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A member registered Oct 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Just stumbled across your game. It's quite engaging and relaxing. and the flying controller feels great. Well done!!

(2 edits)

Yeah you're right. Having played a couple more submissions I have just realised that the the game mechanic of your using your corpse/tombstone is a lot more common than I thought LOL.

For the third puzzle, did you type the code on the table into the safe? That should have contained a note revealing the order of the real platforms.

Nice submission. I know you said that this game is best played with a controller in your description but I don't have one so I had to use mouse and keyboard and the camera was very shaky. But the concept of your game is great and the 3d models looked good too. Overall great game well done!

Loved it,  haven't played chess in a while so I was a extremely rusty. But that was a lot of fun. The music was amazing loved it all the way through!!!

Great Game loved the mechanics. and the feeling of barely outrunning the falling platforms is great. 

The graphics looked great too. Well done!!

Lol no way!! You have the exact same mechanic as my game were you use your tombstone to progress with the level. Loved your game it was really fun having to figure out a way to complete the level. Your player controller felt really good too. Well done.

Wow that was really deep. Sorry for your loss. This game was very unique and a big twist on the theme and I enjoyed that. Thanks

No way!! Your mechanic of dying and using your corpse to help you progress is similar to mine but I use tombstones instead. Anyways your game was amazing. Some levels took me embarrassingly long to work out. For example the level where I needed to cause a chain reaction of explosions to destroy the metal blocks. But I eventually figured it out in the end.  The movement controller felt great too. Overall very fun and thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done!!

A very nice twist to the game didn't expect that nice :)

Nice game I liked it. It can be annoying at times when you accidently push a wall and block your whole pathway and you have to restart. But I guess it just makes you play the game more cautiously.

Did you find this hard or easy?

Thanks,  I was looking forward to watching you play my game on stream but the stream ended before you started playing.

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Just found the QR Code and . . . . All I'm gonna say is I should have seen it coming.

But that was fun. Great Job. Funny enough my game has a maze itself and it looks quite similar to your one. Would love for you to play it.

Also how did you make the maze did you just manually place the cubes around?

Wow this was great. I don't really play a lot of 2d games. But this one felt amazing. The Player controller felt just right (not too slippery and yet not stiff, with the right amount of gravity). The game mechanic of dying and seeing your previous self is amazing. I am not sure if this is a common game mechanic, but I have never seen it before and I must say I think its amazing. Also The music choice is really fitting.

I did encounter 2 bugs:

1) not being able to move next to the moving platform (my player character could look left and right but it was stuck).  

2) My player wasn't respawning after it had died.

But you probably already know about those seeing as you mentioned it in your description. 

One thing I noticed was that when you try to jump too close to the edge of a platform that your jumps wouldn't register. (Which was what caused many of my deaths.) I feel like adding a bit of coyote time would improve this. Overall great job loved it.

Seeing as I made a  puzzle game myself I knew I had to try yours. 

The game was great loved the idea of your position being swapped with your enemies. It made things a lot more challenging and fun. The graphics look great too. Well done :)

Nice the gameplay is good. and the sounds are great too. I don't know why I found the scythe slicing sound so satisfying LOL. Anyways loved it. One thing that would be great for this game is a high score system so it will incentivise players to carry on playing to beat there high score.

Love this. I want to start of by saying the player movement is great. It's not perfect, but it wasn't too slow or too fast and gravity feels about right. The music choice is quite fitting for this style of game too. I would also like to say great job on your lava shader. I have one in my game but your one looks a lot better than mine. But overall your game was pretty fun and I enjoyed this. 

Something I noticed was, the player looks like they gain points by jumping and not by landing on a platform so I can spam the jump button multiple times on the same platform and gain a couple of points without moving.  

Also, a great addition you could add is a high score system. This would encourage the player to carry on playing so they can beat there personal high score.

Great Job.

Loved this very unique and cool game mechanic.  I first played on the normal health setting and I found it extremely hard to avoid taking damage. I think the enemies shoot just a bit too fast. or maybe I'm just bad lol. But overall great game. and the graphics look amazing

Loved it good Movement mechanics and the graphics were great.  What I would suggest as improvement is to add a dying animation or particle effect to the witches when they are killed, as this would make killing them a lot more satisfying. Also it was quite hard to see if you were taking damage or not. So adding some sort of visual indicator would be very helpful. Overall, fantastic game well done.

Gameplay is great. The only problem I have is the player controller. It's very hard to control. I would suggest either decreasing the gravity or increasing the player jump height. But overall very good game.

The game was fun nice work. I didn't really get used to the player movement. I found it quite confusing but other than that it was great

That's a fun and interesting game mechanic. Would love to see it improved upon. Would also like to see more levels. Great game

I really like the game. The controls felt good not to fast or too slow. The music was also good. One thing that would be really nice to add is a high score system.

Nice game and it was very fun to play. It took me embarrassingly long to find the soul goal but I got there in the end :) Your player controller also felt very polished. Well done

Nice quite fun to play. The Graphics are good but the sound of the fenix plays a bit too much. But overall great game.

Would love for you guys to give me your thoughts on my Escape room - platformer game https://ike3.itch.io/death-quest

Great work. It was quite fun

Yeah. don't worry about it, It's not fast to the point it's unplayable.  It's just something that the player will have to get used to.

The music is amazing. Combined with the amazing looking water shader I must say that this looks great. Amazing work. The boat controller isn't perfect, but considering that making a controller for a boat isn't easy, that's alright .

HOLY SHITT!!. That Jump scare triggered my fight or flight. I don't think I've ever jumped harder in my life. Nevertheless the game was fun and I enjoyed it. But the  Sensitivity is crazy high .

Even though your game has very simple graphics the core gameplay loop was fun. You just need more levels and a bit of polish on the player controller as it kept sticking on the sides of walls

Thank you so much. Funny enough my initial plan for this game was to add a Leaderboard system to track the quickest time and the lowest deaths. But I just didn't have any time left. I will definitely add a Leaderboard system for the final release later on.

Loved it, very fun. It was exciting to see my group becoming more and more powerful each time I resurrected more enemies..

Loved it, very fun. It was exciting to see my group becoming more and more powerful each time I resurrected more enemies..

The graphics and textures are are amazing. I really enjoyed playing this. The relaxing music was great as well. The camera controller was just something that I couldn't get used to. I feel like moving the camera with the mouse would be a much better option. But overall amazing game.

fun. but movement is extremely hard

movement is extremely hard

Extremely fun love it!!

Well It definitely made me rage. Great job, the levels were amazing and fun