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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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A cool combination of two genres i haven't seen before! I agree with bar on needed clarity for placement. It would also be nice if there were a way to clear poorly place bocks, maybe with some kind of penalty. Squishing zombies was fun and using tetronimos in a top down perspective was neat!

Nice music. I like the puzzle mechanic- a good twist on a classic 'color all the tiles' puzzle. Got a weird bug on level 7 where after I pressed z to undo it undid most of my moves but kept some of the green colored squares which soft locked progress. A fun proof of concept that could definitely be a full game if fleshed out. 

Nice that it had a difficulty curse.

Nice that it had a difficulty curse.

Nice that it had a difficulty curse.

Very impressive look. The tunes were very fun. The frame rate was struggling when playing on browser, its possible this should've been download only,, but that might be an issue with our internet. The scale of the player character felt a little small. Also being able to hold down z or x rather then tapping would've felt more natural. 

Shockingly fun, lays bare the core mechanics of clickers, and shows that is pretty enjoyable. Some music and sounds affects would go a long way to making this a serious time waster, in a good way. Click value count would be great. If you wanted to give it an end game, increasing time cost should scale as well. Clicking was very fun!

When I got the cheese on level 4 I was stuck on a screen with no shape change blocks and was soft locked. Music is very fun, it reminded me of Homestar Runner, but bounce sound too loud. Tough to change shape in mid-air since the screen follows your guy- not sure if this is a purposeful tension or not. Even so, the puzzle mechanic is clever and there was solid puzzle platforming challenges. 

Clever interpretation of the theme. It wasn't clear for a bit where the buttons to change the flame's scale were maybe they should've been outline more clearly? Once that properly clicked it was fun to spend time with.

Clever interpretation of the theme. It wasn't clear for a bit where the buttons to change the flame's scale were maybe they should've been outline more clearly? Once that properly clicked it was fun to spend time with.

Fun easy to under stand three unit system, I like that there is a perfect no units lost solution to every puzzle but you can still progress but just getting the par. Sound effects and music would go a long way but the art itself is quite fun!

Very cute art, loved the robot and the course's designs. I think it's interesting that the platforms have a cost but since they all cost the same amount and you only benefit by placing an exactly correct platform, the 'cost' doesn't really mean anything. The instructions directing the player toward the robot's movement key in the top left were misleading since it was much easier to look at the upcoming gear patters and match the platforms to them. 

(1 edit)

Love the art style and humor, fun theme! Kept stuck on the TV the hit box on the hat seems really big. Pushing the items was a little unintuitive, but I like the rush you get from trying to complete the tasks while managing the dad!

There's something great here. A legitimately funny puzzle platformer. Did a great job at turning a game on its head without just being a different already existing game. Really liked the original art as well. Pallet swapped uncle gave me a genuine laugh. Controls need work- jumping is floaty and awkward, but this is a solid base for a great game.

Did like the choice of music. Graphics simple but effective. Not the most creative take on the game jam theme but great job for 5 hours work! Could be built up into a fun mobile game.

Great fun little experience! Sliding the pins around is a lot of chaotic fun! Score should be displayed at end of round. Simple as is which is great! A good start of a more robust hectic game.

I Missed that you were supposed to match craftables to adventures, that probably on me but might make sense to explaining that. Loved the artwork of the adventures and the shop keep!

I Missed that you were supposed to match craftables to adventures, that probably on me but might make sense to explaining that. Loved the artwork of the adventures and the shop keep!

Like the aesthetic and the music a lot. Concept is fun but needs more depth or a further twist.

Fun puzzle game! The earlier levels felt like I was winning unintentionally but it escalated pretty quickly. 

Fun puzzle game! The earlier levels felt like I was winning unintentionally but it escalated pretty quickly. 

Fun base needs more variety, when there are only two games with a similar general goal and only a one button difference, you lose the manic surprise and fun mistakes of similar games.

Amazing base, I love the simple struggle between balancing farm lands and knights. I wish it was a little easier to make post bounties I often found myself misclicking. I could see tons of ways to expand this as well!

Neat game, I love the color coding for the different thrusters and their keys. Given controlling the sip is the difficulty i'd have preferred the keys to be layed out a little closer together over being in a straight line on the keyboard.

Man I'm totally lost, the presentation is nice, and I think I see what you are going for but I wish there was a ramping up instead of dropping us in the middle, seems great for people with more experience with puzzle games