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A member registered Feb 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing and for the feedback!
I got this immunity at respawn idea from a few others as well, and I think it is a really good one!
I will definitely implement this in the next update!

I'm quite terrible with UI, this is the first game in which I actually used it (and the first almost finished one).
I have to look into this a bit more. Then I can hopefully spawn the bits clearly in front of the UI.

No worries, I should have made a tutorial level that explained the controls :p

Thanks a lot for your detailed feedback!
I fully agree there are lots of things that still can be improved!
In the next update, I will add M as a menu button.
I started developing for Windows and did not take into account that ESC would close the full screen in webGL.
Even when I changed to webGL, I did not think about it. So many thanks for pointing this out!

I should have made a tutorial for the movement. Unfortunately, I did not have the time to do this. I will add this in a future update.
Keeping jumping on a character to change it in a certain direction is perfectly fine!

The random mode is for the more casual players. The idea is to get the first few characters using the bits and then guess the rest of the word.

I personally also like the speedrun better.
You found a good tactic that I did not think of myself!
Impressive scores! As far as I know of you hold the fastest time!
A friend of mine managed to do 1:03, now I should tell him his record is broken ;)
Really impressive you could do it within 1 minute!

If you move left the character goes 1 down, if you move right it goes 1 up. The threshold seems to be a bit too high right now, so if you play with controller, give your left stick a good punch in the direction you want. If you steer too little the direction won't change. With keyboard there is no problem. I will fix this after the jam ends.

Thanks for playing!

Exactly! When you died the last touched letter is checked and turns red if it's wrong and green if it's correct. It's actually quite hard to survive and needs a bit of practicing with the controls. However dying is not a bad thing in this game.

I'm sorry, I should have made a tutorial thad explained the controls. Unfortunately, I did not have the time to do this. By combining jumping and dashing, where you get a new jump after each dash, you should be able to survive a lot longer. However the correct letters won't be checked if you don't die, so unless you want to collect 40 bits without dying, which is really hard if possible, you have to die anyways.

Thanks a lot for playing and for your feedback!

Nice and fun game!
So cool you were able to put a multiplayer in in a game jam, although I could not test it since there was no opponent to join me.

Nice and relaxing game! 
The audio and visuals fit really well together!
I like the story. I did not blow up the earth.
I had to get used to the controls, but when I did it was nice.

Great entry, well done!

I really liked your music! The art style is nice, and the controls work well.
Its a really short game, but I liked it!

Fun game! I really like the animation when the turret spits out a bullet.
It would be nice to add some score counting UI to see how many enemies you already have destroyed.

Thanks a lot for your detailed feedback!
I noticed this effect with the trail when you die. I tried to disable the trail when you die and then re-enable it when you spawn, but somehow this didn't work. Then I decided not to spend more time on it since time was already running out. I will have a look at this after the rating period again.
For the cursors in the respawn area, someone else came up with a really nice solution that I want to implement. After you die you will be invincible for a short amount of time to get away from all the cursors.

I cheated a bit for the possibility space. There are more than 11 million words you can make with 5 letters. But since you can check each character individually, the maximum number of checks that is really needed is just 5*26 = 130 possibilities.  However, 11 million sounds much more interesting than 130. Therefore, the number I put on the UI is the number of words that can be made by the still unchecked characters.

After each dash, you get a new jump. This will help you to reach all places on the screen. For maximal distance:
But I get this mechanic is not entirely clear, since I did not have time to implement a nice tutorial level.

After a bit of practising with the mechanics, any word can be made within a few minutes.  There is a speedrun mode, in which you have to make the word "WOWIE".  I was able to do this in 1 minute in just 1 attempt.
This a bit unfair, since I know exactly what I can do. I can imagine that it will already take more time than this to get the hang of the mechanics, without a tutorial. So after the rating period is over I will try to add a tutorial level.

For the cursor color, I had them white first, but I wanted to emphasise more that the cursors are the enemy.
When I made them red is was really ugly, I ended up doing something that was in between ;)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback and for playing!
I will have another look at the dash sound effect after the rating period, I didn't noticed this myself before.
So thanks for pointing this out to me!


Nice game, I liked the concept and the puzzles.
For some levels, you had to be quite fast. But the controls felt good so it was doable.

Was the poison heaven the end, or is there some mechanic I am missing?

Cool and fun game!  I will try to give some feedback:

When the game is not on fullscreen, you only see part of the screen. That's probably why some people did not see the timer.
The character could stick to the side of the platforms. Maybe you could add a physics material and set the friction to 0 to counteract this.
Also, to make the game feel more alive, you can add sound effects when certain things happen, for instance when the player jumps.

I really enjoyed playing your game, great job!

Great game! I really liked playing it!

