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Thanks. :)
The strategy part of the game suffered a bit from having to cut features and relying on randomness to reach the deadline. I would have liked to have a few more limits and trade-offs in card selection and having prescripted opponents, but I’m pretty happy with the result under the circumstances. :)
Thanks! I really liked how things like blood splatter and battle damage turned out. :)
Yeah, the swapping is a bit janky. The plan was that you’d swap between interacting, punching, a gun and a camera, with the intent being that having to swap would leave you vulnerable. But it currently feels a bit clunky and unclear if you’re in interact or punching mode.
The cameras need some more playtesting and polish. A few of the camera zones are a bit finicky, and there might be some edge cases where the camera code doesn’t detect the player correctly.
I wanted to look into importing more animations, as they are currently pretty basic. I agree that it would be cool to have separate animations for states like being hurt, and I would also have liked proper animations for turning or sprinting.
Thank you for the review! It was our first time developing a 3D game, so unfortunately, we predictably ran short of time. We didn’t get to polish the UI/UX, including clearer explanations of the controls and the presentation of objectives and journal entries. Additionally, several features had to be cut due to time constraints, and we had to rely on the journal and epilogue to tell parts of the story. Planned parts included being able to use a gun and camera, a couple additional areas and cut-scenes, and possibly an end-level boss.
Thanks for the advice, something to consider if I return to this game and finish it. Though at this point I’ve already learned so much more about gamedev I’d probably start from scratch.
I’m quite fond of the excessive alliteration, but I agree it’s quite the mouthful. ;)
Though “Drungeon” sounds a bit close to “Gungeon” and similar names, so I’m a bit worried that another portmanteau of dungeon might be easily confused.
In retrospect, I realize that if I’d had time to implement weapon cooldowns as planned, a lot of the pacing issues with combat vs. movement would have been easier to solve. I could simply have lowered the time per tick to make movement smoother and more responsive, while also avoiding combat becoming too frantic by having weapon cooldowns over several ticks.
Yeah, all victims of too little time and being a one-man team.
The movement rate is something that I would have liked spending more time tweaking, possibly adding a dash or similar. Movement is tied to the internal tick/round system, like a rogue-like, and in the current implementation, it’s a trade-off between actions (attacks) happening too fast, or movement is slow. After the jam I might revisit that, possibly making the grid movement “softer” (while still on a grid), so it feels more responsive.
I also really wanted to add more SFX in general, e.g. attacking, getting hurt, movement, crackle from the torch/campfire, etc. It would be really cool to hear the monsters moving around in the dark. High on my list for possible post-jam improvements is adding more audio-visual cues to combat, especially when getting attacked from the sides and back.