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A member registered Feb 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Wow…what a wonderful little demo, and an amazing system that you are building! Thank you for sharing… ;-)

Can you hit R to reset?  I implemented that on some of the levels...Heh.

There's a SPOILERS video now that might help... ;-) need to go to the top of that level and jump into the RingShip, and then fly around and find the next RainbowHaptagonPortal.

I intended to offer more direction...but also really wanted to shove 7 levels in there.  Heh.

Thanks for your patience. ;-)

Oh, and there's a SPOILER video now if you'd care to watch

Yes, this is a common observation.  My apologies...

You can watch the SPOILER video

First level, you just wait (or hit Escape if you can't stand it...)...the idea is that all the 7s are giving you hints for the subsequent levels.


Let me know if you have any more questions...

You can watch the SPOILERS video.

Yes, I intended to give more direction...I have issues with managing scope.  

You can see a lot of the intentions in Gitlab (look at the Markdown (*.md) files)

Basically, you have to head to the top and jump into the glowing Haptagon, which is actually your RingShip, and then you get to fly around, find the fish, and the next RainbowHaptagonPortal.

Thanks for sharing!

I even loved trying to jumprope while on the treadmill!  Clever!

Ah, yes...the wonders...of incompleteness!  I am still learning to manage scope.  ;-)

Did you have a chance to watch the SPOILERS video?

On some of the levels you can hit 'R' to reset...I'm pretty sure I didn't implement it in all of them, only the ones I had trouble in myself.



The Seventh Dimension Game link says it is your you want to restore it?  

I'm always on the lookout for new ideas, and code that implements them. 


The Glow Tutorial has been placed on the media queue!

(1 edit)

OMG...666 is the largest number base 7!  LOL  The base of the Devil!  (Is that the last boss?  I didn't get that far...)

Wow.  Just looked at your code...I'm so proud of you, using a singleton for Random number generation!  ;.-) 

 (That's a tear of joy in the beautiful!)

I like your file structure...very U/linux.  src/ obviates the needs for .gdignore files. "Very nice!" - Borat-voice

Why sources.txt instead of

I'm using Python mistune to parse sources, so hopefully those will help create/design initial game structure.


Wow!  This is soooo much better than what I had pitched: 7 numerals, 7 operators, 7 colors, and wonderfully mathy AND gamey!  Everything is smooooooth.  *grin*

May I see the code?  I searched on Github and Google to no avail...perhaps 7 stole it?


Oh my goodness!  How wonderful!

Can I see how you did the Story/continue dynamics in code?  I have been inching my way towards that...

Such a great story, nice gameplay and dynamics, fun look and feel!

Amazing!  What a wonderful tutorial for me about platformers!  I love how you just reused the same basic levels, adding additional simple, yet really well done.

Thank you!

Oh my goodness!  Absolutely Brilliant!  Love the Wildcard mechanics!

The plate balancing seems quite challenging, and I fell out of the rooms a couple of times...

Silly me!  Thanks for your hard the code around?

Web play just goes black...

Such a cute game!  And very clever dynamics.

I was never able to shoot a projectile, however?

Thanks for the inspiration!

Fun Game!  Love Your Look and Feel...Will you be posting code?

I'd like to learn about the glowy art style, and how you did the hanging 7.


(2 edits)

Glad you tried inspired me to post a SPOILER Runthrough on YouTube.

What little characters did you find?  

There are guest appearances from HeartTodayGoneTomato, LittleFoot, and TheirTemple.


How mysterious is that?  ;-)  Thanks for playing!

The first level is black, and you can do nothing (except hit the escape key or wait).

Then each level is a color of the Rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

Built from Sevens and CompAltars.  You are looking for the Gateway to the next Color

Which is another RainbowHapt(agon), but with one more Color inside of it...

How far did you get?

What a wonderful little game!  So spooky!  The lighting and sound were great, and I learned a lot from how simply (yet well) you did everything.

I only wish I had reviewed this during the game jam...c'est la vie.

Could you make the code available?  I'd love to play around with this...

Love your game!  I was just thinking about making a Robotron-clone, and then found this!  So much fun.

Okay.  I played numerous times, and basically "finished", in that I figured out how to train every slime, and just keep blasting with the torch, while healing occasionally with the myriad of medical boxes.  Really simple and great and very Robotron-satisfying.  Thanks!

My only remaining feedback would be:

1) Is there any "point" (LOL) to the sword at all?

2) It would be nice if the boundaries were more clear.  With the first couple of games, I felt "stuck" until I realized I had reached the end of the world and adapted.

Do you have the source code for this?  I would love to play around with it!


Thanks again for your wonderful little gift!

I really liked your game...I generally don't like platformers, but the puzzle aspect made it really fun.

I wish I had seen it during my reviews during the was tremendously satisfying, and I would love to see more!

Keep up the wonderful work!  Thank you!

(1 edit)

Yes!  There is a wonderful Zen-ness to just wandering around in Little-Foot-Landia.

I'm glad you enjoyed your fever dream!

(So now I'm inspired to checkout All Out the source code somewhere?  Much easier than this process of booting up a virtual machine running ;-)

Oh, yes!  I think I was expecting the red text to change color to show that they were now available...they have been available this whole time!

