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A member registered Apr 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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My gut feel was something like an FPS where your mouse is locked to the middle but it records your movements, which it then adds to the ball's velocity. Likely with a lot of inertia too, so the player can just flick their mouse to fling it at a certain wall.

Of course I have no idea how this actually feels in practise so it might feel awful when implemented.

This is a very interesting game concept. Had no idea what to do at first until I went back and tried to decode your previous forum posts.

Nice execution, though it did start to make me feel sick after a while. Interested to where you take this.

Interesting twist on a minigolf type game. The bouncing seemed a bit erratic though, The later levels I found really difficult because of it, but manged to get to the literal "end" screen.

Had a few cases where the bomb was stuck bouncing on an up arrow. Had to wait for the timer to run out before I could try my next shot.

Good start to a fun concept though, just a few things to iron out.

Woah XNA, I haven't seen that in a long time.

Neat little prototype. It would have been nice if the was some hit invun time. Getting touched by an enemy drained health super quickly. Also it seemed like the enemies could hurt you via beating in your lightning which was a bit humorous.

Neat prototype, surprisingly difficult to determine where the ball needs to go and then get it to go where it needs to go.

Cool world concept. I wasn't expecting the game to look how it did after seeing the pixel art screenshots and story intro :v.

I think the second area bugged out for me, with the locks, ended up just walking through the locked door after being confused for most of my time. As I then sprinted past everything to the exit I ran out of time, which then proceeded to start counting down from 120 again ;v.

And that was one hell of an interesting choice for the final boss. What even is it?

Neat little game. Probably should have limited the screams to one at a time, discovering 5 zombies at once was a little bit loud to say the least.

I'm not sure if my game bugged though, I couldn't get more than 20 zombies to spawn, no matter how far I walked.

Wow.. What a ride that was.

Started out super cute and I was just thinking about how cute all these plushies are and how I'd legit want to own them. As the game went on it started to get more real, and parts of it hit close to home so the ending was a bit bittersweet to me. The music too, added a lot to it, especially how it slowly changed.

Amazing job, you managed to evoke so much with such a short entry.

Ahahah this is a fun little game. I liked the idea, and for some reason it reminds me of those old desktop toys from back when I was in school, where you destroyed your windows desktop with random stuff. No idea why, but it's a good thing I promise.

Nice job.

(1 edit)

Really nice game, simple and yet challenging. Took me a while to realise that the lamps lit up if you slam near them and so I then went back and lit them all up in my next run.

I also noticed that they have 3 stages of illumination to them, I tried to get all lamps to this level but alas I kept running out of time.

Good job, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your first experience making a game, keep it up and keep making games. It's great fun.

This was really cool, great concept, very fun to play. Gotta love just beating the heck out of a rock with a cute face.

I found myself pressing w to jump a lot though, possible alternate keybind?

Would have been nice to have some sort of par score though, after completing a run I had no real idea if it was good or not other than my other runs. For all I know they were all dreadful.

Wow I totally vibed out with this one. Have you considered a mouse controlled version? Might make it a bit easier to read the poem at the top, which I didn't notice at first. And still kind of struggle to read.

The audio was really nice too, I did turn it down a little before playing, due to the other comments, but it was super relaxing even at the climax.

I really like the art style and vibe you went for here. I sure sent a lot of people to their death. I think having some sort of target would have been nice. (More than x alive and less than y dead.

I did the opposite of ClumsyQuark here, I went crazy on my first run and just made a mess of the moon, and then I dialed it back to try to not kill anyone. Nice little concept. Do the rocks and lamps do anything or are they just decoration (and make big holes)?

I was very confused at first as I couldn't interact with anything. Until i saw the other comment talking about the strange collision system.

Feels like it might be something like the player collision box is blocking the clicks going through?

The characters were filled with personality, and a few felt relatable somehow. Managed to get a poem together after being careful and got up on stage to give my performance.


Cool little game, you even went out of your way to generate the levels too.

Cute art, nice music, straightforward game-play. Perhaps a little bit of feedback when hurting an enemy? At first I couldn't tell if I was hurting the enemy till it died.

Also I need to learn to read, I was so confused when I suddenly stopped being able to shoot, then saw the main menu specifically told me ammo is a collectable. Oops.

Nice little whack-a-mole, made me realise how poor my mouse accuracy has become over the years. Was nice to try and improve my aim again. I tried to hit the ghosts as fast as possible even though you gave us a bit of time to hit them.

Also while writing this up, the win screen got doubled up with the level end win screen :v, pressing the next level button made weird things happen :v. I'm now in an empty field surrounded by cheering cute girls.

(1 edit)

Yooo this game is lit. I'm super glad you managed to fit the upgrade system in, it really added a lot to the game. I wasn't expecting the boss to suddenly go bullet hell on my ass, but I heeded the warning of ClumsyQuark down there and was ready to be murdered and managed to slam dunk his head in.

Loved the art and design here, very much felt like a passion project you did here. I'm very impressed.

Amazing game, you did a great job. Huge props to you.

To be honest I was looking forward to this one after seeing it in the thread. Did not disappoint.

For some reason it threw me back to my childhood days of playing flash games on the school computers. What a nostalgic feeling.

At times my guy became so fast that I'd just disappear for seconds at a time, and then suddenly I'm off the other side of the screen a few dozen people are dead and explosions are going off.

I regret nothing.

Fun gimmick, was fun trying to incorporate tricks and stuff into my jumps too.

Not sure how the scoring works, you gave a run down but it felt a bit weird when I used the car that travels at like lightspeed and covers the entire canvas with one splash and got only slightly more than the soup can where I barely touched the canvas.

