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A member registered Jan 05, 2014 · View creator page →

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This rules. What feels at first like some slightly mushy collision allows for multiple approaches to the puzzles, and paths that aren't obvious at first. Quick resets and continuous music make sure things don't slow down too much when you make a mistake. Fun writing and some really nice pixel art cutscenes.

Ah glad you got it working! I'll update the page to show the minimum engine version.

Yeah if you want to try and tackle it, go ahead!
It's looking for something from WINE.

Could you please try opening up the build.js file and removing the windows version from the compile lists? I think it might be trying to load a wine dependency that isn't working. 

Awesome, I'll update the instructions!

That's very odd - entirely possible a new bit of it requires git to be installed ( and I just haven't noticed because all my computers have had it installed. 

Try installing git and trying again? If it doesn't work paste that log file it makes?

(1 edit)

If anyone's still getting the "symlink" error, it seems the issue starts with nwjs 0.22 and onwards. If you change your version in Gruntfile.js to '0.21.1' it'll work fine.

I'll try and find a way to correct this in the next release.

Hmm, I've never seen these happen - I'll check the mac one next time I'm on a mac.

Win10: Are you running as admin? 

"the linux build shows a grey window with 'nw.js" in black (unfinished build?)" - From memory, this happens when it can't find the index.html file in the build.

Could you please post a screenshot of the window?

Questions specific to OSX and Wine go here!

Stuff crashing? Can't get through the install process? Ask your Questions here!

Really clever writing. Such a different spin on pride and predjudice!

I feel the music doesnt fit, but its not jarring. Really nice linking of mechanics and story - The fact that the forced fail-state is something that you are angered by the first time, but learn to accept it by the end is just such a clever move, I wish Id thought of it.

A cyberpunk / futuristic take on Scheherazade, with a writer who does a 1960's spy novel exploring 'retro' tactile experiences? There's so many damn layers to this! I love it. "Get the hell out of this office" is just perfect.

There's a huge amount of text here, and few choices to make - that said, the art and the story are both fantastically done. It's a great read.

Really nice graphics - it's hard to do water well, you really nailed it!

The act of striking a balance between attacking and holding back is really nice.

Interesting puzzle mechanic with the "two levels" thing... The blurriness of the assets really let you down though :(

Super hard, but really satisfying

I had no idea what I was doing, but I really dig the look of this.

Really nice graphics, had some crashes, but really nice overall.

Really clever - I like the dodge/stamina/attack loop. Cool with the double-jam entry too. (yep, heracles is PD)

Really cute runner. Nice use of a minor character, too!

Strange and fascinating. Really well put together.

Really cute!

Really nice. Good use of the theme, too!

I think the mechanics of sailing are quite well thought out - the star map idea is inspired.

Really interesting - would be cool to read the story and see if some things I read into the game from its mechanics are there in the original.

Probably repeating most of what others have said, but really nice, focused little game. The hit detection is a bit hard to judge, but having the horseman get closer and closer is a great touch.

Really nice stealth mechanics, and great overall production!

Perhaps turn off the enemies spawning when the player's right near the end? Felt cheap to be killed by something that appears when you're that close. (I've also made a game where this happens :(  )

Absolutely too hard for me, but really well put together. I would have liked some sound when you hit the tripod, or a healthbar? It felt like my bullets were completely ineffectual, but I see someone managed to take one down. It'd be great to know whether I had done better/worse than last time.

I love this - the keybinds seem completely insane at first, but they work.

This could be really fun on ipad or something.

Not bad!

I like that you went to the effort of making a boss battle with a special attack.

I think I've been singing this one's praises since you uploaded it. While personally, I don't like the way the win/loss scenario is decided by a choice you make blindly (I do acknowledge it IS a common fairy-tale device and so it still fits well) the execution is flawless - if you set out for a Mignola-style one-shot comic, you nailed it.

Well that escalated quickly!

I think there's perhaps too many wolves, but the design sure is nice.

I agree with HandwrittenAnthony, there's a lot going on here. It's a really impressive twine entry - I would have loved to have seen that player state reflected a bit in a title or something. Has the beginnings of something like "the yawhg" in it, but at the moment it feels like a lot of those loops don't terminate once you've exhausted your options for the day.

Great graphics and sound. Very tricky to master that pickpocketing technique.

The platforming was a bit finnicky, but really nice puzzle mechanic. Very clever.