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A member registered Jul 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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The weapons use sine waves to calculate where they should be. Here's the entire function used to figure out where each weapon should be. This runs in physics process.

time += delta * orbit_rate
var i = 0
for w in weapons:
    var offset = float(i) / 2
    var new_pos = blade_focus.global_position + Vector2(sin(time + offset), sin(time + offset - 1)) * orbit_distance
    i += 1

Sin returns a value between -1 and 1. Feeding time into it oscillates the returned value over, you know, time. 
Using that to construct a Vector2 with an offset on the time gives you a point that revolves around the focus point. 
That point is then multiplied by orbit_distance.
The blade_focus is a Node2D that follows the character except when you're holding the mouse button down.
The offset variable is there so the weapons aren't all trying to be in the same location at the same time. If you have 12 weapons, each is half a second behind the next. 
Then you can modify orbit_rate to speed up or slow down the rotation. Can also use a negative number to reverse the rotation direction. 

Move and look is a simple function that does exactly what's written. The weapons are character bodies and handle their own actual movement. 

Hope that explanation makes sense!

Thanks for the feedback! Animations were definitely something I wanted but had to cut for time. 

Don't you guys have computers?

Carry on. 

This is so fun! I love it. Well done. 

Cool concept! It's kind of crazy how good the sprites look at this scale. 

Thanks for giving it another go. Maybe I should make a post-jam MTX for an overly expensive item rolling system? I feel like it'd be in the spirit of things. 

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

It's maybe just a touch exaggerated. 

Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing!

I'm choosing to believe that my not adding an ending is both intentional and entirely representative of the things I am making fun of, rather than acknowledging that I just didn't get around to it. 

Glad you enjoyed it!

Diab I mean Morta approves of your automatic clicking!

Thanks for playing!

Great little puzzler. Could not figure out 8 for my life, but the level select meant I could keep playing. Mechanics were intuitive and worked well. Good job!

It's a little unclear if I'm meant to be bopping the baddies or just avoiding them. Also, do the different colors of gravity wells act differently?

Really solid entry. Interesting concept and great art.  The cursor changing when the fire is ready is a really nice touch. 

Missing a color once would usually send me into a death spiral though. 

Space Ark: Lost in deep space after the rookie pilot used half the fuel getting off the planet. Good times.

Neat little shooty ship game. I think LowRez did a 32x32px requirement once, so maybe they'll change things up sometime again.

Thanks for playing!

No worries. Clicker games aren't for everyone, especially ones made in a short time. Would be cool to make a platformer in this style for sure. 

If I'd started the jam at the actual start of the jam, I definitely could've explored the concept further. Glad you enjoyed it for a bit regardless. Thanks for playing.

Thanks! It's Diab's only weakness! Probably.

Sorry you ran into trouble in the game. Like goddomitdom said, H brings up a controls menu, and spacebar opens the shop. 

Amazon is run by an agent of Diab, confirmed. 

Thanks for the feedback! I do plan on continuing development of this project so it's nice to know there's at least a little interest. 

The ship holds all crystals and turrets in a web of lasers. Though I admit it may not be clear that's what it is until you gather more. 

Thanks for the feedback and for playing!

Takes a little while to get accustomed to the very fast movement speed, but it's very satisfying once you get it right. The lack of healing as far as I could tell makes early mistakes really hurt. I had fun with it though. 

Yes, sorry, I did enjoy playing. Got a bit carried away there.

Good points about difficulty. It can be tricky in jam games, given how quickly everything can change.

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Magic man plays plinko into the evil spiderverse. 

I've seen a lot of people saying that the mana regeneration is too slow and that mana potions too infrequent. But rather than repeat that, I want to use it as a chance to explore why people might feel that way. Using math. It might get a bit rambly but I think I have something interesting to say about it. 

Disclaimer: I say math but there's not actually going to be that many numbers I promise. This isn't going to every resource called mana or even all resources. There are games that break what I'm about to say. I'm mostly just saying to have a think about the numbers you put in your game. 


