Absolutely fun! Vibe was immaculate! I loved gambling until I quadrupled the money I started out with haha!
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I'll preface this with this: This game has potential, if you (a player) is looking for some fairly fast paced fps action, this is the game for you. It's got some modern fps stuff (crouching, peeking, reloading) and some old fps stuff (huge weapon backpack, strafing, sprinting all the time)
Okay, now to the deep dive~
The combat loop has potential, it doesn't quite suite me personally but I still think it's got good potential. The enemies are fairly varied, and I did find myself switching guns to deal with certain enemies, always a good sign. I was worried a little by the lack of advanced movement tech, but what you have suits the combat loop.
The biggest issue with this beta is that I was just... confused. Didn't know where to go, what to do, I'm like 90% sure it's a kill all the enemies in an arena thing.
As for bugs, there were some. I couldn't switch to any other weapon after running out of ammo on the chaingun, some things wouldn't pick up, and an enemy got stuck inside a wall, preventing me from continuing.
The music feels a tad disconected from the gameplay, I can understand what it's going for, but it doesn't quite match the gameplay yet.
The rest of my issues are really just superficial, more to do with the confusion I felt on what certain items did. The UI was a little wonky. Visuals are a tad too reflective, it's distracting at times. At some points, so many enemies would be attacking with some light beam attack and I worried about the frame rate, though it seems my 1650Ti is more than capable fo handling it. There were also some visual glitching with things overlapping.
And finally, on the modern fps mechanics, some just didn't make sense. Crouching and peeking just don't make sense, there isn't any cover for it to be useful. Reloading is fine though, it works here.
But to go back, this game has potential in my opinion. It needs works, naturally it's only a beta, but the combat loop is there, I'm hopeful for the future of the project.
Yeah, thanks for the feedback though! The full idea being that you'd have several troops that are linked to each other for a boost to attack damage (making up for their shortcomings), but if one dies, the whole lot of them die. The implementation doesn't live up to that, I bit of quite a lot more than I could chew with this, but I'll be returning to the concept at some point in the future to give it the full love and attention it deserves. Not soon though, I'm terrified to look at my code xD
An extremely challenging game, I hope that the final product will have a campaign mode of sorts which will allow for more creative play. The survival maps become extremely difficult as the enemies are relentless, group up and most times seem to be able to break you out of assimilate, making it really difficult to get back health.
I do see huge potential in the stealth map, it feels a lot more like what the game could be and used more of the mechanics (although I found Impale to be only partly reliable). I think a combination of stealth based gameplay with the combat coming in could be the best path, it would also be nicer if it was easier to "lose" guards instead of having to run all the way back to the start, fight one or two, and the stalk my way back just incase someone got lost. Saw a bug in the stealth level where some enemies would get trapped staring at a wall, and one ended up standing still and looking around.
I look forward to seeing more!