a couple days ago on Twitch!

Really awesome work! I'm always so impressed by people who can pull off such elegant puzzle designs! And the visuals are really tight and cohesive. Gorgeous and incredibly fun!

I played it on video if you're interested in seeing how I fared! 

I had a really enjoyable time exploring this! I felt compelled to go back a second time a check out the other path. 

Took me a tiny bit to realize what all I was looking at at first, but I honestly think that fit in with the abstract nature of a dream. The morphing player sprite was quite trippy as well. I played it live if you want to check out my experience!

A quite fun little platformer! I had a fun time playing it through! You can check out the VOD of my playthrough here if you're interested.

I agree some of the spike hitboxes felt punishing, and the jump had a hard time registering on the vertically moving platform/pillar where a little bit of "coyote time" might have helped it feel a little smoother. But honestly, those are just small nitpicks! Great job, especially solo. It felt like a really complete experience!

Thank you so much! 

The map was a learning challenge for sure! there are definitely some rough edges with it, but I was so pleased to have figured out a way to make it come together. 

Mega Man Battle Network was one of our big inspirations for this project, so I'm happy it came through! Man, how many hours I played those growing up... 😅

So happy you like it! Thanks so much for giving it a go!

Thank you for all the positive feedback! So happy you enjoyed it!

I would definitely agree about the AI. This was my first stab at pathfinding, so when I got the a-star mostly working I was happy to get it to a point where it at least held together. 😅

Happy you liked the music! I was very pleased with the fanfares and songs that Alex put together!

Hahaha, what else could a game dev hope to hear! Thank you so much for giving it a go (or three! 😅). 

That's valuable feedback for sure! I do tend to go a little overboard with text-boxy tutorials, so I don't blame you for tuning it out up front 😅 I'll have to think about better ways to make that experience engaging! 🤔

So glad you enjoyed it though! Yeah, the framework underneath is probably overwrought for what it ended up needing to be, but I always get a little starry-eyed when starting out and dream of all the features it could support hahaha. But I'm happy to hear it all held together solid for you! I actually left myself some time to test the core game for this jam (what a wild idea!), so I was hopeful I had caught and ironed out most of the bugs.

Thank you! I'm glad you had such a fun time! That makes me happy to hear!

Ah dang, such a shame about the extended mode! That's totally my bad. 😓

It was a final day addition as I wanted there to be a mode where you'd have a better shot at getting 3-start units and such, but I must've missed somewhere where I had hardcoded in a 10 stage limit, and didn't get to test it to that point to catch it. Sorry for the trouble!

Thank you! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! 🎉

Even while creating it and testing it myself, I kept finding there was a surprising level of depth to choosing and placing units, so I was also pleasantly surprised with how it all came together 😊

Thank you for the very kind words!

That's a great point. Normally in pre-4.0 Godot, I was forced to figure out my font situation earlier in order to deal with the whole font->resource thing anytime I even wanted a different font size 😅 The flexibility with just the base font in Godot 4.0 proved to be a curse in disguise as I just kept putting off finding a suitable font to replace it with and it never got done lol. 

Will definitely take that lesson away for the future!

Three star characters are technically implemented, but yeah, in the standard playthrough there is very little chance you would get one unfortunately. 😅

I'm pleased that the biggest complaint is that you wanted more! It is a great honor 😊

Thanks for checking out our game! 😁 Yeah, definitely wished I had found a way to help with the depth. I thought about adjusting the tiles to be a bit more offset horizontally, but didn't end up with the time to reconfigure the way it was currently being done, built myself in to a bit of a corner 😅