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A member registered May 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Really addicting game, the movement, pacing, and gameplay is just so smooth and well polished. Well done! P.S. that music slaps

I did not expect this game to be this fun, the creativity wowed me quite a bit. Really really good game, love it.

Alright gave it another go, and yeah it makes a lot more sense knowing that the position is referring to the reality code. The ending was pretty funny, especially when he-

I really liked the way that you integrated the story into the game, and the turning point was also really cool, after a while I decided to just try going back and it made me feel smart, so great job! I will say though, the run back got pretty boring, it would be nice to have a shorter run back, or to have some sort of distance indicator, just to avoid the thought that it's endless. I actually did think it was endless after a while and had to read the spoiler to figure out that no it's not endless, you just have run all the way back. But overall a pretty good game, and I definitely enjoy the story, although I would have liked more time to read the messages, running past them made it hard to read them all.

Neat little idea, the way the blue crabs spawn feels unfair, when it's impossible to reach all of them, it feels like the game just says "oh well, take a bit of damage", there's no way for the player to use their skill to beat that situation. Also, is there a reason to not eat the baby crabs? After a bit I realised the best strategy is to just keep swinging both arms constantly, then there's no way to lose energy and you'll get the blue crabs anyway. Overall pretty cool game.

Is it just me that got stuck in the first room? I tried all of the controls, tried reading all the text and nothing. The game looks great though, I love the hair physics, and the pixel art looks good.

At first I saw the K A D control scheme and though that the creator was a sadist, but honestly the mechanic of the controls constantly changing was really fun and interesting. Really good game!

Pretty cool idea, it lacked interest in the beginning but once the rifts were added the game actually had a good amount of strategy, and I can definitely see some good gameplay in it. A few bugs, as others have mentioned, technically I lost right before the end but I still won because I could move the final space even though I was dead. Good game though.

I really loved the art style of this game, it's absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately, the puzzle made no sense, what does delta mean? Is it just the difference? What does position mean? Does it have something to do with the angled pieces? And how are they ordered? left to right, clockwise, anti-clockwise, there's too many different ways, and not to mention the letters next to them. I suck at text comprehension though so it might just be me.

I think it's just because Godot's web export has issues working with Mac, sorry about that!

This game was really really fun, almost addicting. At first I doubted the style of the game but after a little bit I started to love it, the aesthetic sort of reminds me of flash games. The only thing I can criticise the game for is that I'm personally not a fan of the control scheme, there were a few times where I solved the puzzle, was at the end, but I forgot which button was which and died anyway (happened more than once on the same puzzles).  But this was a great game, good work!

This was really fun, especially trying to play after I blurred and flipped the screen. Great game!

Yeah unfortunately I made a mistake and it's impossible to get 12/12, sorry about that. Thanks for playing though!

Fair criticism, if it was up to me I would have the test be more maths based, but I was trying to think about the average person, and I don't think the average person wants to do too much maths. And I didn't notice that you can't get question 7 right! Surely enough I just checked and I put the wrong answer index, so if there was a sixth option that would have been correct. Anyway, thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for playing, and yeah, the first sheet is far harder than the other two, because I rushed doing the last two, and didn't have much time to playtest for balance. Even I haven't got 12/12 and I made the game... But your idea on how to turn this into a full game is really good, I was struggling to think of a way to actually expand this into something bigger (not that I am going to I don't think), but having the game be more narrative focussed and be broken up by different exams would actually work really well. Thanks for the feedback and thoughts!

Pretty cool game, loved the style of it and the dialogue and events are all really well written, they did a good job at immersing me in the world. All I can say is that it gets a bit repetitive after a while, but I've never been the best with story based games in the first place because I find it hard to focus on them. Great game, keep it up!

Nothing can beat the feeling of slam dunking rats into slot machines, this is truly one of the best games I've played in a long long time. I played the alpha version (pre bank), and I have to say that the dev really used their extra time wisely, the bank adds so much depth and story to the game, it's really incredible. 1/5.

This game was actually really good, loved the level design and the mechanics, especially liked the goofy little jumping sound. All I can really say is that the jumping and falling felt too floaty, but a great game overall!

Pretty solid experience, I couldn't find any problems with it. Good work!

Hey same problem here, it says there's an error with SharedArrayBuffer.

Cool and stylised game. But goddamn that dash in the Morse code pierced my ears, and sometimes I got two seconds into a puzzle and it said I failed because I didn't solve it within 10 seconds? Other than those two problems though it was a pretty chill and enjoyable game, good work!

