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A member registered Nov 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Came from the write up from reddit here. Loved the write up andthe game. Reminds me of old games that I used to play. The camera angle and the texture stuff.

The sidebars are indeed are goof read as well.

Thank you cookie for your service, your experience of being a pioneer and spreading around of what you have learned made this an interesting read.

heard. was planning for that but sadly, I ran out of time. Thanks for playing though.

Thank you for the feedback. I guess I over estimated the players here. perhaps a good tutorial is in need in these type of games. Thank you for playing.

yes, a tutorial potion would have been a great way to introduce the player into the game.  Thanks for playing anyway.

good concept, good execution. Love how you designed the levels here.

Thank you for playing, it seems that I do need to create more feedback. Like certain particle effect hovering  above the cauldron so you know what's in it. That might have been lovely to see. As for the mixing, there should be a sound that plays when a whole mixed has been done. Though maybe I should put a dip sound when you reach that deep in. Hope you enjoyed.

The game right up my alley with like factorio. enjoyed the first 2 levels but then when solving the third one, got stuck in a loop and the game won't end. Had fun with the first 2 atleast.

Played, like you said, we do have similar games. Love to see how people design the same idea pitch. Though ran slow and game window was huge so I had to zoom out. Had fun though.

Thank you for playing. The stirring sound came from the idea that the player needs more information for when making. Thank you for validating that idea a of mine.

The the mixing sound changes when you mix just right. Perhaps next time, I should put a tip system that detects repeated failures next time. Allowing the player to be slowly better at the game. Anyways, Thank you for playing.

well that's the important part.

Thank you. I wish that I added a bit more feedback myself, both audio/visual and actual information based. Like the stats of the potion you made yourself.

I'm sorry to hear that. Thanks for playing my game anyway.

Yeah, I added the sign since after playing the first time, it would be unfun if only way to escape would be just randomly moving around the maze with no rhythm or reason.

First time using a shaders actually. I didn't want to have gui for muh immerssion. It was a toss up between saturation vs light energy. lowering light energy would punish the player on top of taking damage so I took the former.

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the crying ghost ain't interactable. I guess I should have made the it more clear. I'll keep in mind next time. It's just simply a landmark. Maybe next game I should try custom input mapping from the player. Should be a fun challenge. Anyways, thanks for playing <3  

Was thinking about using it but, then realized didn't want to do it in the end. It also reinforced the idea it was a ghost as well.

Don't know. The crying ghost was just there originally just there as a landmark. Even the added crying sound as a auditory sign. Surprised it actually spooked people.

As I replied in another comment, I now shall have simply description of control somewhere in the future.

perhaps, Maybe instead of cancelling the attack animation, the ability to be able to buffer my dash instead. Like coyote time in a platformer. Since the dash and attack felt quite disconnected, it was simply better to wait out an attack animation of the enemy and then hit them. I wanted to bait  their attack, dash behind them then do a counter attack. But I always missed the timing; getting hit instead.

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Creative intro. An actually 3d game too. Only wish that there was an audio cue of what did the ghost messed around did rather than me just walking between 3 rooms hoping to see what happened, Other than that, it was fun.

Your right. I thought I should just put the controls on the description. for ease Then I went to play other peoples game and also skipped the reading the description. I should have known better.

Short but incredibly sweet. Love the flat color aesthetic you went for here. It works incredibly well with flat shadows.

You got me on that last level with those red herring alright.The total lack of audio is forgivable. To valhalla!

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I don't know if sliding in a game that requires precise movement  is fun. But I frankly I know I did.  Until the 3rd level. I raged quit.

Love the aesthetic. I do wish you can cancel the end of your attack with a dash for quick change of movement. 

Thank you for playing. Was the sound ghost was too load or was the particular sound too grating?

thank you for playing. The answer would be lack of time actually. 1st problem, it's not the alien actually , it's the gun not making the gunsound and gunflash properly.  So the alien is getting hit. though I see now that I should reduce the alien but 1 hit point more. as for the turret upgrade, I added the upgrade system at the very last day, and it took such a good amount of mental energy to get it working that, in hindsight, would be pretty simple to add a check if turret is there, I was too mentally tired too add it in the end. Maybe I'll add it after the voting period is over. Again thank you for playing.

Thanks your for playing the game.

Thank you for playing. I didn't have time to playtest the balance of the game so the pacing is a bit skewed.