I didn't do anything special to export it, the only thing I can think of, is that I did the game in 4.3 that is still cooking.
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Hello! Thank you very much for playing!
About switching between spells, the Hotbar idea.. actually I don't know how that could go past me, is just so obvious. You can use the mouse wheel or "Q" and "E" to switch between the 4 possible spells you can have at the same time.
The wall can block the projectiles, so you can dash in, create a wall and dash out again to attacks through it. In general I just created some spells to see what I could make, I had more in mind, but I don't know If I could make it for the submissions or make something "useful".
The unfairness of the enemies was so obvious that I had to make the player immortal or you could have a very bad time trying anything. I didn't like that either.
Challenging game indeed with each returning to home increasing the enemies.
I like that with the rewind I'm able to see everything returning, even enemies. I think it could be cool that with the rewind by yourself could be until a certain point of your choosing, but keep that if an enemy touches you, you rewind to the beginning.
It's not fair they take more bullets than I take arrows, lol, I'm from the future!!
At first I thought it was a survival game in the past, until I leveled up! It's a pity we didn't get to see the new abilities, but the idea is there! I also see that you had something with running near corners, maybe hide the enemy if there is no vision?
I liked the fast paced gameplay. The jumps were a bit hard to master, but then you just fly through the level!
I think there is one that is impossible to beat? The cactus seems too far from the level in mid air.
The rewind feature is a nice mechanic to return to a previous state before a bad jump, but I don't know if I'm doing it wrong, the return path seems extremely short or the time to rewind is too low.
I had fun with the game. I liked the theme you gave it. Having the obstacles appear after the dead helped me to finish the game.
I would have liked to have a little second or so of preview after a dead to memorize the pattern, but that would have removed the "failure" part of the jam to overcome, the 10 seconds at the beginning help at the start thought.
Good job!
Who placed that many candles! I could go up to the fourth checkpoint but there my timing skills are not enough, but I blame my keyboard!
In some occasions I was able to find an alternate easy path, but not always, especially farther in the level.
Very fun game, it look like the bat can gain infinite momentum if you leave the space pressed, I would like to see how fast it could go...
I got a little trouble hitting the slimes until I found the best way is to hit them from the right-side while moving upwards. I was able to get to the chest!
I like the roguelite progression you can have by killing enemies and getting better equipment. The Sprites and animations are cool too. Getting the slimes to gather and kill them in batch was very fun actually!
I liked the game a lot. The escape room being impossible in the first run fits very well with the jam theme, as you get your knowledge for the next one.
I would like the notepad to keep the notes between plays... for some unknown reason. I could not beat the game because some FPS usually gives me motion sickness, but doesn't change a bit my opinion, I had fun!
If you are careful with the timing on interacting with elements in the game, you can still play after the 60 secs are out, for example, you can move and do things with the level if you get the notepad out.
Very funny game, the frog is hilarious!
My big complain is the level where you have to do a high jump to a moving platform you can't see, so you don't know when to jump properly, missing that jump is instant retry because the lava gets you. Other than that, I had fun even with the difficulty controlling the frog jump.
Beautiful visuals!
I had some problems with the hitbox with the spikes, but overall I like it a lot! The previous dead character as a platform gimmick is very original, although I'm clumsy enough to trap myself with my previous self and had to kill me to be able to progress sometimes.
I had some trouble performing the walljump sometimes.
I had fun with the computer telling me what to do. In my opinion some subtitles would help for those we are not English speakers, as we have to sharpen our hearing to understand sometimes, but I was able to understand most of it.
Regardless, very fun puzzle game, I liked a lot the gameplay, very original and you can even try an eyes closed run!