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I can’t figure out how to beat the crab 😔
1470&7764&199&15&94&14&30&39&5987.291009147093&800&10&4&The Bear&Puzzle Solver&Vampire&Dracula&50&6&15&true&12100&false&true&false&-50&34.99999999999999&15.000000000000014&0&true&true&0&0&false&false&599&3610&1&3&100&50&15&5&0&29&100&done&done&done&done&false&inline-block&Nothing& stocking& tie&
First life I fell into the trash compactor. Second life a bunch of people got stuck trying to eat, slowly dying. Third life I managed to get almost all the codes, but blue I only knew 890_ for, and had to try every single combination with only 30 seconds left on the cycle. I was trying them from 1->9 and correctly guessed 8909 as the cycle ended. Second cycle in the third life I managed to get all codes with 30 seconds left on the clock. Not sure if there’s anything to do after I dissolve?
Ended up not really using the determinism at all lol. Would be nice if codes I had typed correctly got stored on the right side of the screen tbh. Very cool use of dots!
Took me three tries to get the hang of it, but got 14700 points ^^
First try I didn’t manage to get the missiles working, not sure why. Would be nice with some heat or cooldown on the guns since I had to constantly spam them with no strategy. Would be nice if all guns were hold to fire too. Relative rotation didn’t matter as much to me since the optimal strategy was just sticking as close to the bottom of the screen so I can shoot the enemies from far away, until they become so many I can’t shoot them all down. It was a bit annoying when the enemy missiles went under the water, as it was difficult to see (and shoot) them then.
Fourth try:
All the controls are on the Jam Page! does a kinda sucky way with how they format gamejam submissions, so I just put it on top of the “how you used dots/ecs” thing.
Reset is bound to R, but I think it might not work in the build due to a bug in unity? It might play better from the editor tbh.
EDIT: Turns out it was my own fault. But if you have a 200hz or higher screen it’ll work correctly
First I didn’t understand you had to hold right click and not just click it, and by the time I got it there were so many white lights that turning people green didn’t make any difference. Tried playing it again and just held right click from the beginning and eventually I won.
Police was a bit too easy to escape from.
Eh, something can be popular within a smaller demographic though. If we define popular in absolute terms like that, then we end up promoting whatever games is appealing to the largest type of demographic. It could also be a separate tab, point would be to have some default way of seeing a more diverse selection of games without knowing exactly what you’re looking for.
The front-page definitely doesn’t work for that, 50% of it is taken up by a single random game until you x it out, then by two different types of new games, then recommended by you. Nowhere there can I see a diverse selection of popular games.
Currently when I open “Browse Popular” 90% of them have similar tags. It’d be cool if the algorithm tried to diversify the shown games so that people can see different types of popular games without explicitly having to search them out.
If I wanted to see the all-time most popular of all time I’d either check Top sellers or Top rated, so I don’t think the category loses anything on doing this. It’d always be possible to search for specific tags anyways, if that’s what people want.
Having a strange issue where most times I run the program, the cells disappear off the left side of the screen. I think just spamming keys or left click when opening the program makes it less likely to happen?
Am I understanding correctly that the top left ui shows how many ticks per second are being simulated?