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A member registered Apr 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nice game ! The reloading is a really good idea 👌

Nice game ! Good job reaching that result in only 3 hours 😁

Really nice game ! I like this kind of challenges (make me remember of Mario 64 DS xD)
Is there any harder difficulty past level 25 ? I feel like it's been some time that the difficulty hasn't changed 

Thanks for the complete review ! Yeah I was so focused on the plan i set up to be quick that I forgot something as basic as display the controls ^^; 

I thought about it just a little after but my 3 hours were up so I believed in everyone and pray you would eventually found out what to do x)
For the middle notes, it's just that I needed to force the player going out of, well the middle, but again I didn't predict that it would go through the camera and I should have destroyed all the notes just after passing the player's z axis.

Thanks again, I'll make sure to explain the principles properly next time !  

Oh really ? I never thought it could be because of my screen x) 

After changing their orientation in the first map, it looked like I could walk right in front of them without anything happening (I don't remember all the details / procedure I did sorry)

Nice game design idea ! I just felt like the ball could have bounced on the player with a little more control to have better precision, because it took me forever to hit the last tile of the first level x)

Also, the distracting object can spawn right in front of the respawn point, so the ball got stuck right away and never returned to me x)

Anyway, good job for a 3 hours game !

Nice game, easy to understand gameplay and good difficulty management !

Noooooo, I genuinely felt sad seing the game ended so quickly !
I really like your idea and think it fits well for the theme ^^
Maybe next time, instead of having 5/6 different "mini distracting game" you can try to make around 3 mini games but with differents layout/ difficulty ? (Like having differents houses, maybe even randomly generated even if it's super basic stuff, at least you won't have to create "mini game" from scratch ? Well, it's just an idea ;) )

Anyway, good job and good luck for your next Jam !

Too bad you couldn't finish in time, I checked your devlog and saw you built the assets, they look great ! Maybe next time you can find a team mate so you can focus 100% on this part of the game =)

Anyway, don't give up and good luck for your next project/ game jam !

Well, it's working perfectly as intended x)

(1 edit)

Really nicely done ! I like how the music fits perfectly, how the ship is smoothly controlled, the simple but great idea of showig where the next asteroid will spawn, and the littles "pop" sounds for the adds that are just as cute as annoying after some time xD

Deserves a perfect score in my opinion, good job !!

I don't know if it's because I'm using Firefox or something else, but I can jump high enough in the first level =/
I tried keeping the button pressed on both keyboard and gamepad, tried to wall jump, double jump.
After seeing the Walkthrough I think I have a problem linked to detecting a long press input, but I might be wrong

Really nice game ! I like how the ambiance is simple but with the light not showing everything, the limited lure and how they travel before fixing to place, it really just make the game more interesting (and quite hard xD).
Good job !!

Nice one ! I like the adds, especially the Winrar one x)
I did 52 on my second run, it's nice to see you thought of accelerating the plane speed and the pop up of the adds ^^

Nice gameplay idea, I would love seeing it evolving ^^

Love the idea, I feel bad for the tamagochi tough xD

Had a little trouble to find out the gameplay mecanics at first.
Nice gameplay even so !

Nice game ! I like how the comments are distracting even if they're not noisy or flashy but just moving back and forth xD

Good concept ! I just think displaying the time left to the fully grown state would be interesting but nice idea ^^

Nice game with interesting gameplay ! I feel like "catching" passengers while being far away was too op but anyway xD
Keep up the good work !

Nice game design idea ! I had some trouble with collisions on map 2 and with the enemy vision but it has potential since for once we use the bow only to distract and not to kill ^^

Really fun game, the controls feels nice and the gameplay works well! I hope you'll continue a little to add a version with sound !

Well done =)

Really fun game, the controls feels nice and the gameplay works well! I hope you'll continue a little to add a version with sound !
Well done =)