Hey theloon!
I've added the ladder climbing sprites, enjoy!
Imogia Games
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Hey theloon!
After some reflection, I choose to offer two types of licences.
Standard licence would be for budget and 1 End Product.
Pro licence is an upgrade that allows for unlimited End Product.
However, as of today, I didn't choose a Creative Commons licence for this item.
I have other assets under CC licence that I want to keep the less restrictive as possible with a "Name your own price" approach.
On the other hand, works like this one that are a little more original and elaborated and thus implied a bit more time and effort to produce, hence the minimal base price.
I want to contribute to make gamedev more accessible to everyone, but I'm also trying to gather some funds to invest in my game projects, so I'm trying to stay true to what I believe in ^^
Hello theloon, thanks for reaching out! That is a very interesting reflection indeed, as I never encounter this situation before.
Well, I think demos are ok as imo they count as an iteration towards an End Product.
I would say that different editions are ok too, like a PC version + a console version for instance, as long as it can qualify as the same game, and the other variations are ports.
I don't want my licencing to be too restrictive, so I am open to consider other alternatives like CC-by-SAor something.
Or I could keep the 1$ licence for 1 End Product and propose another choice with a more extended one, like a Pro Licence for like 3$ maybe?
Woot another single screen platformer :D
Very nice, the 1-bit aesthetic works really well. I liked the swings and how by making them going through walls, you bring some interesting jumping sequences.
The jump felt ver floaty imo and should you continue working on this, I'd recommend to polish that feature first.
Very nice effort to have set a menu with the basic options.
Once, after opening the menu then resuming the game, the character vanished and came back, even after getting back to main menu and starting a new game.
Jumping off a swing wouldn't work with the controller although normal jumping works. So I had to switch keyboard for the last level but I'm not used at all to play platformers with keyboard so I quit before I could beat it.
Very nice practice game!
Hey, thanks for your feedback!
I scoped way too large (again lol) and I had to rush the level into something that would just feature all the ingredients.
Very interesting idea for the ghost, it was intended to be a funny death animation, but why not make it a playable state at some point, that's food for thoughts!
Nice practice here! Thetra00 pretty much summed up everything, so yeah I think you achieved a good functionnal state of the game and now it would greatly benefit from a little polish and balancing.
I also liked the consistensy of the artstyle and I could almost hear an 8-bit ominous track in the background :)
I'd like to play the game with a controller as a twin stick shooter too, it would work well imo.
Hello, thank you for your feedback!
About Coyote Time, I'm glad you mentioned it because I actually had a short reflexion about the difficulty it brings, but then I had to move to complete the game.
But yeah I do agree with you it's not a super friendly thing to do haha. Well I would like to push the game a little futher, so I'll definitely rework and spend more time on level design.
Really nice game here!
With the mouse I used to test the game I had a bit of extra sensitivity, so I had trouble aiming and died to quickly haha.
The game feels really well has, a consistent arstyle and a matching UI. The game loop is satisfying and I tried again multiple times even though I died miserably each time. It was a fun experience!
Very nice to have added an historical layer on top of a backgammon game, with armies battling again each other!
Very nice to have an explicative video at the beginning, but my attention span was too short to focus and integrate the rules after one view (that's totally a me problem).
Alas my knowledge and understanding of the game is still very limited, so I can't say much.
The game feels right, and it has audio feedbacks where it is needed. Playing as armies gives a less abstract approach to the game which I find is appealing.
Visuals are effective but maybe they could have conveyed the feeling of historical battles a bit more?
Cool game with an adapted gameplay to on the go sessions.
I had to figure out to that I had to click on new to actually start a game.
Once ingame though and after reading the info, the controls are intuitive and the radius feedback is very clear as to what it does.
The narrative serves the gameplay and the animated sprites are cool. The radius green circle felt a bit out ouf place in the 1bit aesthetic.
Hello Kilthunox,
Thank you very much for you purchase.
Yes you can use those in a commercial product, please follow those licence instructions:
I have also updated the description so it mentions licence usage.
Happy making and don't hesitate to post a link to you project here if you use my assets, I'll repost it ^^
Oh I love this one, it has a simple yet compelling gameplay Loadrunner style =) and the artstyle matches the retro feel perfectly.
There is a cinematic here :O
However I has issues when playing with a controller where the character acted all jiggly, sometimes got locked into walking in a direction, or moving the opposite way.
Everything went fine when I switched back to keyboard.
I definitely want to play more of this later :D
Good job!
Cool and short story to go on an adventure =)
The jump mechanic is nice (longer press = higher jump), but it feels more like pumpkin dude is jetpacking rather than jumping. A little more tweak on gravity would give a better feel of the jump imo.
I guess the S pickups augments movespeed, right? This is an interesting mechanic here that would deserve more digging.
The background are nince and add nice touch to the overall and the music is cool.
Keep gamemaking!
Ah, lovely platformer! I faved this art kit too hoping I could do something with it, I'm glad to see that someone else chose it too!
I agree jumping with the up key is a bit strange, but the overall game feel is really nice and there is some nice polish too in menus ands sfx.
I would have change the spikes color to something more visible like orange or red (or just a solid color maybe?) cause they tend to blend into the background.
Also level design is great, with a progressive introduction to mechanics and new enemies.
Great work!
Nice looking platformer, with consistent graphics! I like the fact tha the carrots are somewhat growing with time, sometimes I found myself in a situation in which I had to reexplore the level to find the missing ones. There is a progressive teaching of the different ingredients as well
Just a suggestion here, but the meat could give a temporary malus (lower speed or jump height). As long as it doesn't break the metrics, it would add to the gameplay.
The jump feels a bit floaty and the UI would benefit from a bit more polish, then you'll have a pretty nice little game, well done!
Well done! Graphics are consistent and I liked how the music evolves as the player progresses.
The jump feels a bit floaty, but with all those sneaky penguins roaming around, I understand that Mr Bear here had to develop exceptionnal jumping abilities.
Oh, and the fact that he fishes with a fishrod too haha that made me laugh =)
I think that the bear's collision box could be a bit smaller, that would help for some jumps that requires precision.
I also really appreciate the narrative justification for hp. The fish you carry is your actual hp instead of traditional hearts and damage.
Yay I survived the storm!
I really like the graphic style switch after the first sequence, it caught me off guard and it was a nice surprise.
Maybe a few guidance improvement I would humbly suggest, like a tad more visible floor guidance, especially in the first half where it's really dark and hard to see (I know there's no power but still :p) maybe some faint red lights like an emergency lighting or something?
Otherwise, great work with nice music and graphics and a good narrative force with so few elements.
Well done!
Hello, thanks for your feedback!
Haha you're one of the bravest who played the broken version (before Withthelove authorized to fix last minute bugs), so cheers to you!
I"ll have to keep in mind the difference of keyboards while making games, as I didn't realize that my azerty layout will lead to unintuitive control scheme ^^'
More enemies and stuff, that was planned, but I have been overambitious this time haha and I had trouble scoping. I'll see if I can take some time to make something actually more consistent and close to a real game, featuring more OGA art!