rename the .pck file to be the same as the .exe file. then run the exe file.
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don’t all platformers have physics? you don’t have to specially mention it as “Car platformer with physics” because most car platformers do have physics
btw i added a feature in my game where you could change the physics midgame. like while moving at sonic speeds, make the friction super high to slow down.
yeah, i agree. the camera should be a little higher, or it can be dynamic. If you are in the air, the camera should point a bit down to show you where you will land. and when you are on the ground, it can be a bit higher, because the floor isn’t that interesting.
In my game, i made it so when the player moves, the camera gets a bit behind, it makes it so you cant see ahead far enough when at high speeds. and when you stop, the camera positions itself ahead of the player, so it is harder to see behind. this grounds the player so he cant move at high speeds at all times without risk.
Thanks, i didn’t have time to fix most things like enemy only duplicate once. and player pointing the mouse. so yes, everything you questioned to be unintentional were unintentional. i wanted to add multiple controls and full keyboard controls. but i encountered a error where the player wasn’t looking in the correct angle. turns out the parent node was rotated. if i knew that then this game could have had multiple controls.