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A member registered Jul 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks ! I'll save it, if I get funded, will message you for that :)

I am curious, do you take some commission work for music ? ( I am trying to get a publisher ( working on my demo and pitch deck ), if I get some money, would you be interested for commission work ? How to contact you ? 

Sorry it's a " LinkedIn " link of the video haha but here it is : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/benjamindehant_i-am-exploring-some-sound-effect-a...

I am pretty early in the project but you Can get an Idea of it.

love these soundtracks, going to use them for my game demo, will share a link once there's something to share :) well done ! 

Love the music :)

I used the WebGL version. 

The light was great, this torch light was very good looking.

It was kind of easy to understand how to navigate and open doors ( which is not always the case )

But somehow, when I clicked on the bed to sleep, I heard strange noises, black screen and, could never go back to the " normal view " 

Good looking prototype, but probably best downloading the game rather than WebGL. 

Sure will give it a try :)

I like the general idea, but the left mouse attack felt a  bit weird at first. 
Great idea with doors and stats luck nad balancing the game otherwise :)

Did not go until the end but it seems the end is great, love the concept, looking forward to see if you expand on it further :) Storage war / horror sounds like a great combo :)

Very cool concept, the formula of : take an old classic game , blend with another genre and make it better works here :) 

Thank you very much :)

Thanks a lot for the feedback :) 

Yes that could be cool ( lock like in EldenRing ) I need to rework that aiming 😅 I should have just use a ready to use third person controller instead of trying to make my own 😅

Thanks :) 

Was quite fun :) was not sure what I was supposed to do but it was kind of fun, well done for the art and gameplay.

Interesting ! my mouse movement in the web browser was a bit laggy, maybe downloading it would have been better for me . But a fun concept , well done.

Was really cool , I enjoyed it ! did not make it till the end but was nice :) maybe being able to icnrease the speed just a bit would be good :)

I would say that , I almost did not try because It was marked as spam by Google Download and then Windows, so maybe find a way next time to improve that  ( it seems it's Godot ? ) 
Keep on working on it, it could become cooler and cooler :) as someone said, being able to change their position to have a tank in front for example. You could turn it into some kind of monster tam auto battler rogue like ^^

I did not find the special door ^^" love the aesthetic, if you continue to work on it it will be great, I am gonna bookmark it to keep the idea as well ;) 

Just add " esc " to quit the Unity build maybe , I never remember otherwise how to exit the game view when you have to DL it. 
Well done !

(1 edit)

Hello :) if you can check my game as well ? :)


Thanks ! In that jam ? I need to see your billboard game :) 

Oh thanks for the tips, I'll see how to improve my aiming system. 

I never tried the new input system but I heard it's better, what do you think about it?

I'll try your game this week :)

Thanks a lot for your message :) 

I'll definitely rework them to have a more personal and cohesive art direction. 

I love that style somehow 😅

I got killed by a dog poo omg lol

It seems great ( comments and gifs ) but I could not figure out  how to pass the abyss at the beginning :/ maybe it's not my kind of game ^^" 
it just says " try desktop build " when I fell again and again

So, I like the concept overall, it's refreshing and it's fun; so well done, but, few things that could have been better : 
add arrows as we don't all have "QWERTY" keyboards and also, I am on a laptop so I could not see 100% of the game view, and could not adjust that setting to fit my screen size. It can be easily fixed so, don't forget next time ;) 
Very cool game otherwise! 

Was a funt ake on the genre. Well done :) was not sure how to use some of the items but it was ok anyway, well done :)

Was a fun little game :) well done. Matching the theme and entertaining. 

AAH! got afraid a couple of times lol, really cool game. Love the aesthetic and the vibe. Well done, and matching  the theme. 

Really liked the experience. Music and visuals were very good, tutorial levels were great, the pace was good, I felt " smart " even if I am not good at puzzles usually, well done :) 

That was an interesting take on the theme well done :) 

I liked the atmosphere ( music and SFX )and the art. 

I think it would be better if the text was a bit less big, it takes like half the screen each time, also, it I did something from playing a lot of Pokemon games lol, when there's a dialogue appearing, I tend to press again on the dialogue button hoping to make it appear faster, but in your case it was often just relaunching the dialogue at the end of it. 

I struggled a bit to find monsters to beat with the armor and sword, aside of " vermines" all the one eye monster instant kill me. 

Could be a nice game if you push it further :) 

Thanks a lot for your feedback :) 

I'll adjust the starting of the text. 

Yes the aiming was kinda complicated to get right for me, I should have just download a third person controller instead 😅😅😅

Yes there' a 30% catch rate by default that increase if you damage the wolves, let's say they are low life it might become 70-90% catching rate, but it's wonky and not well explained, it could have deserve a Proper text explanation somewhere. 

Ah ? Interesting, I'll increase the turning speed :) 

Yes I need to rework some mechanics :) 

Did you go inside the door and all ?

Thanks a lot :) I'll play your game this week :)

thanks :) haha, yes I found a cool mumbling sound lol. 

Need to polish the gameplay part ( aiming / shooting ) . Thanks for your feedback :) 

Thanks ! :) 

Ah 😅😅 I should have place the wolves a bit further 😅. 

You can actually continue without talking to the farm guy if you want to give it another try. 

I'll update if after the jam for sure. 

Thanks for your feedback, I'll try your game during the week :)

Thanks ! I see makes sense ! That's probably why they do a special anim at that time in Pokemon / palworld 😅 will have to rework it, thanks. :)

ah I see, makes sense ( for the monster ). Well i could grab the shotgun but had to drop it to grab the light. Maybe there's a way to switch that I missed ( would be easier for sure ). 

Sorry, it's just because I worked in the food industry ^^

Keep on working on it, cooking games are cool :)

Keep working on it :) and well done so far. 

Cute game and interesting, but yes, the mouse movement was not natural ^^" maybe a classic hold click and drag around would have worked better. Well done for all the work :)

I liked it ! keep on working on it. That old retro vibe was refreshing somehow. 
Maybe just add a few more hints about how to use the item, or maybe auto equip them if there's an empty slot, it took me 3 weapons to understand I had to drag it on my weapon slot ^^" 
Otherwise super cool :)

I think it's an interesting concept, but I struggled a bit, I could not get the light and shotgun at the same time, enemies were not attacking me and I had no idea how many bullet I got or needed to kill them. I went a bit outside and stopped. I think you can turn it into something cooler :)

Very experimental, I love it;Was a bit hard to " understand" as said, improved graphics and UI could help to understand better what's going on and how to player better, but very cool experimentation ^^.

never pressed space bar that much haha. Fun, but maybe could be a bit more challenging, the first 6 waves were too easy I think. Well done for the fun concept :)

Very cool, reminded me old Pokemon caves with stones to move around ^^ 
Not a fan of puzzle game but this one felt like I could do it a bit more and feels like a polished game already. Well done !