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Thanks for trying it out :D. The atmosphere was definitely the part I enjoyed working on the most/spent the most time on. And there are bugs galore. The holding down for kick strength is such a good idea, I was having trouble coming up with a good way to give depth to dribbling outside of making new obstacles. Thank you for playing!

edit: accidentally posted this twice

Thank you for the heads up! I was way too tired during submission lol.

I could put an asterisk on 60% of my GDD with “didn’t have time to implement” lol, if you decide to keep working on this game/add more story elements I’ll def check them out.

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Really fun game, I kept getting absolutely torched by those sentry guns, lol. I wish the POV was slightly larger or the camera had some dynamic zoom/movement towards enemies, as it was difficult to see the mobile enemies to aim at while dodging the larger waves of projectiles (this is also technically just skill issue on my end). The movement and combat is super snappy and I didn't experience any bugs. Great work!
edit: just noticed the time submitted too. you did some great work under pressure lmao-- I was in the same boat.

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This is a really nice experience, the music is so charming and soothing, even fighting the enemies doesn't feel that stressful based on your little attack sound effect. Although, the floating slime enemies are intimidating to on first contact. The only snag I had was that the edge of platforms felt very "short" i.e. the area from which I could jump felt smaller than the area on which I could walk. So I'd be running off the edge and press jump, but wouldn't actually jump unless I really led it by a bit. This made movement in some areas (the long dash jumps) a little clunky for me. Really good game with a ton of clarity, visual/audio reward, and quality. I also really liked the falling into the cavern before the boss fight, felt like such a cool way to 'load' that part of the level.

I actually got pretty scared the first time I saw the glowing red eyes, haha. Really cute player model-- I like all the different angles of the sprite. The variety makes the movement feel fluid and more 'real'. It wasn't really clear to me what the objective was playing. I thought at first the shadow monster couldn't go in the light at all, but then I figured out (at least, I'm like 65% sure) that they just don't attack in the light. I also wasn't really sure how to fight back/if I could fight back. The light generation/shadow system is silky smooth, movement feels really good, and the overall quality is really good. I had a few bugs when restarting, but just restarting again fixed it every time. Really awesome entry!

I forgot to add this to my comment on your game's page, but I did the same thing for the GDD-- so at the very least you aren't alone there.

this is so incredibly well done and adorable. The art style isn't just good, it's amazing-- really getting graphic novel vibes. All the graphics are so well implemented and smooth, I found myself actually feeling some pride/relief when I saw that Spookie was visibly better, it was really good payoff for the potion brewing. I was a bit of an airhead and spent way too long trying to reflect a piece with the wrong key-- thought I had run into a bug. Nope! I'm just stupid, lol. Not one bug, 10/10 art direction and quality, the puzzle was engaging/juusstt difficult enough to feel good, the whole thing was super polished, and to cap it off you get rewarded with a cat and a hamster. Great game, hope you keep working on it.

I tried both, unfortunate on your bug :(. The playable version is so good though! The graphics are really high quality on their own, let alone for a game jam game! The movement system is incredibly snappy and smooth which is the most important factor for these types of games in my opinion. I struggled in combat against the little goblin at first until I realized how short my attack cooldown was.  The goblin's attack seemed super fast until I realized the range on my little wave attack meant it could never really approach me, especially if I camped on a wall. I also couldn't figure out how to access spells from getting those flowers, but I did see the tutorial text pop up for it. Ctrl and Q didn't have any functionality for me.  This game is really awesome-- I hope the judges give it a shot-- and that you keep working on it, I think it'd be worth it. 

p.s. I think audio would go a super long way for this game

the fire spreads so fast! I was going to put it out I swear xD, awesome feature. On this try I also noticed that I wish the HUD/tutorial pop ups were slightly larger, or at least adjustable in size.

At first I didn't realize I could hold down left click to move things, and was kind of 'swiping' at them. I thought the theme was kind of like, mess with this person while they sleep in really tiny ways like moving their stuff around and turning the lights on/off. I had fun dragging the potions as far as I could across the floor, but wasn't really making progress lol. I also tried to turn the light on to wake up the hauntee, I thought that would be funny. This game has a lot of visual charm in my opinion (the little fluttering animation the ghost has is so good), it works super well-- I didn't run into a single bug-- and you have so much space to make this game more fun! Awesome prototype and great job.

The sound design was so good lmao, I snorted the first time I heard the brbrbrbrbrbrbrbr. Also really enjoyed the relaxing vibe the music gave with the nice ambient feeling of being a cloud. Even though there aren't really play style similarities, this game definitely reaches into the corner of my brain that likes playing stardew valley. The gameplay feels nice and logical/fluid. The only thing I kinda wished was different is I couldn't roleplay an evil cloud-- every time I tried to strike the horses with lightning it didn't work. Even after I filled a pond with water so they'd all get together! Sadge. But on a serious note I think you guys did some awesome work here and I really enjoyed testing it out.

I really like the fact that the little antechamber let's the player learn all their controls in a non threatening environment that still offers engagement. I also was weirdly taken in by the one page of story that I saw-- it was super well written/plotted for such a short piece in my opinion. So much polish and functionality for a game jam game, let alone from a hobbyist. You've done a really great job. The only thing that threw me off was I wasn't really sure how to change my elements for the attacks. I kept choosing non elemental items though, so that could easily be the problem. I just wasn't really sure what attacks I had access to.

I really liked the player model. I also tried to kill the munchers by squeezing them between two boxes and they glitched a bit when there wasn't enough room between the boxes. Their hit range seems a bit long and the damage to player takes a little too long to take effect imo. Overall enjoyed playing it. Great job!