Pretty cool game, really liked the art. Was a bit confused at first because I didn't realise you could pick up the blocks or the black balls.

Really cool game, I tried to make a song with it but I suck at music... Really cool puzzles though, the last one got me for a while, I think it'd be nice to have a button that would play the pattern instead of having to wait, but not a big deal either way.

Cool game, couldn't make it past day 2 though, the door wouldn't open for me.

(1 edit)

Wow, I really loved this! For me it was the perfect difficulty for the puzzles, just enough to get my brain jogging but not enough for me to give up and feel that it's impossible. That last puzzle especially. Took me a while to figure out that you could undo moves though, I was on the second level and constantly restarting from the start until I tried ctrl+z and went back a space, then read the description and saw that just z also did it and was relieved. Once I figured that out it was way way more enjoyable, maybe when you fall into the water in the second level just show a z somewhere on the screen? That would have helped me, I fell in quite a lot. Either way loved the game and the art, great job!

Quite a nice game. I was pretty confused most of it, I just sort of stumbled my way through, thought the keys were enemies at first. Got to the final boss and died instantly though. Other than the confusion and a bit of wackiness like the bullets spiralling out of control though it was a good game!

Haha yeah, I've realised how important that feedback on hit is, I somehow didn't think of it when playtesting it. And yeah, I think I have a good starting point for a full game, funnily enough I took two days just to think of the idea, but when I finally thought of the idea it really flowed out, so I could make the game with the future in mind. The only problem is that I have so much other stuff I want to do it's hard to focus on turning this into a full game for a month or two.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! And yeah, I was thinking about the points you mentioned, but I just didn't have the time to get around to them, and in the end I just focussed on making what was there the best it could be.

Just tried the game. It's really cool and has a neat style to it, unfortunately it's too big brain for me and I couldn't solve it, I figured out how to get the lights to turn on, but I couldn't figure anything out after 10 minutes of looking around so I gave up. Really cool game though!

Just tried the game, it's pretty good, unfortunately I can't say much because I don't really enjoy rage games. But I will say it was fun to find ways to skip bits of the level. Like in the first level with the button, you can fall down and just hold right, land on the lowest platform and then jump immediately and you'll be stopped by the button. It was fun in the small dose that I played though!

Really cool concept, and funnily enough I found the last, cheap level to be the most enjoyable, it was less puzzle and more platformer, which felt more in line with the time-based cannon mechanic, except for the fact that I don't think you can beat it, you just can't jump high enough to get over the cannons. I will say, it feels bad to be unable to solve a puzzle even when you know the answer. Good game though, keep it up!

I think you set some of then answers to the wrong lanes, pomegranate is definitely not a main ingredient in tabbouleh , paella is not an Italian dish, and rice is not a main ingredient in miso soup.

I can't get past the title screen, is there a start button? the game windows reaches past my monitor's resolution so there could be and maybe I just can't see it.

(2 edits)

When Godot exports a project it outputs a .exe and .pck files, you need to place those two files into the same folder, compress that and then upload that as the game. I'm pretty sure that the .pck file holds all of your data (sprites, sounds, scripts, etc.). If you're using C#, then there will be some additional files exported along with the exe and pck, include those too. An application (exe) file is not standalone.

I tried to open the .zip and it says it's invalid, if I try to extract it then it says it's empty.

Hey, the game's missing files so it won't run for me, that and please put all of the necessary stuff into one file, and then compress the file and upload that, it's a lot easier for the end user to download one file then it is to download 4+ files, make a folder and then place the files into the folder.

Pretty cool, wish the trees didn't have collision, but I only bonked my head a couple times on them so not too bad. I really liked the message at the end, I hope your next journey goes well!

Just a heads up, you need to upload a compressed file (.zip or other) of your full build file, not just the application (.exe.). Unity should build everything into a single file and it should include some other stuff in that build file like a UnityPlayer.dll, gamename_Data folder and so on. The application file is not stand alone, it needs everything that is placed into that folder with it in order to work. Hope this helps a bit.

Just a heads up, you need to upload a compressed file (.zip or other) of your full build file, not just the application (.exe.). Unity should build everything into a single file and it should include some other stuff like a UnityPlayer.dll, gamename_data folder and so on. The application file is not stand alone, it needs everything that is placed into that folder with it in order to work. Hope this helps a bit.