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A member registered Sep 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the bug report, on the list it goes.

I hope you enjoyed the game even with running into that.

Good stuff you've got. 

Very well done.

Nice game, art be good. 

I quite like the swamp setting. The fireflies and frogs.

(1 edit)

I like the art. The designs of the farmers and the plant monster are quite nice.

Good little game yes.

I like the idea of the skull with a gun yes. Movement could use some refine but it felt nice shoot jumping regardless.

Also, I am confused but not against the maxing of christmas and halloween.

Nice little game.

I do really like the vibes it's got going. Does pull off well this feeling you are, alone in a room, flipping between channels.

The dust in the air, the fact you can just shut it off and be in pure darkness.

I fully admit I give up and looked up the channels way to quickly.. 

Other then that I quite like it.

Home invasion is not a theme I would have ever thought of for a FNaF-like.

But it works, weirdly fitting combo, I like that about it.

Not half bad.

Uh, sure why not. Dear I ask for a play of Specter Seizing?

The creepiest of all the Scream Jam game I've played so far.

I liked whatever voice effects were used on the voiceover.

Well done.

Felt a bit like a flash game from 2012 or something.

Had nice art.

Lack of watermelon craving was a bit of shame.

I like it.

Aww, this is real cute. I liked it.

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You've got something going with the style of text,  confusing and mysterious in a good way indeed, I liked the pixel-y look.  

I would enjoy seeing something more made with this style.

Was fun pressing the random button and seeing the stuff you can make with this.


Has a nice flow with the mixing. The debt was nice motivation.

Only thing that throws me off is the mixing of pixel and non pixel. Though I understand, game jams, not much time to make art.

Still, good stuff. Well done.

Sod it why not.

Thank you very much, quite glad to see you liked it. :)

And thank you for the playthrough video. Seeing someone make a let's play like that for a game I made is a bit of dream come true, even if I clenched my teeth a bit watching you run into bugs and typos.. (Thanks for the unintended QA.) 

Nice to see someone liked the story too. If you couldn't tell I had ideas a tad grand for the jam.. 

I am hoping to do a post jam update sometime after voting is over. I'll have to see about adding some more levels between bug fixing and art adding.

Nicely done. Fun concept. I find the little scream when they fall fun.

(Side note. I played the game two times.. Both times it was 9 humans and one vampire, what a club..)

I like it.

Same thing most everyone else is saying.

Very cute and fun, very hard.

Well done.

I will give credit that little twist thingie was good.

Nicely done.

I like the art style (even with the mixels), it's got a nice gross feel with the mixing of cold steel and, what looks like raw beef with eyes on the walls.

Gameplay itself, well, I see the makings of a nice game.

The arm lunching and controlling I like. But it's all buggy and floaty.

Some cues for buttons to push like how to enter those doors wouldn't go amiss..

So, not too bad, but needs work. 

Well done.

Well thank you, I'm glad you liked it. :)

 I see what you mean about the range indicator box thing. If I could go back I'd likely change it to some sort of see through outline or something. Noted for future, thank you.

Thank you, and to you.

Good stuff you've got.

The vinyl tossing can be a bit wonky but it's fun regardless.

Thank you. :)

Thank you?

It has nice style.

Both in art and sound.

Did good.

Well done. 

Not bad for a first.

Not bad for a first game jam.

I like it.

Good work.

I like it, and I can't tell if it's meant to have a message or not.

On the one hand I feel like it's making a point about how all these resources are making all these movement, until making it's into something that looks and sounds high tech, but doesn't do anything in the grand scheme of things. 

On the other hand it's a game jam game so they had to have a cut off point given the short time given to make it.


Fun idea done well.

J4ime is fine. Thank you for making it.  I tried the mod and it looked good.

Good. Very good.

Youtube: 14752....

Neat little thing here they made.

Ok, do you have a way to talk like Discord?

That's what I was thinking.

(1 edit)

I can draw like this,

or this,

you can see more of this on deviant art.