Very cool story! The writing style and story is a nice mix of both comedy and personal introspective. If I had to critique, with it being mostly text, some color-coding with the character names would be useful, since I found it a bit hard to remember who was who, at least in the beginning.
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Very cool! I really like the sound design. That paired with the art style gives a really solid atmosphere. The abstract-ness gives all the necessary information, while letting one's brain fill in any specific details, which is a nice touch. My only critique is that while I know it's a short game, some sort of quicksave would have been nice, since I had to play through the intro every time to see each ending.
Well written and a very charming character! My main critique is the some UI elements are hard to read. For example, the mini menu at the bottom overlapping the bottom of the dialogue box, and some menus, like the Help and About having white text on a very light background. There were also sections where it felt like the game seemed to freeze, not sure if it was an intentional.
Very fun! I really enjoyed getting new clothes to create cool outfits. The art all looks very nice and its impressive that all the clothes sprite work well together. It would have been cool to have the clothes relate to the NPCs a bit more. I noticed that some did, which was neat. Maybe also the NPCs could have also become more nude when their clothes were stolen. Overall, very solid and fun to play!
I really liked the art style! The character were really nicely designed. I also ran into the worker AI bug. I thought the animations were really nice, especially the VIPs, though it would've been nice to have more varied positions for the regular customers, since the gameplay does get a bit repetitive. I think having pretty much any music would've helped as well. I did like the 2D characters in a 3D space. It reminded me of paper cutouts, which I thought was cool.
A pretty novel concept, The story was neat, although I feel like the intro was a bit slow, it took quite a bit to get to the actual vore part. Still, it felt like I was learning a bit of biology I may have forgotten from high school. As people have already stated, it's a bit difficult even at the easiest setting, as well as font choice, and the mistype penalty is a bit harsh. Maybe some sort of sound effect to indicate a mistake could've been helpful so I knew to stop typing and check. Still, I finished it to the end, so I was definitely engaged. And the game was well-written, so it didn't feel like I was writing the same phrases over and over.
The powerups spawning are tied to the kink settings, so if a kink is disabled, the powerup for it is removed from the pool of powerups. If all kinks are disabled, then no powerups. Though I have been told that I should increases the spawn chance, since yeah I guess they are a bit too rare even when enabled.