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A member registered Nov 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hello :) Thank you for playing and congratulations on finding all recipes.

At first, after receiving so many requests for hints in cookbook, we wanted to add more info about unlocked recipes. But, after close inspection and watching few streamers play it from start to finish, we decided that adding even one extra hint would ruin “flow” of current gameplay.

If you have small streamer in mind or just friend that can stream their gameplay via discord, suggest them to play this game. Don’t give too many hints, just explain rules (3-4 ingredients, can use same one multiple times) and make sure they understand controls. After that, sit back relax and enjoy content. Trust me ;)

Glad you had fun

Thank you :)

We plan to add small tutorial in post-jam updates

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Interesting concept of combining keyboard movement with mouse in non-shooter game.

Bugs: For some reason game looked like this for me. Screen is 1440p


  • Items spawned outside of intended zone
  • Updates didn’t reset on restart (I assume it’s not intended)
  • Upgrades menu, that spawns at start of level, doesn’t have return button. It shows up, if updates is called from menu.
  • Little helpers sometimes disappear mid-flight without obvious reasons
  • Gamepage says that Little helpers are summoned with right-click, but in game it’s left-click.

Subjective moments:

  • Not best choice of font. Seems like you chose wedding-themed one, but it’s really hard to read mid-game.
  • Didn’t understand where should I look for points (upgrades), even after playing multiple times. Different counter for amount of items shown in full list and actually affecting bribe’s patience doesn’t help.

Controls felt good, sprites are simple (in positive way). Overall, good jam game, just needs some polishing.

Thank you :)

We have visual feedback planned for ingredients in pot at post-jam updates. As for visual for cook button - it’s good idea, will see if we can properly add that too.

For now for both of those feedback is limited to SFXs

Cute art, didn’t expect to see rhythm game at jam.

Sadly, didnt really understand timings of button presses. Some audio feedback on button press would be nice to let player know if they successfully hit button or not.

Hard to follow letters going honorarily without clear pattern on what letter to expect on what line. But, that’s probably just me been too used to Stepmania layout.

Sad to say, but at day 3 I started to REALLY hate those cats d_d

Cute art, great idea, fits theme so well.

Didn’t like among us wires minigame, hard to tell if I’m pulling wire or not behind paw, that is also moving too slow.

Was fun to play for sure.

A bit short, but fun game. Very interesting core mechanic. Only thing i didn’t like is fact that you can’t apply “nothing” to elevators. But, I guess, it would break puzzle room with go-nothing.

Was fun to play for sure.

Interesting concept, didn’t see that many tower defense games based on character upgrade instead of building towers since Warcraft 3 maps.

Game needs a lot of polishing. I got 2 game-breaking bugs: Credits cover X button, so you cant go back to menu. And when opened upgrade table, didnt find way to close it, so just walked away. Update window closed, but i was no longer able to open it back.

But, in my book unpolished idea is better then polished bland game.

Classic first jam game :D

Kinda cute as that.

Always nice to get a game with story.

Graphics don’t really fit together, but background is actually nicely done. Maybe characters are not your strong suit, but scaled up sprites ruin vibe a lot, imo. Try using Nearest texture filter instead of linear, works much better for pixel art.

Music and SFXs are nice, extra points for having volume slider.

Keyboard control for puzzle part seemed like strange choice at first, but felt actually nice. Maybe even nicer then mouse.

Overall, not bad at all.

Only achievement i got is Frank :D But mostly because you have infinite amount of tries, since you can go back after been kicked out.

As for main part of game…. I’m probably just really bad at game or feedback on what buttons i actually clicked went over my head.

Funny idea overall

LOVE the art. Style, quality, composition. Chef’s kiss

UI can defensively use some polishing, would be nice to stick to same color palette as art.

Game design seems a bit shallow, imo. But, that might be me thinking too deep into possible interaction based on physiology. For example, sad person can use some amount of sadness to “get it out” and be more sensitive to new emotions (get more flavor from next mix). Without that I don’t see why you need multiple drinks for one person, since I just poured same drink again and again.

Music and SFX are nice.

Great potential, will follow, hopefully you’ll keep working on this project post jam.

Glad you liked it :)

At time of uploading game to jam, we decided to limit feedback of dropping ingredients into pot to SFX.

Will probably change it in post-jam update.

Glad you liked it :)

We decided to not use tooltips to keep game non-english friendly. Might add some minor tips in future updates, but would prefer to not make game too easy

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Don’t worry about someone else been better then you :D

Keep learning and practicing, focus on skills you care about. You don’t need to know everything, just be good at your own parts of game development and know basics of other parts.

Here’s my project from year ago:

It’s downloadable .exe file, but you can see progress just from screenshot :D

Glad you had fun :D

I made a system, so artist can easily add more recipes and ingredients at their own pace. This way they won’t have to wait for me to see how well images fit game. Only thing that’s hard coded in recipes system atm is type of dishes.

Thank you :D Glad you enjoyed our game.

