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A member registered Aug 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very good concept.

The only thing I would say is to improve with clarity. It wasn’t the easiest time trying to understand to play. Although, when I figured out how to play, I had a lot of fun!

Here you are!

(with my game, please play the downloaded version, the browser version is not that good)

It’s not a bug, and intended. I just couldn’t think of something to do when you get into the endings. The reason you respawn there is because of the save system I made.

With the astronaut sounds, you can use adobe ai voice booster or whatever they call it. I use it for my videos and it makes your voice sound so much better. And it is an astronaut, so you could have added some filter on with audacity to let in only the middle sound (basically meaning it will sound like a radio, or astronaut)

You want to cry? Easy.

Here is my game (please play the downloaded version, the web version doesnt support video and stuff that make the game good lol)

Here is everything I could find as a list.


  • The camera system
  • Dialogue is funny
  • It’s simple and unique.
  •   Gameplay is cool.

Need improvement:

  • UI
  • Animation
  • Player controller needs to be smoother
  • That cow is so glitchy
  • Astronaut SFX
  • An incentive to play
  •   Art should be similiar

Lucky you! I basically was only given honest feedback, so sure thing!! I’ll rate your game! Also if you’re willing: Here is mine!

(please play the downloaded version, the web version of my game doesn’t work fully)

Relatively good game. The story is really where it thrives, but the gameplay gets repetitive after a few days. A simple fix was to do the clicking activity less, and make it feel better, to fix stuff. It felt like I was following a program. Other than that, it’s the music. More variety in the music to fit the mood. So a darker sounding music in the void, or a stressful sounding music in wherever that needs to be. Not only the music but sound effects are non-existant.

But this game still thrives really well with the mood it embrases. It shows that life needs error to work correctly.

Here is mine!

(please play the downloaded version, the web version of my game doesn’t work fully)

‘You are Nothing’ [insert cry]


The art for the characters are crazy good! Although it does lack in world building. The worlds look very bland. The game is quite fun though, but I wish I could see the health of the slimes.

Amazing game.

Solid game! Reminded me of that game where you have to find the pattern that someone chose and hid. Forgot the name. But this is quite creative! The art is nice, even though it is used from a website, and the game lasts a long time.

The only thing I would do to improve is polish and enjoyment. Although the game was fun for a while, I lost interest past the first 5ish brews. What you could do is have variation everywhere. So the potions ingredients may get randomized, or an event happens, or even a day night cycle like stardew valley.

Amazing game for the time you had, 8/10

Here is mine!

(please play the downloaded version, the web version of my game doesn’t work fully)

So the whole thing is really confusing to play… But I managed to get the company mantra and thats about it. What I took away from this is that the main character needs to do work, typing at a computer or something, like in Stanley’s Parable. Yea that’s all I managed to get.

So some constructive criticism is to make the game work.

I tried at the first code was wake up. I think the game is you have to write down what to do. I’m not sure.

Thanks! Good to see my intended emotions being portrayed correctly!

Thank you so much, that really means a lot! I’m not actually an artist lol. This is only my second time making art like this. And don’t worry, I’m fine—the story is entirely fictional, but I made it knowing many struggle with this.

Wow, thank you so much for this! It means a lot to hear that the atmosphere, rhythm, and emotions came through. I’d love to check your game out! Thanks again for the kind words, it really made my day.

Here is mine!

(please do the downloaded version of my game, the web version has some jank)

Very good! Lots of voicelines! I had a lot of fun at the beginning, but after some time, it got boring. I’m not entirely sure how you could make it more enjoyable but everything else about the game is top.

I have been playing for too long. ITS ADDICTIVE!!!

Although, a couple recommendations is to add even more hand types, and every 10 waves or so have like a random event happen. Just some thoughts.

One of the best games by far.

(please do the downloaded version of my game, the web version has some jank)

(please do the downloaded version of my game, the web version has some jank)

(1 edit)

(please do the downloaded version of my game, the web version has some jank)

Oh and could you please rate my game too. :)

That being the ball and boxes sometimes clipping when a moving conveyer wants to exist

You know what… This is one of the strongest contenders by far. I can’t see many flaws except some janky physics but that’s an easy fix for future you.

Here is mine! (please use the downloaded version of my game as the web version has some problems)

Here is mine! (please use the downloaded version of my game as the web version has some problems)

Here is mine! (please use the downloaded version of my game as the web version has some problems)

Oh I mean in my game lol (My game has some problems when it comes to WebGL)

Ohhh makes sense

Is the physics built in? Because I can’t believe this is unity physics. Now… The main problem has to be the bowl controller. It moves to linearly. If you added some lerp or smoothstep it would have made controlling the bowl much smother. Great concept!

It matches the theme quite well, and gameplay is good, but you should have added a few more levels. It ended too quickly.

Although. You may have benefited from using a not so genuine idea, as lots of other people have done what you did.

Overally, pretty good game.

Please rate mine! (Could you do the downloaded version as the web version is trash)

Please do! (Could you do the downloaded version as the web version is trash)

The idea is quite good, but it looks like one of the games you would make as an early developer. Flappy bird with a twist basically.

Quite fun and chaotic! I love games all about chaos! I got a score around 3000. Very creative idea!

The voicelines are resticted for being a solo dev, but could maybe have been improved. Another would be the UI, it’s a bit all over the place. Finally would be a better tutorial, as I didn’t know how to control the tetris blocks until I experimented (I also noticed the text at the top).

Overal pretty good game.

Thanks! I’ll take that into account next time!

All I did was max out everything into attack stength, then a bit into move speed and became an unstoppable force. But it got boring really quickly. A fix for you is to add more level. Once you become an unstoppable force for a while, the game encourages you to move onto an ice level or something, where enemies are much stronger and stuff.

I hope you take your game into something great into the future.

Very interesting game! Pretty good. Although feels a bit weird to play, and is too short.