The first component is how much of the resource (mana) you have. M

Next is the amount regenerated on its own in a minute. R

Then you have how much mana you're expected to use for weapons in a minute. C

The cost is defined as how many [S]hots to kill an enemy * [m]ana per shot * how many [e]nemies could a player reach in a minute

So, together we have 

if M / (-sum(all_costs) + R < 0:

If you're here, you're running out of mana faster than you think you should be. Your character's been running on fumes for what seems like minutes but the game keeps throwing enemies at you. But you keep pushing forward because the alternative is to just sit here? It's tense at first, but at extremes boredom can overcome caution. 


Otherwise you're here. The promised land. The game begs you to shoot lasers everywhere. And you can deliver. Your mana does run out after a while, but it comes back pretty quick so it's usually available whenever you see anything to use it on. It's great at first, but at extremes why even have the resource? It's basically meaningless. 

M / (-sum(all_costs) + R = ?

The number that we're looking at is the time it takes to run out of the resource. If it's positive, it's almost always available for use. If it's negative, your player's going to run out sooner or later and that can cause friction between the game and the player. The player wants to go, but the game says "no." 

We can use this number to guide the level design. If you want to have 12 minute cycles where there's a tense battle at the end where you have to use everything you have to succeed, I'd try to get that number close to 12. Higher if you want the game to be easier, lower for more difficulty.

If you're expected to run out of mana every 5 minutes and have to regenerate over 2 minutes and then you make a 15 minute section of your game, the player's going to run out of mana at least 3 times. That's six minutes of just waiting for the game to say "go ahead." I say at least because we're using perfect numbers. If there's accuracy involved, expect your costs to be higher.

But what if we take that 15 minute section and cut it into three 5 minute sections. Then add some kind of interlude between them where the resource recharges. I would argue that would create a more streamlined-feeling 15 minutes of gameplay. The player isn't left feeling like they have nothing to do but wait. 

And the interludes don't actually need to be checkpoints, though they can be. You could have upgrades that recharge mana when acquired, a cutscene before a boss battle, or potions that recover the resource. But they need to provide enough of the resource to get the player to the next recharge or again, friction. 

To add any of those to the equation, just use basically the same aspects as cost. resource gain * uses per minute * found per minute

So in the end we have

max_resource / (-sum(all_costs) + sum(all_gains)) = MinutesUntilEmpty

Not exactly complicated math, but I think it's neat to have a think about. I don't feel like anyone should do the maths on every single interaction with this method. You'd drive yourself mad. There's a lot of guesswork involved and it's heavily dependent on playstyle. It's probably better as something to keep in mind when designing games. 

Anyway, just explaining a thought I had. I hope someone finds it useful. 

And sorry about the wall of text. 

TL;DR: If you use more mana than you gain, you run out.

Good audio. Epic boss fight. It's a good time. 

This was really interesting! A really great take on the theme. The audio was awesome. Figuring out that you can move the apps was gamechanging. 

Really well done.

I like it. It's super clear how to play and what things do. The piano notes are nice. 

It's almost sad when you spend a load of crystals at once because then they aren't all wibbly wobbly around you anymore. 

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

There are similar upgrades for both you and for your constructs, so it could've been one of those. Or I forgot to rename something. Or just a bug? 

Thank you for playing!

Really cool game. Good proof of concept. It gets really crazy in later waves. Music and sounds are great. Though I'd ease up a bit on the distortion effects in fast forward due to how often they occur. 

The ship tows objects in a web of lasers.

Thanks for playing!

Amazing music, amazing visuals. Really pulls you in. It's pretty hard to hit enemies though. 

The way that you can dive between the layers to get around enemies is super satisfying. It makes combat in this game surprisingly tactical as you always want the first hit. Well done. The combat log is pretty good at nudging you along in the right direction. 

That cutscene is glorious, by the way. 

(1 edit)

Possibly a thorn? The smallest enemy burrows into your web and shoots you point blank. Otherwise it's a bug I haven't seen before. 
Thanks for playing!