yea currently its windows only unfortunately
Hassan joraid
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Thanks for playing! I agree about the zombies health. I didn’t do enough play tests to get the perfect zombies health because I was trying to add more and more stuff till I didn’t have enough time. Unfortunately I didn’t know that I had time to update the game after submitting till I was late already. I was planning on adjusting the health in the actual game but wont affect this jam unfortunately. Glad you enjoyed the atmosphere though.
Im glad you liked it! and great thinking on the auto clicker lol. regarding the game not running well, I really dont know what causes that, my guess is that UE5 is very demanding or something. I got mixed feedback from people who say it ran perfectly while others say it didnt run well. It is alarming, I guess for my next game I might reconsider using Unreal. Thanks for the feedback though!
Hey thanks for the feedback, I had multiple people complain about performance I think its just UE5 being very demanding, on top of some bad optimization within the game. if you are planning to ever play again I thought i should let you know the zombies inside the bunkers dont respawn so once you kill them all you can explore freely with no zombies. There’s a part right at the end where i actually do spawn them but its for like a boss fight outside. and I definitely agree that there are too much zombies and they have a lot of health that can make it tedious. Again appreciate the feedback