Hints can do more harm then good, we decided to not risk too much and limited hints to darkened image in cook book. At least for now. As for “cooking failed” sound effect, I’m a bit confused, since there is “failed” sound effect.

Glad you liked game :)

For now at least one big update is planned post-jam. We’ll see how it goes from there.

Thank you! Glad you liked it

Thank you for your review :)

We didn’t want hints about non-unlocked recipes to ruin challenge, so decided that darkened image is good way to hint. More hints would probably hurt more then help.

Thank you for your review :)

We have some plans for post-jam update to list ingredients inside pot. Not sure about new music tracks, but might add few extras one way or another.

Glad you liked our game :D

We are trying to keep amount of text to minimum in our game, to be non-english friendly, but will think about good way to add some kind of information about found recipes.

Agree with music been a bit repetitive, do, personalty, i prefer it this way. We have few ideas how to make it less noticeable in post-jam updates.

Glad you liked our game :D

Little hint: Both of recipes you didn’t unlock have something in common (not same ingredient) ;)

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Hello and thank you for your comment with so many suggestions, but some of them go against core design of the game.

Souls-like games are more of a RPG and don’t follow rogue-like pattern of giving different opportunities each run. For rogue-lite/like game it is important to provide small decisions that will add-up in long run. Hoarding stat points doesn’t fit that.

Pokémon series at core designed around idea that Pokémons are expendable. Loosing one of them doesn’t mean you loose match and loosing a match doesn’t mean it’s game over. Because of that Pokemon system can allow way more extreme balance, that doesn’t fit for game where one damage can be difference between win and game over.

“Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door” system may fit if adjusted, but it would be closer to normal RPG experience system, providing points for leveling up.

As for everything else: New enemies are planned (ofk they are not just reskins of same enemy), new characters are planned. Potions and stats will be rebalanced in next update.

Hello, glad you had fun, that’s most important part :)

Not knowing exact damage of enemy or their action next turn is intentional at this point. Personally, would prefer player to “go with vibe” while choosing their action. Min-maxers will just figure out numbers.

Stats impact is one of main priorities of next 2 updates. Block will probably be redesigned at some point.

Glad you liked it :)

Map originally was supposed to have different paths, inspired by Slay The Spire pathing system. But, unfortunately, we had to use oversimplified version of map for this jam.

Current plan is to add proper map in version 0.3 (~15th feb)

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Hello :D Glad you liked it.

Current stats system will most likely be reworked in 0.3 (~15th feb) to solve confusion and imbalance of some stats over others. Tooltips are also planned.

At this point game is designed to be easy, since its “act 1”. Once more content will be added, we plan to provide more challenging opponents for player along their journey.

Wow! Great design, catchy music, easy to control pigeon, overall nicely polished.

Took me some time to stop nosediving into the ground xD

Was sure that I softlocked myself in middle, but turns out garbage have unlimited bread. Not that obvious where to go (I got to final door with 1 bread score), but thats probably my bad :D

Great game, was fun playing it

Thank you for your feedback :)

In this (0.2) version stronger attacks require stamina, that’s also used for defense (block). For now, you can read stats description in game page, but tooltips for all stats are planned for 0.3 (~15th feb) with other clarifications of their affect on your character.

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Hello and thank you for kind words :D

Tooltips are #2 on priority list atm, so will most likely be part of next update at ~14th feb.

So, keep an eye on game ;)

In multiplayer mode (that is technically still planned), camera rotates 90 to keep player’s cards at bottom, but since multiplayer didnt happen, i had to keep camera in spectator mode.

Ok, floating animation caught me off guard xD

One thing I would change is to make floating active just if player holding jump button, so if I press and hold it - im floating. Currently - have to press it again to activate floating.

Not a fan of horror games, but got some chills playing.

Took some time to understand basics, but overall - looks intresting

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Huh. I guess, I did click something about transparency at some point of debugging, but for some reason it didn’t affect how I see game. Now it turns out that transparency is working, but turned off on my Windows. Oh well, good to know, thank you and sorry

upd: Bug fixed in 0.4 version

Saw your progress in channels so wanted to check it out. Might be me, but controls forced me to drop it sooner then I expected.

Imo, state’ing from idle to walk before letting player to run was bad design decision. Combine that with no-air control (understandable, works most of the time) and slow reaction to inputs(!) and its literally impossible to do diagonal jump from standing still.

I got lost :< Took me some time to realize that ladders have different textures going up and down (do you even need to go back?)

Very interesting visual design idea of rays. Love that. Strange controls. Turns + move forward instead of just move up/left/right, but seems like a bit necessary here with visual design. Overall, good game, not fan of mazes.

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Thank you. :) Starting fast was intentional, since i like games you can just jump into and play for 15-45 minutes (like Brotato, Nuclear Throne) and didnt want to make game you can only play once. But, maybe you right and giving player ~3 minutes to warm-up is good idea.

As right handed player, i suggest doubling controls to arrow keys