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A member registered Aug 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Thank you - and yes, collisions on the signs would have been a very easy thing to do - so definitely one to account for in future.

Thank you for the feedback - I can see how the mouse sensitivity is an important QoL feature.

Thank you :)

Thank you for the feedback - I can see how the last bit could be confusing, so I’ll need to make that clearer in future. And the zoom in and out is a great idea for quality of life! Thank you!

I struggled to start initially (took me 3 attempts to move at all). But otherwise the game is a nice clear piece of game design, with a distinct art style. Well done.

An interesting mash up of genres to be sure. The narrative elements were very clear and the mechanic worked well for the situation at hand!

Very fun game - I did accidently lose the cube you had to step on - but otherwise great.

Thank you :)

Thank you :)

Thank you for the feedback - and I’m happy you noticed that I matched the rewards and choices :)

Thank you! And no I don’t actually, I should probably take a look.

Nice little management sim! Well done! I also had the same issue as JiminySnicket where I was only offered the easy task.

That was a surprisingly difficult game - but I managed it in the end ! Good job!

Really enjoyed playing this. I thought the sound design was on-point! Really well done!

Nice to see you again! And thank you for the feedback! I’ve taken a look at the blurry font issue and I think I know how to resolve it going forward. So hopefully you won’t be seeing it in any of my future game jam entries.

Thank you for the detailed feedback and the link to sound effects :)

Thank you for the feedback! - I’ve worked out what I need to adjust for this, so this should be resolved in future game jams :)

Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback - I’ll take a look at the fonts and see what I can do about them for future games :D

Thank you for the feedback.

Currently, (that was used in this game) my Game Jam Template has the text panels and the player. But my aim is to keep expanding it. For example, before the next trijam, I intend to copy in (and clean up) the code I used for moving between levels.

My eventual hope is to move towards more and more complex games all within the 3 hours of trijam :)

It was a fun game, and I like the terrrain variety (even if purely visual). Thanks for making it.

Interesting game, I think i got very lucky, and I decided to stop once I hit 2k money.

I liked the sounds effects on the box clicks. The game itself feels very random without a lot meaningful choices to make, but I feel like with a bit of fleshing out it could be very interesting.

Thanks for making the game.

Neat little game, the sounds effects are a nice touch. Even though I read that the attack was a ranged attack it still took me about 5 deaths to realise how to use that! haha.

Feedback wise, I think it would be nice to have the reset button also be a keyboard button, its a small thing, but because I’m so bad at the game i had to swap to my mouse a lot!

Overall good game, thank you for making it!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I found your write up really interesting - A few of these ideas had occured to me but some I hadn't considered at all. I'm considering expanding this into a wider game, so your feedback below is great fuel for thought. Thank you so much! :)

Thank you :)

Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed it!

A simple compelling game, I found the music really worked with the visuals and quick paced gameplay. Well done :)

I was plesantly surprised with this game, it wasn't what I was expecting from the description. But I think you did a great job building a dreamy atmosphere and simple but effective game play. 

Great job!

An interesting little game, I like the concept and I did find that the timer worked really well with the style of game. I didn't find much opportunity to use the bow though, it always felt like the slimes were not in the right position, and too close to get into position to then use the bow!

Thanks for making it :)

haha :) thank you for the clarity! It's greatly appreciated! 

I used this (and some other of your asset packs) in my latest Trijam entry. ( I'm intending to use a lot of your packs in my game jams entries going forward. I know the license states I need to message you on each completed project. Is there a better way for me to message you about my game jam entries? Or would you prefer me to only message you once I have a commercial release?

Took me an embaressingly long time to realise I could move the camera with the right mose button! It was a fun little game (though I was not very good). I think it would have been nice to have a score counter of some form so you could see how well you are doing.

An interesting sandbox, I wasn't sure if there was a win state, but the sandbox element was enjoyable (though the sounds started to grate after a little while)

A very nice little game. I loved every aspect of it!

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

A novel use of the theme! Congratulations for completing the game! :) Interesting use of the muscles expanding in response to your actions, I don't think I've ever seen that for a pixel art game, so very interesting. I wasn't very good at the game, but I managed to get to the second day - so I'm counting that as a win :D

A lovely little game, the art is cohesive and the music works well with it. I think the two things I would improve with more time would be adding a day/night countdown so I could consider if it's worth going for a carrot in the distance. And perhaps it would be useful to adjust the playing area to speed ratio, going for a far away carrot on one edge of the screen then the same on the opposite side was the least fun part of the game. Overall great job and I enjoyed playing it! :)