Wow.  Quite a fun little game...AsteroidsOnSteroids...ASteroids?  LOL

I really wanted to make that salad, but twice I overshook the bowl and everything went flying!

Now I know how newbie chefs must feel in the kitchen...

Good job!

Cute art and fun music...definitely would like to metal detect some more!

Quite an amazing little game!  I never knew I could care about a little battery trying to do his job...

Those feet make me giggle everytime!

Wonderful!  Yes, I just watch VikFro streaming and playing Little Foot.  I have much to learn about creating mazes.

Thanks for the comments on the soundtrack.  That was Lucas' contribution, and he introduced me to Themes for Terrains and Characters.

(If I remember correctly, I looked through your code...and lots and lots of Tweens.  So cool! I am just learning about those babies, too!)

The game will be updated at least 3 times before the next Godot Wild Jam, if you are interested in more replay (though the first update will be mostly content updates and maybe some Tween animations...depends on Refactoring.)

I'll be posting a Devlog discussing features and options for people.

One of the other things I realized, which is hilarious in hindsight, I only learned when watching other people's submissions.

What are computers really good at?  Copying things.  There are actually very few copied objects within LittleFoot, as I think of each character as unique and special in and of themselves.  (Yes, there are some duplicates thrown in near the end...3 Trees and Squirrels, and 2 or 3 Tree With Acorn.

And, believe it or not, I just learned about inherited scenes.  I was doing so many things trying to figure out how to get content into the game, and wondering..."why is this so hard?"  Plus, the core system I am developing (a message-passing state  machine model for the scene views), wasn't yet designed for creation/destruction.  So everything in LittleFoot exists and always exists, unless you Give them to Characters that accept them (and those are few and far between.)

Look forward to seeing you next jam, too!


I really liked it!  Sweet music, lovely movement, great dynamics on the walls.

And I learned something:  onready var initial_pos : Vector2 = position 

Such a great way to allow things to be reset to their designed positions.  Thanks!

Oh, good.  Turns out...even I am wrong in the video.  It's not about how hard you slam the's all about what tile PatchOfGrass is next to, not LittleFoot.  It just so happens that when back up to slam again, I realign, and then PatchOfGrass is aligned to the correct tile.

It's been changed in the Demo on Their Temple, to use LittleFoot's position instead of PatchOfGrass...let me know if that feels better.  (You can still run into walls, but not as much, to my mind.)

Thanks for the great feedback!

(1 edit)

This game is quite amazing.  At first, I found it so frustrating, then figured out much of it...

I believe if you added one element:  when you click Orbit, and you move your mouse, show both the Orbit and the line to Approach the Orbit and the intersection.  The fact that the Approach doesn't always get into the Orbit at the closest point is...challenging. ;-)

Adding Orbit direction would also be intriguing...

Beautifully done!  And it's a great introduction to the complexities of Space Travel!

I would love to talk to you about the math, of intersecting lines and circles, and calculations of intersecting tangents.

Hey!  I watched some of your tiling videos to learn how to make tiles!  It's you! Thanks so much...  ;-)

And I saw your work on GodotFirebase...excellent work.

I have some ideas for how to provide tools for the entire community of Godot Wild Jam, and would love to discuss it with you.

If you are so inclined (and I hope you are), reach out to me on Discord at Falling Fruit

Thank you so much!  The music wasn't was created explicitly for LittleFoot and friends by Lucas#7528, and is so wonderful.  He's a master of thematic development, and I learned so much from him.

Oh!  You mean the little "I Am Here"s from all the foods?  Yes, that was the default sound for Character2Ds, and was meant to be replaced if possible, so it can get a little...surreal.  (Especially since it's my voice...*brrrr* ;-)

I'm glad to see you followed, and I'm happy to flush it out into a "pretty awesome/surreal puzzle game"...there's so much we all learned making LittleFoot, and if you watch the Little Foot Gameplay SPOILERS. you'll see I'm still seeing new ways to create challenges and puzzles with the core software being built.

I'm looking forward to playing Space Oregano!  Happy Jamming!

What a wonderful game!  You inspired me that for the next Godot Wild Jam, I'm definitely doing a side-scrolling platformer!

Everything seems nearly perfect, though I have not made it to the end yet...I'll be back to get that Oregano, for sure!

Wonderful little game!  And I had no idea you could change the fonts for everything in Itch...genius!

So, I seem unable to get past the first little turret...I Lock it, and see the square around it...then what should I do?

Thank you so much, Jonny64bit!

So, you are the second person to comment on getting stuck in the grass (out of three comments so far.  Heh)

Were you stuck unable to move LittleFoot, or stuck not knowing where to go next?  You can pick up PatchOfGrass just on the edge of the RockyOutcropping, then carry him to the Garden across the Void, and the game continues through the Fairy Forest to the Dam and finally into the Bedroom.

If it's getting stuck being unable to move, could you look at the Little Foot Gameplay SPOILERS video and see if that helps, showing how to Give an object to sort of "phase" back into the World and be able to move again.

I'm looking forward to playing Getting To Pluto!  Congratulations on your submission!  We did good...