I'm not sure if it was just me but, after unlocking the last car I saw no way to actually use it?

Felt pretty slow at the start, but by the end I was more than satisfied by how ludicrously fast you were traveling :v. Took me a while to realize that attacking used my mass, and then proceeded to heavily conserve my shots.

Tardigrade sounds felt a bit jarring though as my right ear would always be hearing something and left would cycle between nothing and maybe one, perhaps it would have been nicer if the sound started a bit closer to the screen, and not so heavily panned?

"balhbalhbalhb and then she said sblabalbhalbahlbahlbahlaba can you believe that?"

This really does feel like just another day at work. You captured that perfectly. And the style of everything despite being simple worked really well together, it felt like an intended design from the start and not just some easy to make art for a time constraint.

Very cute little game, I see you sneakily referenced a bunch of stuff in the dialogue too.

The combat felt very undertale with the whole it's not really a battle, more of a confrontation, perhaps of words, perhaps of actions. May everyone become the loaf they wish to be.

Is it intended for the boxes to shift slightly after a perspective shift? I found that sometimes a box which was on a button would suddenly be half off the button after a switch and I can't move it back due to being snapped to grid, but the box is no longer snapped to grid. Would mean I had to restart the level.

Managed to beat all the levels though, the detached movement of your grabbed box was a bit trippy but was interesting when I started actually planning it.

hahahaha holy shit this is truly a work of art

I'm sorry spacebar for what I have done to you.

Amazing use of the theme.

Took some getting used to the controls, and it seems my head cycled between it snapping into place and doing godly slams across the map consecutively that felt so good, but then it would suddenly become completely useless and miss every shot no matter how hard I tried, then suddenly would click again. This cycle kept repeating and it was a wild experience.

What have you done to my brain.

Nice concept with the perspective shift, and the technical implementation of it (from what I could tell from the transition) was pretty clever.

It would have been nice to have a respawn system, if only so we could continue to learn the course even if we can't make it in time. Especially for things like the 3 x 3 platforms, where I got it after failing once, but it felt a bit cheeky.

Loved the personality in this game, I very much felt like an orc while solving the puzzles, especially when I was repeatedly slamming the sides to get gears to move a lot.

Tried to go into it like a stinky yuman and think things through but it was way more fun to go full orc and just mindless mashing things until it was kinda close to what I wanted. Which if that was your intent, wonderfully executed.

Very atmospheric. Despite the basic graphics, it still had a spooky feel to it.

Don't trust the walls, that makes sense, I found the exit entirely accidentally. Is the box at the bottom right supposed to be for something? I also couldn't seem to get the markings to work?

Nice short sweet game, the special reward was entirely worth putting the extra effort in. (Also I like how it saved so I got the reward each time after that, even if I got nothing)

I did feel like I was mentally too slow to hit my targets, so I would personally have been nicer if perhaps the movement was slower or the camera was shifted to show more in the direction you were going.

Very fun zipping around with the boost very satisfying movement tech.

Managed to cheese the boss once by standing on his arm? He just kept twirling, I assume to face me, and would just get carried along while I just held the shoot button till he died :v.

The little robot dudes were very cute too.

Overall, nice little game with satisfying movement and big baddies.

Good start to a microgame collection. Of course it would have been nice to have more of them, but what can you expect from such a tight work window, if anything 4 games is already very impressive. I had no idea what to do for the avoid the gaze one though, seemingly winning or losing at random.

Found it funny that I would get the spaceship one 10 times in a row :v. Not a complaint, just had a chuckle.

I couldn't get it to work in Firefox also, so I just downloaded the offline version. (Which seemed to also have no leaderboard?)

Good job, wonderfully done. I am curious to what the leaderboard looks like though.

I can't help but think "what's sigma balls". You did this on purpose didn't you..

The gameplay was nice and simple. Just blastin balls, what more can you ask for?

While jarring at first, I really liked the manual reloading mechanism, I feel like it added a lot to the game. The ball beings liked to get stuck behind things a lot I found, but that's a nitpick if anything, and it seems that was your intent from the start.

The difficulties of going to back-ups of back-up ideas is all too true, but you managed to pull it off. Nicely done man. Great job.

Interesting concept, I feel it might've have been nicer if it had like a combination list on the side of the screen or something, so the puzzle would be trying to work out which spells to go for instead of what cards make spells.

Managed to beat the game, but by entirely relying on buying the 10 cost stack and selling anything that didn't sound like a castable spell. Probably not the intended win route :v.

That said, it would have been nice to know which ones were castable, I had a lot of cards lost to the void that is the tomb where they aren't cast and I can't pick them back up.

Good work team!

Very nice looking aesthetically, the simple graphics with the isometric view-port actually work really well and looks very nice. The walking forklift was an interesting choice though.

Was there no one player mode? Does the bucket button do anything for the forklift?

Unfortunately, I cannot give this a deserving review due to my lack of a friend to play it with, but nice little game.

You did really well on the atmosphere here, the pained walk cycle, the bloodied texture, the audio, with the heartbeats indicating something about to happen. I really did feel pressured to get to the church.

Some sort of subtle hint for the correct direction might have been nice, unless there was one that I didn't notice? I basically just blindly walked around and mentally mapped the streets out till I found the right path. But I guess that's what mazes are about?

Great work overall.

This was very atmospheric, nicely done on that front. The first screen confused me a bit, I couldn't work out how to interact with the panel until I accidentally grabbed the item I needed.

Not sure if beat the game though, I got to screen with the bench and sunrise?

Nice work though, keep it up.