Nice game! Controls work very smooth!
The respawn time could be shorter, especially since you need to die a lot of times to complete some of the levels.

The visuals look cool, but the text took way too long.
It would be nice to be able to skip faster through the texts.
The story was fun though! It matched the theme really well!

Cool take on the theme! This is the first jam game I came across I could play together with my brother!
We really liked it, well done!

Would be cool if the players would be able to push each other away and fight for a place where the projectile will hit!

Cool game! Sometimes it feels kinda slow and I wished there was a skip button somewhere to go through the text faster,  but the conversations with god were funny!

The visuals are amazing! 
The music fitted the game really well too!
I was going to point you to the fact that you can climb walls, but one level later I started to think this was intentional.
Very nice game! Well done!

Cool concept, I liked playing this one a lot! 

One thing, When I hid in the upper corner and just shoot everything that came close, when my score was around 800 the game started to lag. I now know reaching the highest score is not the objective, but still.

Great game, well done!

Hahaha, I really liked the soundtrack!
It was a really fun experience. I never saw such an inverted snake game before!
I have a few small remarks:
sometimes the salt is not picked up while the snake is in it. You have to be perfectly in the center to pick it up.
Sometimes food will spawn exactly on salt.
It could also be fun to spawn the food a certain distance directly in front of the snake, instead of randomly in the field. This way the player can plan his route less in advance and is forced to have a more active playstyle. I would probably do a combination of this and the random spawning.

Overall a great game, great job!

Great game! I loved the art style.
The randomly generated character names are awesome, as well as finding the dead bodies of previous runs.
Perhaps you could add some background music to add even more to the game's atmosphere.
Well done!

Nice game!
Simple visuals, but it fits the game well.

The controls felt nice, and I liked the idea of buying upgrades when dying from a spike.Consider adding some background music to add a bit of atmosphere to your game.

Great job!

Really nice and relaxing game!
The puzzles where you had to eat part of your own tail were super nice!
I liked this game very well, great job!

Simple and fun game! I really liked how the character falls over upon death, so you have a wider platform in the lava.
What I would have liked it to leave the character standing when you kill yourself, so even higher jumps can be made possible.
While the idea itself is not the most original idea I have seen in this jam, the implementation of it is done really well!
Overall a great game, well done!

The idea of this game is really creative. The puzzles are great fun, and being able to see the connections between obstacles and buttons when you are dead is a great way of implementing the theme!

Sometimes it was quite hard to complete a level, even when you already figured out how a puzzle was supposed to work. However, the amount of satisfaction when a level was complete was, at least to me, totally worth it!

Really well done!

Thanks a lot for playing and for the feedback!
Due to time I was not able to get a real tutorial level in, unfortunately.
I will definitely add this after the rating period is over!

Thanks a lot for playing and for the feedback!

Thanks a lot for playing and for your feedback!
I really enjoyed the process, and it really helped me to finally finish a game project!

Fun mechanic with interesting puzzles!
It fits the theme of the jam well!

I found a few minor bugs:
If you play for long enough, the music will just stop
If you press jump just after you jumped, you will hear another jump sound, while you won't do a double jump

Overall a great game, very well done!

I really liked this game!
The idea of a platformer where you have to die at it's core is not very original, but you clearly gave it your own flavour. I haven't seen anyone else implement it in the way you did!
In most of these platformers, it's not really a challenge to die, since you can just always go back to the spikes or hole. I think making the camera scroll through the level was a really clever finding!
This way you had to rush to an obstacle to die of it as much as possible, before it was out of the screen.
You also set some nice traps, where I died, and then spawn in 3 hearts and in my panic grab all three of them ;)

To improve the game I would add some kind of main menu, so the game does not start inmediately.
Also I would add some endscreen with the possibility to restart and try to get a higher score (via this main menu?), so you don't have to refresh the page if you want to play another time.

Great game, well done!

The art style is amazing! It was fun to play as well!
Great game, really well done!

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it!

Nice game!
At first, I found the trail that's following the player looking a bit weird, but it looks really cool with the double and triple jump!

Nice game! It plays really nice! In the end, I ended up with a tactic where I just would follow the ball.
The only thing is I don't really see how it's connected to the theme.
But it's a very fun game, so well done!

Really fun game! Cool addition you can open up multiple pathways by exploding in a crossroad!
Respawn time could have been a little bit faster since you will blow yourself up a lot of times.
Nice to see you were able to create such a fun game using simple mechanics and art!
Well done!

Fun game! I really like the art style! And the fact you are a toast!
You are definitely not the only one that implemented the theme like this, but you did it really well!

Really creative approach, I haven't seen anything like this in the 40+ games I rated.
Its great fun solving these puzzles!
Also, the art and the music suit the game really well.
I see you just uploaded the WebGL version, I can confirm it is working well.

You have made a great game, well done!