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A member registered Mar 27, 2024 · View creator page →

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Genuinely the most unique idea I've seen for this game jam! Managing the stocks and the enemies was very fun and definitely has a learning curve!

Cool concept!

Interesting concept and loved the enemies

Cool game idea!

Cool game! Loved the different attacks of the golem. 

Great Looking game! Love the way you can upgrade your gun and health!

Loved how the enemies could pile up if you neglected to kill them! Cool game!

Beautiful looking game! I looooove the water animation and how the game gets progressively harder each round!

Loved the idea! and the tone of the game was really cool!

Fun Game and I loved the concept!

Loved the idea and art style for the game!

Fun game! I especially loved the start screen, felt very professional!

Cool idea for a game! Though it didn't feel like it was completely ready yet

Very fun game! I liked the idea of choosing your punishment!

I love the game! The assets and art style are amazing!

Thank you! Those are all issues that I definitely was aware of, but didn't have quite enough time to implement before the jam ended. But they will for sure be the first things I add

(1 edit)

ohhhhh I see, I probably should have specified more that tapping on the left or right side of the screen changes your direction. There’s a little image when you start, telling that. but that’s about it. 

oh thanks for letting me know! I didn’t run into any issues with the spawning during my play testing, so I’ll definitely look into that, and try to see what happening

simple yet fun, found myself playing all the way through 

Very satisfying and fun game!


ah man that's a good idea I'll definitely add that!

Love the idea behind this game! I especially love the assets

hahaha thank you man, though I couldn't say this is better than yours!

Love the game!!! And the shop system is great! Though it did feel a little too grindy and it was very frustrating when you lost everything when dying

This is really good! I love the movement!